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CRI300 Assignment 1 / 5


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CRI300 Assignment 1 / 5

Photoshop (Ps) Poster/Advertisement Design (10%)


Brief Description

Due Date

By start of class unless noted!

% of Final Grade


Poster/Advertisement Design

Week 4


Brief Description

Using the raster-based (bitmap, pixel grid) image editing software Adobe Photoshop, students must produce an image which effectively informs, educates, and persuades the audience.

Due Dates

   Statement: by Week 4, submitted to Brightspace by the start of class time.

   Assignment (all files): by Week 4, submitted to Brightspace by the start of class time.

Documentation / Artist Statement

In addition to the assignment itself, a completed project statement (template form available on D2L Brightspace) must be provided; its absence or lateness will be penalized. The statement explains the designer’s goal, relevant inspirations, and process, placing their work in the context of a specific target audience, its demands, and the current state of the industry. All research and media sources must be cited; neither course materials nor the instructor may be used as such. Students may submit notes, sketches, or drafts, as part of the statement, but these will not be  evaluated. Statements must be in Adobe Acrobat PDF or Microsoft Word DOC formats only.


In the statement, students must explicitly cite each quotation, paraphrased statement, relevant idea, and any source media/materials (even their own) in MLA style, as suggested in the Creative Industries Student Handbook and any FAQs. For Creative Commons source media, please include creator credit and CC URL as per the statement template. Also note that citation does not necessarily indicate permission, and that any uncited materials may be assumed to be plagiarised and/or in violation of assignment criteria. See also Copyright/Resources, below.

File Optimization

Please ensure files submitted are rendered (exported) as per our tutorials. Final image sizes should range between 13KB - 3MB (average 1MB) for JPG or 40KB - 4MB (2MB) for PNG.

Evaluation Criteria

Students will be evaluated equally on: technical merits; creativity and demonstrated design principles; quality of submitted statements and their process. Three (3) files are required …


Technical Merits1

Design &


Process &


(10%) Assignment 1:

Ps Poster/Advertisement Design

33% (of 10%)

33% (of 10%)

33% (of 10%)

1.   [Technical] One still image created using Adobe Photoshop. Pixel density should be 300 PPI (pixels per inch). Colour model may be CMYK or RGB. Whether landscape or portrait in aspect ratio, dimensions must be 1200 by 1800 pixels. Submit one project file, in application format (PSD), named as CRI300-###_assignment-#_student-username (your school email prefix) for example: CRI300-011_assignment- 1_dschraner.psd

2.   [Design] One “viewable” image file, rendered in appropriate raster image format (JPG or PNG), named as CRI300-###_assignment-#_student-username (your school email prefix) for example: CRI300-011_assignment- 1_dschraner.png. The work must have a clear subject, explained by the accompanying statement, with a clear audience, motivation, call to action, information, and design which effectively supports the theme. Work should contain raster (photo) and text elements; if they are not apparent, please  highlight them in your statement. This file must be the final render, not source media.

3.   [Process/Documentation] One statement, based on the template provided, should be

submitted to D2L Brightspace, in PDF or DOC format, complete and thorough in its responses to the supplied prompts, as well as generally acceptable in presentation, including being legible, readable, compliant with specified citation guidance, including no more than 10% quotations, and named as CRI300-###_statement-#_student-username  (your school email prefix) for example, CRI300-011_statement- 1_dschraner.doc

Late Work

Each assignment (and its corresponding statement) must have been completely uploaded to

Brightspace by start of class on the designated week due. Web-based work must be published  online (and accessible by the instructor/assistant) in a comparable time. There is no penalty for earlier submissions, so be sure to prepare ahead of time, and confirm any submissions have

completed successfully; Brightspace provides submission receipts. Extensions are only granted  in exceptional circumstances, with late work penalized at 5% per day (10% per weekend) and     technical issues not accepted as an excuse for lateness. Please contact CCS for LMS (Learning Management System) support if you encounter such issues: https://www.torontomu.ca/courses/

Incorrect Submission(s)

Unless previously agreed to by the instructor, submit only files and formats stipulated, without drafts, ancillary files, folders/directories, compression (.ZIP), archiving (.RAR), etc. Any invalid file submissions (missing, blank, incorrect, unoptimized, etc.) may be assumed to be the only ones intended, and evaluated (possibly penalized) as-is. Such issues are your responsibility.

Files resubmitted later will supersede earlier versions, and standard penalties will be applied based on later dates; resubmissions may not be accepted, at instructor’s discretion. Brightspace has issues with some file name characters: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ` ; < > ? , [ ] { } '

Copyright / Resources

Ideally, create your own source materials and cite yourself as their creator. Otherwise 

…for third-party image (no audio/video) sourcing, use search.creativecommons.org only.

No other source is permitted; whether properly cited or not, using or modifying any media found online or off -- even from a supposed free, open source, public domain, royalty free, stock footage, or other similar resource -- will be considered plagiarism, and carries a penalty of a zero on the assignment and, possibly, the course. Citation is not permission. Furthermore, photographing, scanning, tracing, cover versioning (audio) or any other form of copying or re-creation is forbidden; the same is true of any contribution by any acquaintance(s). Also note that the reuse of your own pre-existing materials is considered self-plagiarism. See the university’s Senate Policy 60 on Academic Integrity for more details:


…for third-party audio sourcing, students may use our (EDC/RTA) audio libraries only.

●    PORTAL URL(s): torontomu.ca/rta/current-students/audiolibrary or https://bit.ly/3H6ilqw

○    USERNAME: [email protected]

○    PASSWORD (subject to change): SoundsG00d2me!

Caveat: Students are strongly encouraged to create their own original brands. The use of any existing brand elements -- trademarks, slogans, phrases, fonts, logos, imagery, colours, sounds, jingles, etc. -- will be considered plagiarism, regardless of sourcing and citation; only brand names and URLs will be exempt. For example, while students may use Creative Commons to   source visual materials, doing so, even cited, does not allow the use of existing brand elements found there. Ask the instructor if you have any related questions prior to assignment deadlines.

N.B. Grades will be posted in the Grades section of Brightspace. Marks for each assessed project will be posted approximately two weeks after the due date, except for late submissions.