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SOC 120 – Information on Marx Essay


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SOC 120 – Information on Marx Essay

General reminders:

There are four essay topics and due dates for our course, spread throughout the quarter. You are required to write *three* of these essays to demonstrate your understanding of course materials.

You should *only* submit three out of these four, and it is up to you which three you submit. We will mark the essay you are skipping as “excused” on Canvas so that its score is not included in grade calculation. Please *do not* submit all four essays; if you do, only the first three essays submitted will be graded.

Our first essay prompt is focused on Marx. Discussion sections in Week 3 will focus on preparing you for this essay; it is imperative that you attend these so that you know what well be looking for and have the opportunity to ask questions.

When is the Marx essay due?

The Marx essay is due Monday, January 29, by 11:59pm.

How much is the essay worth?

Each essay counts for 20% of your grade.

How do I submit it and in what format?

Please submit your essay on Canvas; below the Week 3 Module you will see a link for submission called “Marx Essay - Due January 29 by 11:59pm.”

Each essay should be between 600 and 800 words. Please put your word count at the bottom of your essay. You will be marked down if your paper is noticeably shorter than 600 words; however, we will not penalize you if your paper exceeds 800 words (but keep in mind the need to stay focused, as per my below tips).

Please upload your essays in .pdf format (double-spaced, 12-point font).

What is the essay prompt?

.    Pick a product that you use/consume regularly and find 2-3 reputable sources (e.g., news articles, reports, academic sources) about labor conditions in this industry. In your essay, briefly summarize how the articles describe the labor conditions in your chosen industry. Then explain how the Marxist concept of alienation can be applied to labor issues in this industry, making sure to discuss at least three types of alienation and to draw on Mini Lecture 4 and the Marx and Ritzer readings from Week 2 as you construct your arguments.

Tips for approaching this prompt and writing your essay:

Tips for picking your product/industry and finding reputable sources

.    The first thing to keep in mind is that you need to focus on a product/industry OTHER THAN the chocolate industry, because we cover that particular industry in mini lecture and on our discussion board. Picking chocolate as your industry will result in being downgraded.

.    As you think about possible products/industries, keep in mind that you’ll be analyzing its  labor conditions through the Marxist concept of alienation, and so you might want to pick a product/industry that seems particularly fruitful for such an analysis. (While you are not allowed to use the chocolate industry as your case in the essay, watching the chocolate video as part of mini lectures should help give you ideas.)

.    As you pick your 2-3 articles about this industry, ensure they come from reputable sources, e.g., reputable newspapers (such as New York Times, Washington Post, etc.), or reputable organizations (such as the International Labor Organization or well-known international NGOs), or from academic articles or book chapters.

Tips for analyzing your chosen industry through the lens of alienation

.    In addition to collecting and reading your 2-3 external sources, you’ll want to collect and review the lecture and reading materials on Marx that are identified in the essay prompt   (Mini Lecture 4 and the Marx and Ritzer readings from Week 2).

.    Ensure that you understand the Marxist concept of alienation and its various dimensions  as you’ll need to apply it and explain it in your essay. If you have questions, come see us in office hours or ask questions during discussion section!

.    Use the external sources to identify the ways in which your chosen industry illustrates alienation, and make sure that you’re able to pull out at least three different kinds of alienation in some depth. Again, while you are not allowed to use the chocolate industry as your case in the essay, watching the chocolate video as part of mini lectures should help give you ideas for this!

Tips for writing the essay

.    Make sure you respond to each part of the prompt. Stay focused on the prompt and don’t go off on tangential topics.

. Explain the various ways that your industry illustrates the Marxist concept of alienation, adding depth and detail, to show us that you have understood the concept and can convincingly apply it to a real-world case. [Note: the initial description of labor conditions in your chosen industry can be somewhat brief – a paragraph; what we care about most is your analysis of alienation in this industry.]

.    In addition to the external sources, be sure to incorporate and reference the lectures and readings that are mentioned in the prompt. Essays that do not incorporate all mentioned lectures/readings will be downgraded.

.    In general, ensure that the ideas you put forth are referenced appropriately throughout your essay, i.e., backed up with a reference to a lecture, reading, or one of your external sources.

. Use a professional citation style to reference your ideas in the essay text and don’t forget  to include a Works Cited or References page as well. You can use any style you like; here is a guide for doing in-text citations and the reference page using ASA style:

o In-text citations:

https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/asa_style/in_text_citation_refer ences.html

o References pages list:

https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/asa_style/references_page_form atting.html

. Organize your essays clearly, including an introductory paragraph and a conclusion

paragraph (these can be very short, given the word limit). Make sure your essay follows a coherent structure, with sentences and paragraphs following from each other logically.

. Proofread your essays: check your spelling and clarity of writing.

.    Don’t forget to upload your essay on Canvas on time, under the right assignment, and make sure your document has been submitted.

How will essays be graded?

The essay will be graded according to the rubric shown on the Canvas assignment page for the Marx Essay. Please be sure to review the rubric so you can get a sense of what we will be looking for.

If you have a medical emergency, family crisis, immigration-related issue, or other serious event, please contact the instructor before an assignment deadline to avoid being marked down for lateness. We can develop a plan for extending deadlines and/or receiving an incomplete in the course so you can make up work at a later date.