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Assignment 1: Project Proposal


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Assignment 1: Project Proposal

In this assignment, you will develop a proposal for an interactive system solving an interactive human-computer interaction problem. You will design and develop this interactive system during this semester.


In this submission, you will describe the problem that your user interface will solve, the people that will use this system, the tasks that these users will perform with the system, and the UI design elements that the system will be built with.

You must be able to complete your project within this term. It is important to make your project sufficiently simple that you will be able to complete it, test it and iteratively refine it before the end of term. Part of the challenge of this proposal is to show that you have identified an interesting project idea that can be implemented within the available time. However, creativity is key! A creative idea can be evaluated using low-fidelity prototypes and orchestrating hi-fidelity versions using a wizard-of-Oz among other methods.

Please use the following structure for your report.

1. Title & Intro (0.5+0.5 page)

The title page should include the title of the project and the names of all group members. An introduction to discuss the broader context and questions that your work promotes reflection upon.

2. Related Work (1 Page)

Describing, analyzing and critiquing of the relevance of the work to the immediate interaction design community, as well as to the broader HCI community, emphasizing its novelty, uniqueness, and rationale. You can refer to both work in practice/industry or in prior research. Published HCI research papers can be googled and mostly found under the ACM Digital Library (https://dl.acm.org/) which you can access through the Queen's University library.

3. Problem Description or Design Concept (0.5 page)

Provide a brief and precise description of the problem to be solved or the user experience needed. The problem should be expressed from the perspective of target users of the system. This section should not provide a solution (e.g., user interface design or software architecture). Specify how you will gain access to the target user group of the system in order to interview them, gain their feedback on your design, and perform user evaluation or design crits.

4. User Characterization (0.5 pages)

Drawing from techniques presented in class, describe the characteristics of prospective users of the system. Provide demographic details on their age, abilities, gender, experience and culture (where relevant) capturing distinct types of users of the system. List the target environment you intend to use for your interactive system.

5. Design and Development (0.5 pages)

This section should present potential solution(s). Discuss the initial design and development tools you intend to use to create your interactive system. I want to see here how the project ties well with this course and how it builds on what you've learnt from the course content and gained from learning outcomes.

6. Figures and Illustrations (max 1 pages)

This section complements the previous section by showing illustrations that demonstrate use scenarios of the proposed design or experience, including a storyboard, a diagram, hand sketches, or a digital illustration. Figures should have numbered descriptive captions and should be clear and of good quality showing what the scope of the project is.

7. Group Coordination Plan (1 pages)

Describe in one paragraph how your group will work together and include a table or Gantt chart for the project timeline weekly plan (a week by week schedule). Perhaps you will largely work separately, coordinating by email, OnQ forums, and Teams, and meeting one hour/week to coordinate activities. Or perhaps you will have two long meetings weekly where you will all work together. You should commit to at least one weekly meeting that all members attend with your assigned TA. Specify the time and location of this meeting. I want to see a clear and equal division of workload between team members.