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LING5400M Foundation of Phonetics and Phonology


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LING5400M Foundation of Phonetics and Phonology

Coursework assignment

This assignment is worth 60% of your mark for this module


Write a short essay on EACH of the three topics below, using a total of 1,500 words (so on average 500 words per topic). It is not a problem if one of your essays is a bit longer than the others, as long as you address all three topics fully. Each short essay carries the same number of marks. Use the topic titles below as your essay titles.

Topic 1: ‘Levels of detail in phonetic transcription’

Consider the use of phonetic transcription by three different professionals: (1) a speech therapist who is working with a client who has difficulties articulating certain sound sequences, (2) a linguistic fieldworker who is working towards establishing a writing system for an unwritten language, (3) a language teacher who is preparing a pronunciation guide aimed at specific groups of language learners. Which of these contexts do you think requires the most detail in the transcription? Do the contexts perhaps require focus on different types of detail? Your answer should present your own critical thinking and explain your reasoning carefully: there is not one correct answer, so your mark will depend entirely on the coherence of your explanation and your attention to detail in considering the three contexts. You do not need to refer to published literature in addressing this topic.

Topic 2: ‘The classification of nasals’

It is difficult to classify some speech sounds, or groups of sounds, into one manner of articulation category. Nasals are among these. Explain why classifying nasals into one manner of articulation category is not straightforward. Your answer should include a brief discussion of how sounds are generally analysed in terms of manner of articulation, and describe the phonetic characteristics of nasals in detail. You do not need to argue in favour of classifying nasals into one manner of articulation category: your mark will depend on how well you explain what it is about nasals that makes their classification challenging. You must refer to published literature in addressing this topic.

Topic 3: ‘Parameters of consonant and vowel description’

The parameters used to describe consonants are not the same as the ones used to describe vowels. Explain why this is the case. Your answer should contain a clear explanation of the parameters used to describe consonants and vowels. It should  acknowledge that some consonants are phonetically more similar to vowels than others, and identify any vowels that could be described in the same way that consonants are. You must refer to published literature in addressing this topic.

Further guidance

Topic 1 encourages you to present your own critical thinking without referring to published literature. For topics 2 and 3 you should back up your arguments and use of terminology with references to relevant literature, even if you can address the topics using only information that you have learned in the lectures. Incorporating literature references shows that you have done further reading to consolidate your understanding of the topics and is likely to refine your discussion of them. Use the recommended readings for relevant lectures to get started. It is of course fine to consult other books on the Module Reading List as well. Citing Wikipedia is not allowed, and whichever source you use, do not copy any wordings directly into your essay without treating them explicitly as quotations. Using someone else’s wordings as your own without acknowledgement constitutes plagiarism, and is likely to be detected in the online submission.

Make sure you consult relevant skills materials you have been referred to in the Academic Skills in Linguistics module.

Learning outcomes

This assignment allows you to explore an important question of classification in phonetics, and to investigate the articulation of specific sounds in detail. It also provides you with an opportunity to critically evaluate classification practices in phonetics. More generally, it allows you to develop your critical thinking and writing skills.

Assessment and marking criteria

The essay will be marked on the University of Leeds 0-100 marking scale with reference to the assessment criteria for Linguistics and Phonetics MA modules, which you can find on Minerva. We aim to provide provisional marks and feedback within three weeks of submission, though this will sometimes be affected by University holidays. This turnaround time is necessary in order to ensure that all work is properly marked.


The assignment should be word-processed with a 12-point typeface, 1.5 line spacing, 2.5 cm margins and page numbering on. Do not write your name anywhere, but make sure your student number appears on every page. References to literature should follow the Harvard system, which you will have been introduced to in the Academic Skills in Linguistics module; see https://library.leeds.ac.uk/info/1402/referencing/50/leeds_harvard_introduction for a detailed guide to this referencing format.


Please submit an electronic copy via Minerva by 12 noon on Thursday 7 December 2023. More detailed submission instructions will follow closer to the submission date.

· Please paste the appropriate coursework coversheet into the front of your document

· Identify your essay with your Student ID number ONLY

· Include a word count at the end of your assignment.

· Please save your work as Word Document (.docx) or PDF.

· You MUST name your file with your Student ID number, module code and if relevant, assessment type, e.g. 200123456_LING1234.docx.

· You MUST also include your Student ID number in the ‘Submission title’ field in the Minerva submission point.


Note that the 12 noon deadline is absolute, and lateness penalties will automatically apply if you submit after this. Computer difficulties you may experience in uploading will not normally be taken as a valid reason for avoiding these penalties. Plan now to submit your assignment well in advance of the deadline!