关键词 > GSBS6004



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Weighting: 30%

Please aim to submit a draft version of your essay to Turnitin at least 2-3 days before the due date. This will give you time to view the colour-coded text version of your Turnitin report, and make any necessary changes, and resubmit if required, thereby protecting yourself against plagiarism.

You are required to attempt the following essay question, by writing a critical analytical essay of between 2000 – 2100 words. (Your word count should be based on your introduction, body and conclusion, and should not include the title page or your list of references at the end of your essay.)

Essay Question:

The study of theories and concepts of organisational behaviour reveals a lot about the impact of self-understanding, human relations, job performance and well-being on workers.  Discuss what we can learn from these impacts to enhance our personal development and organisational development in the contemporary workplace to be more contented and harmonious.

 · You should formulate your answer as a single coherent essay using paragraphs to build sustained critical analysis.

The Grading of this Assignment:

This assignment will be graded according to its content, analysis, argument, and presentation. More specifically the following criteria will be used to evaluate your essay and provide feedback:

(a) Level of Analysis: Is the assignment well researched? Is the assignment well argued?

(b) Level of Written Expression: Is the assignment well written – fluent, lucid, using appropriate language.

(c) Overall Coherence of your Essay: Is the assignment well structured? Is the assignment well presented?

It is recommended that you use the University Library’s electronic databases, such as Emerald, JSTORE, ABI/Inform, Proquest and ScienceDirect in order to find relevant journal articles to help you make a start on researching your chosen essay. These databases can be found on the University’s Library Web Pages.


When completing the final draft of your essay, please ensure that your essay is formatted as follows:

· 12 point font

· 1.5 line spacing (not single spacing, not double spacing)

 · Times New Roman or Arial font

· Left AND right justification of your text - text margins must align on both sides

· Paragraph format

· No tables, charts, diagrams in the main body of your essay - put these in appendices if you feel you need to use them.

· No bullet points, no number lists – this is an essay, not a report and not a set of notes

· Submit your essay to TURNITIN at least 48 hours before the deadline.

· Check the text of your colour-coded Turnitin report. Do not just look at the percentage score.

· Use quotation marks and in-text references where necessary.

· Once you have carefully checked the text of your essay, you may re-submit your final version of your essay to Turnitin.

· Turnitin will be open until the submission due date.

It may take you around 30 hours of research, reading and writing to successfully complete this major essay task. At the graduate level, your essay needs to be well researched, well structured, tightly argued and well written. All of these things take considerable time. If you invest this time and do your very best, you will be well rewarded. Trying to write your major essay in a single week may be stressful, and you may be disappointed by the final result. To avoid this disappointment, it is suggested that you spend one week identifying, sourcing, and reading relevant journal articles, a second week writing a draft of your essay, and third week redrafting and fine-tuning your essay. If you spread this task over three weeks, it will be far less arduous than if you were to try to get it all done in a single week.

Information about the Marking of Your Major Essay

Some courses you may have taken in the past, might have used a specific marking rubric to award set marks for various aspects of your work - eg: 20% for referencing correctly, 50% for having a good clear argument or analysis, 20% for clear written expression, or whatever. . . . Such rubrics are often quite useful for assignments that can be effectively broken down into component parts.

With this particular assignment, we won't be using one of these marking rubrics to grade your major essay. This is because with such a major essay as this (worth 30% of the total marks), it is quite difficult to assign individual marks for different aspects of what we are effectively evaluating as a coherent whole.

In other words, your whole essay needs to be well executed in every aspect - if one aspect is deficient, it potentially brings down everything else. So, in this case, your marker won’t be awarding 20/20 for perfect referencing and 20/20 for clear writing if your analysis happens to be off-topic or poorly constructed, for example.

From your course outline - these are things the marker of your essay will be evaluating:

Assessment Criteria The following criteria will be used to allocate grades for the assignment:

- Content: Ability to identify relevant theory, concepts, and arguments.

- Analysis: Ability to analyse issues, concepts, and arguments.

- Academic argument: Ability to integrate academic material and present a cogent argument.

- Presentation: Ability to present adopting conventional academic writing conventions, including those relating to clarity, spelling, grammar, use of syntax and academic referencing.

So, what your marker for this assignment will be looking for is content, analysis, and academic argument - all three go together and are inseparable - and these things together determine your mark for your essay.

The final aspect - presentation - is something we expect everyone to execute perfectly . . . so when aspects of presentation are not well executed, this can diminish your otherwise good analysis and academic argument.

Underlying the quality of your essay will be your research effort. Please see the Powerpoint Slideshow on Writing Graduate-level Essays at University. This provides useful guidance in researching and writing your essay.