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LINB04H3: Phonology I Homework #3


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LINB04H3: Phonology I

Homework #3 (Due: February 6, at 10 am)

Tangale (West Chadic language, spoken in Nigeria, Kenstowicz 1994, based on Kidda 1985)

             NOUN            the NOUN                      Alternants                         UR

a.          loo                 looi                 ‘meat’      _________________         ___________

             buɡɑt            buɡɑti              ‘window’ _________________          ___________

             ɑduk              ɑduki               ‘load’      _________________         ___________

b.          kuluk              kuluɡi              ‘harp’     _________________          ___________

             tuɡɑt              tuɡɑdi             ‘berry’    _________________          ___________

1. What is the UR of the suffix ‘the’?

‘the’                _______________________

2. Under the column “alternants”, list the alternants for each noun.

3. You will notice that the noun stems in a. do not alternate. Indicate their UR under the column “UR”.

4. You will notice that the noun stems in b. alternate, and their two alternants are closely related phonetically. Specifically, their stem-final consonants alternate between [k, t] and [ɡ, d].

i) Describe the two groups of stem-final consonants using descriptive terms (e.g, front vowels, sonorant consonants, etc.)

[k, t]: ________________________________________________

[ɡ, d]: _________________________________________________

ii) Describe the two groups of stem-final consonants using distinctive features.

[k, t]: ________________________________________________

[ɡ, d]: _________________________________________________

iii) State the relevant phonological contexts where each group occurs in terms of lists of segments.

[You can use # here.]

[k, t]-final variants occur:_________________________________________

[ɡ, d]-final variants occur:__________________________________________

iv) Restate the contexts you identified in c. using distinctive features. You can use “elsewhere” here.

[k, t]-final variants occur:_________________________________________

[ɡ, d]-final variants occur:__________________________________________

5. Identify the UR for ‘harp’ and ‘berry’ and justify your choice, using a specific counterexample for the alternative analysis.

6. Formulate a phonological rule to account for the alternation of ‘harp and ‘berry’. Make sure that your rule does not contradict the rest of Tangale data.

Rule 1

7. Show the derivation of [buɡɑt], [buɡɑti], [tuɡɑt], and [tuɡɑdi]. Use proper brackets and show morpheme boundaries in the UR.


Rule 1


Now consider the following additional data. The first two columns are repeated from above.

             NOUN               the NOUN              your NOUN

a.           loo                   looi                       looɡo               ‘meat’

              buɡɑt               buɡɑti                   buɡɑtko           ‘window’

              ɑduk                ɑduki                    ɑdukko             ‘load’

b.           kuluk                kuluɡi                   kuluɡɡo            ‘harp’

              tuɡɑt                tuɡɑdi                  tuɡɑdɡo            ‘berry’

8. The suffix ‘your’ have two alternants, [ɡo] and [ko].

(i) Identify the relevant contexts for the alternation in terms of lists of segments.

[ɡo] occurs ________________________________________________

[ko] occurs ________________________________________________

(ii) Identify the relevant contexts for the alternation in terms of distinctive features. [Do not use “elsewhere”.]

[ɡo] occurs ________________________________________________

[ko] occurs ________________________________________________

9. Identify the UR for ‘your’ and justify your choice by citing a counterexample to the alternative (incorrect) UR choice.

‘your’   ______________

10. Formulate a phonological rule to account for the alternation of ‘your’.

Rule 2

11. Show the derivation of [buɡɑtko] and [tuɡɑdɡo]. Use proper brackets and show morpheme boundaries in the UR. For the purpose of this problem, assume that Rule 1 applies first, and then Rule 2 applies to the output of Rule 1.


Rule 1