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OPRE 6301/SYSM 6303 Statistics and Data Analysis Spring 2024


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OPRE 6301/SYSM 6303 (cross-listed courses) – Section: 0W2

Statistics and Data Analysis

Spring 2024

About the Instructor

Dr. Leach began her supply chain career in 1992 as a systems acquisition/procurement officer on active duty in the United States Air Force. After overseeing the development of several software systems, she transitioned to operations analysis and conducted large-scale simulations and statistical output analysis for improved military operations in support of U.S. Congressional budget decisions. Dr. Leach then worked in supply chain compliance for supplier relations, transportation, logistics, subcontractor performance and customer service for a world-wide retail organization. Dr. Leach joined UT Dallas in 2012 upon retirement from her 20-year active duty career in the United States Air Force and now holds the position of Clinical Professor. Dr. Leach maintains relationships with several supply chain professional organizations and has actively interacted with supply chain professionals for the past ten years while directing the Industry Mentor Program for UTD MS SCM students. Her teaching expertise includes probability and statistics, operations management, global supply chain management, spreadsheet modeling and analytics, and project management. Dr. Leach has earned a BS in Mathematics from The Pennsylvania State University, a MS in Operations Research from the Air Force Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Arizona State University.

TA Information

Name, contact information, and office hours are posted on eLearning.

Course Modality

Instructional Mode   Online, synchronous lectures using MS Teams. Meeting time: Thursday, 4-6:45PM. MS Teams link provided in eLearning.

Course Platform    eLearning

Course Description

Introduction to statistical and probabilistic methods and theory applicable to situations faced by managers. Topics include: data presentation and summarization, regression analysis, fundamental probability Remote/Online Course Syllabus theory and random variables, introductory decision analysis, estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and One Way ANOVA. (Some sections of this class may require a laptop computer.) (3-0) S

Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Students are expected to develop skills on problem formulation, identification of appropriate statistical techniques, computer implementations in Excel and/or manual calculations and written explanations, and interpretation of empirical results of the following and be able to:

1. Organize and summarize raw data;

2. Build and evaluate a regression model from raw data;

3. Apply the basic rules of Probability Theory;

4. Apply the concept of a random variable to solve business problems;

5. Apply the Normal, Poisson, and Binomial Distributions to solve business problems;

6. Simulate data from the Normal, Poisson, and Binomial;

7. Identify significant changes in averages and proportions

8. Determine if two populations have the same mean or the same proportion; and

9. Determine if several populations have the same mean.

Required Text

Statistics for Management and Economics, 12th Edition by G. Keller. ISBN: 9780357714270.

This is the required edition of the text. Any other editions, including the International and Abbreviated editions, may not have the same problems and/or chapter topics.

Textbooks and some other bookstore materials can be ordered online or purchased at the UT Dallas Bookstore.

Required Hardware/Software

This course requires either a Windows-based or an Apple/Macintosh computer, eLearning, Internet access, Microsoft Excel 2007 or later (no trial versions) for a Windows-based computer, Microsoft Excel 2016 or later (no trial version) for an Apple/Macintosh computer, and the Microsoft Excel statistical software package called Data Analysis, which is an Add-in that comes with Excel – you simply have to activate it (see below).

• To activate the Data Analysis Add-In on a Window-based computer, open MS Excel, click on File, click on Options, click on Add-ins, then at the bottom of the window you will see a drop-down menu that is set on Excel Add-ins. Click on Go, put a checkmark in the box next to Analysis Toolpak, and click on OK. The Data Analysis command will now be visible in the Data ribbon under the Analysis group on the far right of the toolbar.

• To activate the Data Analysis Add-In on an Apple/Macintosh computer, open MS Excel, click on Tools in the top menu, then click on Excel Add-Ins…. Put a checkmark in the box next to Analysis Toolpak and click on OK. The Data Analysis command will now be visible in the Data ribbon on the far right of the toolbar.

MS Excel REQUIRED – no calculators or scratch paper are allowed: You are required to learn and demonstrate the use of MS Excel as a data analysis tool. Use of MS Excel means that you must learn and demonstrate the data analysis capabilities of MS Excel. This means you are required to perform your calculations on every problem set and every exam using the MS Excel calculation tools. It will not be sufficient for you to use a calculator and then capture your calculator calculations in MS Excel as if it is a word processing tool. In addition, all of the provided resources and datasets used in the course are MS Excel files, and you will be required to upload your solution files on the problem sets and exams. If you are not very familiar with MS Excel, I have recorded an Excel Basics video tutorial. It is located with the first lesson folder in Module 1. I recommend you view and practice with Remote/Online Course Syllabus this video prior to getting started with the lectures. Instructions and demonstrations on how to use Excel for the purposes of solving problem types covered in this course will be provided for the appropriate lectures.

Technical Requirements

In addition to a confident level of computer and Internet literacy, certain minimum technical requirements must be met to enable a successful learning experience. Please review the important technical requirements on the Getting Started with eLearning webpage.

Course Access and Navigation

This course can be accessed using your UT Dallas NetID account on the eLearning website. Please see the course access and navigation section of the Getting Started with eLearning webpage for more information. To become familiar with the eLearning tool, please see the Student eLearning Tutorials webpage.

UT Dallas provides eLearning technical support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The eLearning Support Center includes a toll-free telephone number for immediate assistance (1-866-588-3192), email request service, and an online chat service.


This course utilizes online tools for interaction and communication. Some external communication tools such as regular email and a web conferencing tool may also be used during the semester. For more details, please visit the Student eLearning Tutorials webpage for video demonstrations on eLearning tools.

The only means for discussion with the instructor and your classmates is through the Discussion Board on eLearning. You are expected to review the Discussion Board several times per week to provide responses to your classmates and to stay up-to-date on topics of discussion. If you are having difficulty with a course topic or specific recommended practice problem, please check the Discuss Board first to see if your question has already been addressed. The instructor and course TA will also be reviewing all Discussion Board posts and will provide responses when/if a student does not provide a correct response.

Questions about specific course topics or recommended practice problems should be posted on the Discussion Board in the appropriate Module thread. Questions about general administration of the course should be posted to the thread titled “Course administration questions for Dr. Leach.”

While emails sent directly to the instructor or course TA will be answered, you are encouraged to post your questions to the Discussion Board so that your question and its answer will benefit all students taking the class. Please send questions personal to you or regarding an exam by email to the instructor or course TA, and do not post these on the Discussion Board.

Student emails and Discussion Board messages will be answered within 2 working days at the latest under normal circumstances.

Distance Learning Student Resources

Online students have access to resources including the McDermott Library, Academic Advising, The Office of Student AccessAbility, and many others. Please see the eLearning Current Students webpage for more information.

Server Unavailability or Other Technical Difficulties

The University is committed to providing a reliable learning management system to all users. However, in the event of any unexpected server outage or any unusual technical difficulty which prevents students Remote/Online Course Syllabus from completing a time sensitive assessment activity, the instructor will provide an appropriate accommodation based on the situation. Students should immediately report any problems to the instructor and also contact the online eLearning Help Desk. The instructor and the eLearning Help Desk will work with the student to resolve any issues at the earliest possible time.

eLearning Course Resources

Most everything you need for the course has been posted to eLearning, such as:

• PowerPoint slides for each lecture (in .pptx and .pdf format)

• List of recommended practice problems for each lesson

• Excel calculation workbooks

• Data files for lecture examples and all textbook problems

• Solutions for all textbook problems

• Sample exam questions and solutions