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Coursework 1 – Network Application Development


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Coursework 1 – Network Application Development

Coursework Weight: 60%

In this coursework, you will develop several networking-based applications. These are designed to increase your competency in developing socket-based applications, as well as increase your familiarity  with  several  key  technologies  and  measures. These are  in widespread  use,  and commonly deployed to evaluate networks and to provide services over them.

During this practical, you will become familiar with the concept of network sockets and begin to understand how they are used. Sockets are a programming abstraction designed to assist us in building applications that use the network. We can treat these the same as any other resource; writing to a socket sends a packet into the network, whilst reading from a socket provides us with the contents of the packet. We can do this in much the same way as we would read and write to any file found on the local filesystem.

Practical Lab Structure

Practical  1 is split into a number of smaller tasks: ICMP Ping Client, Traceroute Client, Web Server and Web Proxy. Importantly, the tasks build upon each other; the work you do in Task 1.1 will be fundamental to Task  1.2, and similarly, the work completed  in Task 2.1 will greatly assist you in Task 2.2.

For assessment purposes, only Task 1.2 and Task 2.2 will be marked.

Although Task 1.1 and Task 2.1 will not be assessed, it is still vital that you complete them, as they will provide the foundation for the assessed tasks.

For those tasks that are assessed, you will be awarded points for meeting certain criteria. These are outlined in more detail within each task description. You are encouraged to progress as far as possible with each task. Do note, however, that Tasks  1 and 2 are independent; attempting both is advised, even if you do not fully complete each.

This course uses a dedicated virtual machine image for these labs.

Running the Code Locally

It is also possible to run the code locally on your machine (directly and without a VM). To do so, you will need a regular install of Python 3 (version 3.10 or newer is recommended). As this task does not use any external libraries (see ‘Python Library Usage’ section below), this should be relatively easy to achieve.

Details on how to install Python can be found here:https://www.python.org/downloads/

Please note that you will still need the virtual machine (as described in the sections above and below) for the next coursework, starting in Week  16.

There are some caveats with this approach though (hence why we provide the virtual machine). Although  the   same  Python  code  will   run  regardless  of  the   environment,  the   underlying implementation (and therefore) behaviour can be different, including for many of the network- related libraries used in this practical. Particularly on the Windows platform (rather than MacOS or Linux), the results may be different.

Given the multitude of potential discrepancies and variances that may occur when running code locally, we will not provide  direct  support  for the  method;  only  the virtual  machine-based approaches will be supported by the teaching team.

If you do take this approach, also note that for marking, the provided virtual machine will (and must) be used. It is not an acceptable excuse to claim that it worked on your machine, so at the very least, please ensure that it runs on the provided virtual machine image (using one of the methods described in the sections below or above) before submitting.

Using the SCC 203 Virtual Machine

To access this, please use the following link and select the ‘SCC 203’ .


The VM can be accessed via a browser or a downloadable client; it is recommended that the client is used as it offers a more stable experience. You may have to reload your browser once the client is installed for this to function correctly.

Provided/Skeleton Code

To help you structure your code and get started with each task, we have provided you with a skeleton code (NetworkApplications.py), which is available on the SCC.203 Moodle page. This file should eventually contain all the code you have developed in this lab and will be the one submitted at the end of your work. It contains a structure for the code, including some helper functions and empty classes. It also contains pseudocode for some of the tasks to get you started.

Firstly, there  is  a  function  included to  parse  command  line  arguments  given  to the  script (setupArgumentParser). This includes determining which function is called (ping, traceroute,  web,  proxy), as well as additional parameters used for each task. Some of these may be optional, particularly if they are part of the additional features associated with each task.

The code also includes the   NetworkApplication class, which will  be a  parent to the classes that you will  develop  in the  coursework.  It  contains  some  useful  methods  that  are common across tasks. This includes the   checksum function, which calculates a checksum to be used in an ICMP packet (see T1.1 and T1.2). Furthermore, it also includes two methods which should be used to print out the results generated in T1.1 and T1.2: printOneResult and printAdditionalDetails.

Finally, it also includes four empty child classes (ICMPPing,   Traceroute,   WebServer and Proxy) which are to be used for providing the solutions to each task (T1.1, T1.2, T2.1 and T2.2 respectively). In the case of   ICMPPing and  WebServer, they also include some pseudocode to guide you (please see sections T1.1 and T2.1 for more details).

These classes inherit the   NetworkApplication class, which will allow you to  use the parent’s helper methods (checksum,  printOneResult, printAdditionalDetails, and printOneTraceRouteIteration).  These  can   be  called   using  the     super() function. For  more details on inheritance in Python, see here:


Each class contains an  __init__ method, which is called when the object is created (which is done once the command line arguments have been parsed, in this case). This is the starting point for writing the code in each class, but additional methods can be created as  required. Important: changing the method signature for any of these  __init__ functions can result in zero marks so please retain all the arguments including the   args object.

To be clear: you can add new methods and code to each of the main classes (ICMPPing, Traceroute,   WebServer and    Proxy), but the remaining structure, methods and code must remain intact.

Running your Python script

Once you have the virtual machine setup, you are ready to begin. For this practical, you will be building your applications using Python 3 (as installed on the virtual machine).

To run a Python script, open a Terminal window, and navigate to the directory in which the file you want to run is located. To run the script, simply use the following command:

python3 NetworkApplications.py

Please note the use of python3 rather than python: the default command refers to Python 2.7, which we are not using in this course. Using this will result in a different outcome and potential incompatibilities.

When you first start this task, the provided code will run successfully (defaulting to pinging lancaster.ac.uk) but do nothing.

Python Library Usage

You are not expected to use any external libraries for this practical; doing so is strictly prohibited. All tasks can be achieved fully with the use of standard Python libraries.

We are also aware of a number of network and IP-orientated libraries that are included within the standard Python distribution. These could potentially be used in different ways to assist in your  implementation.  However,  as we are trying to  build your  understanding  around the fundamentals of computer networks, we ask that you do not use these for this practical either.

The teaching team believe it is vitally important that you grasp the technical details behind many of these libraries, which do a good job of abstracting and obscuring the details.  It is of course perfectly acceptable to  use these  libraries  in any future  software development you  may do, whether this be as part of an upcoming course module or even after graduation.

By following the provided structure and guidance, you will not need to use any of these. If you are in any doubt about whether or not you can use a particular library, please contact the course tutors to confirm.

Submission and Assessment

The submission for all work completed in this practical is due by the end of Week  15. (4pm on Feb 16th) All code should be included in a single file, titled: NetworkApplications.py and submitted on Moodle.

Automated Testing

When marking your code, we will be using an  automated testing tool. For the automarking tool to work, it is vital that you follow the guidance described in the ‘Provided/Skeleton Code’ and ‘Submission and Assessment’ sections regarding modifying provided classes, methods and filenames.

Failure to adhere to this will result in loss of marks and possibly a zero mark to be awarded. If you are in any doubt about whether a change or modification is acceptable, please contact the teaching team.

Task 1.1: ICMP Ping

The first task is to recreate the   ping client  discussed  in  Lecture  3: Delay, Loss & Throughput. Remember that  ping is a tool used to measure delay and loss in computer networks. It does this by sending messages to another host. Once a message has reached that host, it is sent back to the sender. By measuring the amount of time taken to receive that response, we can determine the delay in the network. Similarly, by tracking the responses returned from our messages, we can determine if any have been lost in the network.

ping traditionally uses Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) messages to achieve this behaviour. More details can be found in RFC792.For this task, we will be sending echo request messages (with an ICMP type code of 8). These requests are useful to us because on reaching the client, the client will respond with an echo reply message (with an ICMP type code of 0). By timing the period of time elapsed between sending the request and receiving the reply, we can accurately determine the network delay between the two hosts.

Remember, you are recreating   ping without the use of external libraries; they are explicitly prohibited!

Implementation Tips

There are a number of aspects to consider when writing your implementation. Carefully think about the logic required; use a whiteboard if need be. A   ping client  sends  one ICMP echo request message at a time and waits until it receives a response. Measuring the time between sending the message and receiving it will give us the network delay incurred in transit. Repeating this process provides us with several delay measurements overtime, showing any deviation that may occur.

To assist you in your implementation, we have provided pseudocode for this task. This can be found in the provided code, specifically in the   ICMPPing class. It contains suggested functions, as well as an overview of functionality to be implemented by each. These are given as comments and are to be treated as guidance only. Note that you may have to change the parameters passed to each function as you advance with the task. The following Python libraries will also be useful to your implementation:






It is possible to use both   socket.SOCK_RAW and   socket.SOCK_DGRAM when creating sockets.   SOCK_RAW requires  privileges, as it gives you a huge amount of control and power over the type and content of packets sent through it (for better or worse!). As such, it requires sudo to work.

In normal circumstances, a non-privileged version would probably be preferable; you don't always have sudo privileges on a system. This is where   SOCK_DGRAM comes in. However, it appears that  SOCK_DGRAM, when used to specifically to send ICMP packets, is also a privileged operation within some flavours of Linux (and on the provided VM).

For the purposes of this practical, it is therefore recommended that you use  SOCK_RAW. Note: normally, using SOCK_RAW requires sudo privileges. On the SCC.203 VM, you can run your code (and use raw sockets) without sudo, but on another machine, you will need sudo access.

We have provided you with a checksum function (included in the   NetworkApplication parent class) which can be freely used in your solutions without penalty. It is important that when passing a packet to this function, the checksum field must contain a dummy value of 0. Once the checksum has been calculated, it can be immediately inserted into the packet to send.

The ICMP header contains both an identifier and a sequence number. These can be used by your application to matchan echo request with its corresponding echo reply. It is also worth noting that the  data  included  in  an echo  request packet  will be included in its entirety  within  the corresponding echo reply. Use these features to your advantage.

Be warned that some servers will reject ICMP requests with an identifier of 0, so ensure that this is set to a value > 0.

Please ensure that the  printOneResult, printAdditionalDetails and

printOneTraceRouteIteration methods (and only these methods) are used (without any modifications) for reporting the results.

Debugging and Testing

Any host, whether this be a PC, laptop, phone or server, should respond to a message generated by your application. In reality, this is not always the case, as both networks and hosts can choose to disregard these packets and may do so for a number of reasons (including security). For the purposes of this task, using any well-known server is acceptable. As an example, the following popular sites will respond to an echo request: lancaster.ac.uk, google.com, or bbc.co.uk. These will all return with relatively low delays. To rigorously test your application, using servers located further afield will usually return larger delays. For example, the US Department of Education (www.ed.gov) can be queried.

To confirm that the server you have chosen to test with does in fact respond to ICMP echo request messages, feel free to use the existing built-in   ping tool to verify reachability.

Once you are sending packets, you can use the Wireshark tool to inspect these. Wireshark will also let you investigate the packets that you receive back. In both cases, it provides a useful method to ensure that these contain the expected information. As you have seen in the Week  11 practical, this is a very useful tool for debugging, especially if you are getting unexpected errors; this will show exactly what is being sent from your script. Wireshark is installed in the virtual machine and can be started from the graphical interface. Once started, you can capture packets on the   eth0 interface (as highlighted in Figure  1). It may also be useful to filter packets to   icmp only, using the filter bar found towards the top of the interface (also highlighted in Figure  1).

Completion Criteria

For this task, we are looking for a functioning replica of the   ping tool. That is, you can successfully  send  and  receive  ICMP echo messages,  timing the delay  between. This is then reported  in  the  terminal  window.  Your  application  should  continue  to   perform  these measurements until stopped.

If you are unsure about the accuracy of the delay measured by your own tool, use the built-in ping tool to confirm your results. We’re not expecting the results to be perfectly identical

(delay changes all the time) but showing that they are close is expected.

Potential additional features include:

•   Once stopped, show minimum, average and maximum delay across all measurements

(use  printAdditionalDetails method)

•   Configurable measurement count, set using an optional argument (use   count positional argument)

•   Configurable timeout, set using an optional argument (use   timeout positional argument)

•   Measuring and reporting packet loss, including unreachable destinations (use printAdditionalDetails method)

•   Handling different ICMP error codes, such as Destination Host Unreachable and Destination Network Unreachable

As with the rest of this task, you do not have to completely implement these features, as no marks will be awarded for Task  1.1. The features listed above may assist you in Task  1.2  though; they are intentionally challenging and designed to stretch you.

Note: you  can run your ping implementation from the command line as follows:

python3 NetworkApplications.py ping lancs.ac.uk

The above command will execute your ping implementation with the destination lancs.ac.uk.

Figure 1: Wireshark Interface

Task 1.2: Traceroute

Weight: 50% of the total mark for coursework  1

Building on Task 1.1, the second aspect of this task is to recreate the  traceroute tool, again in Python. As discussed in Lecture 3: Delay, Loss & Throughput, this is used to measure latency between the host and each hop along the route to a destination. This too uses an ICMP echo request message but with an important modification: the Time To Live (TTL) value is initially set to  1. This ensures that we get a response from the first hop; the network device closest to the host we are running the script on. When the message arrives at this device, the TTL counter is decremented. When it reaches 0 (in this case at the first hop), the message is returned to the client with an ICMP type of  11. This indicates that TTL has been exceeded. As with the previous task, by measuring the time taken to receive this response, delay can be calculated at each hop in the network. This process can be repeated, increasing the TTL each time, until we receive an echo reply back (with an ICMP type of 0). This tells us that we have reached the destination, so we can stop the script.

Implementation Tips

As with the previous task, make sure you think carefully about the logic here. Remember you can build upon your Task  1.1 implementation.

As before, the provided checksum function included in the skeleton code can be used without penalty.

The same  Python documentation as  noted  in Task  1.1  will  be  useful  for  this task too. Of particular note is the  socket.setsockopt(level, optname, value) function, which can be used to set the TTL of a socket (and thus the packets leaving it):


For this task, we relyon ICMP Type 11 error messages (TTL Exceeded). Unlike Type 0 messages (Echo Reply), these do not contain an identifier field in the response. Any checking you might do in respect to this identifier will therefore fail (as it is not present).

Please ensure that all code pertaining to this task is included in the   Traceroute class. Please also

check     that       the        printOneResult,      printAdditionalDetails,       and

printOneTraceRouteIteration methods    (and    only    these    methods    without    any

modifications) are used for reporting the results.

Debugging and Testing

As with the previous task, every host on the path to your chosen destination should respond to your echo request message. In reality, these messages are often filtered, including within the lab network. As a result, it is especially difficult to test this tool with a remote host. Instead, it is suggested that you test with a closer endpoint that is reachable: lancaster.ac.uk. Although the number of hops is small (~5), it can still be used to demonstrate the working of your application. If you run your script whilst attached to a different network, such as that at home, your results likely differ. You will also be able to reach external hosts more easily.

The    traceroute utility  can  be  used  to  confirm the  results  generated  by your  own application. This is installed on the virtual machine if you wish to use it. Be aware that by default, this tool sends messages over UDP instead of ICMP; this is done to avoid the blocking of packets – it is known that some network administrators choose to block ICMP packets that arrive on their network. To force   traceroute to send packets using ICMP, the   -I flag can be used. See the Linux  man page for more details:


As with Task  1.1, Wireshark can be used to inspect the packets leaving your application. Comparing these to those created using the   traceroute utility will provide you with a meaningful comparison.

Marking Criteria

The marks will be awarded for ensuring:

0)        An ICMP traceroute implementation that performs a single delay measurement for

each of the nodes between your machine and the chosen destination. You are expected to

increase the TTL (starting from  1) of each message until you reach the destination. Note: you  must use the printOneResult method (without modifying it) given in the skeleton code to display information for each hop including the destination. (40%)

1)        Supporting  both  protocols  (UDP  and  ICMP) which  should  be  configurable using the

optional argument. Note: you must use the protocol positional argument so that the protocol is configurable from the command line (as shown below).  The configurability is required for the automarker to be able to test both protocols. (40%)

python3 NetworkApplications.py traceroute --protocol udp lancs.ac.uk or

python3 NetworkApplications.py traceroute --protocol icmp lancs.ac.uk

2)            Similar to the original   traceroute utility, display three delay measurements for

each of the nodes between your machine and the chosen destination. Note: you must use the printOneTraceRouteIteration method (without modifying it) given in the skeleton

code to print a very similar output to the traceroute utility. (15%)

3)          Configurable timeout, set using the positional argument timeout. (5%)

One   final   note,   both   printOneResult and   printOneTraceRouteIteration methods  require  a   destinationAdress argument  (a  string)  which   is  the   hostname corresponding    to    the     IP     address    found     in    a     response.    You     may     use    the socket.gethostbyaddr method to obtain a hostname from an IP address.

Task 2.1: Web Server

For the second task of this practical, you will be building a simple HTTP web server. Web Servers are a fundamental part of the Internet; they serve the web pages and content that we are all familiar with. You will be learning more about web servers and the operation of the HTTP protocol in Lecture 6: Web & HTTP. Fundamentally, a web server receives a HTTP GET request for an object (usually a file),  located on the web server.  Once  it  receives this  request,  the web server will  respond  by returning this object back to the requester.

As with the previous task, we will be using network sockets to build our application and to

interact with the network. The Web Server differs from the ICMP Ping application in that it will bind to an explicit socket, identified by a port number. This allows the Web Server to listen

constantly for incoming requests, responding to each in turn. HTTP traffic is usually bound for port 80, with port 8080 a frequently used alternative. For the purposes of this application, we suggest you bind to a high numbered port above  1024; these are unprivileged sockets, which

reduces the likelihood of conflict with existing running services on the virtual machine. For

interest, application developers can register port numbers with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), reserving them for their application’s use:

https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers/service-names-port- numbers.xhtml

The application you build should respond to HTTP GET requests, and should be built to

HTTP/1.1 specification, as defined in RFC2616.These requests will contain a Request-URI, which is used to define the path to the object requested. For example, a request with a URI of, will serve a file name   index.html found in the same directory as the Python script itself. The URI is broken down as follows: Hostname of web server

•   8080: Port number that web server has bound to

•   index.html: File to be served

On successfully finding and loading the file, it will be sent back to client with the appropriate    header. This will contain the Status-Code 200, meaning that the file has been found OK, and that it will be delivered to the client as expected. Your implementation needs only serve files from   the same directory in which the Python script is executed.

Implementation Tips

As before, we have provided pseudocode that can be used to aid you in this task. This can be found in the provided code, specifically in the  WebServer class. It contains suggested a

suggested function, as well as an overview of functionality to be implemented. This is given as comments and are to be treated as guidance only. Note that you may have to change the   parameters passed to each function as you advance with the task. An example HTML file

(index.html) is also provided in the same location. The following Python library and its documentation may also serve as a pointer to helpful functions:



As a baseline, your implementation needs only to be single-threaded. This allows a maximum of one request to be handled at a time.

Debugging and Testing

To test your web server application, you must generate a valid request. There are a number of tools to achieve this. For example, the  curl utility can be used to generate a request (presuming your web server is running on port 8080):


An equally valid methodisto use a web browser, such as the Chromium Web Browser installed on the virtual machine. Simply point the browser to the same URL:

If you are unsure about what a HTTP request should look like, Wireshark can again be used to inspect packets. This includes both the HTTP request and response. This will help you debugging the form and structure of your requests, identifying any issues that may be present. If you are still using Wireshark from the previous task, make sure to remove the  icmp filter!   http can be used instead. It will also be necessary to capture packets on the   loopback interface (lo), rather than the external interface (eth0).

If you wish to observe how a Web Server should behave (and examine the packets generated by such), Python provides a handy way of starting a very simple HTTP server implementation:

python3 -m http.server

Requests to this server can be made using the methods described previously.