关键词 > LA-121A

LA-121A Fundamental Principles of Contract Law


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Fundamental Principles of Contract Law


On Monday, Seller Ltd faxes to Buyer Ltd an offer to sell 100 coffee machines for £50,000, stating that the offer is open until 5 pm on Friday. On Tuesday 9am, Buyer posts a letter accepting the offer. On Wednesday 9am, Buyer receives news that the English company to which it intended to resell the coffee machines decides not to buy the coffee machines. Buyer, therefore, immediately sends an email to Seller countermanding the order. However, due to the malfunctioning of the Seller’s email system, the Seller does not receive the email. Buyer’s letter of acceptance is delivered to Seller’s office and read at 2pm on Wednesday. Later in the same day, Seller turns down an offer from Coffee Lover Ltd to buy 100 coffee machines for £55,000 since Seller has insufficient stock to cover both orders. Seller becomes aware of Buyer’s email only when their email system is restored to working condition on Friday morning.
