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DEP5113 Quantitative methods for Planners Exercise 1


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DEP5113 Quantitative methods for Planners

Exercise 1

Total Points: 5

Exercise due: January 31 at 23:59PM

Question: This week we learned the fundamentals of probability distributions that can be used to understand the distribution of real data. We also covered how the research design can impact the validity of the research. In this exercise, I want us to download a real dataset and use it for the following series of questions. For the exercise, please enter data.gov.sg to find the “Resale Flat Prices” dataset for the time of “2017-onwards”.

Q1. Describe the data and the type of research you could do. Is it the total population or a sample? If it is a sample, what is its total population? If it is the total population, what arguments can you make with it? Think about the data gathering process. Is it a probability sample or a random sample? Would you be able to do an experiment or a correlational study? (150 words max)

Q2. Plot the histogram of the resale housing dataset and extract the mean and variance. In the written text, report their central tendency (mean) and the spread (variance). (50 words max)

Q3. Compare the histogram with a normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation. Create a plot of the normal probability distribution. By just visually observing the data, would you say that the distribution of your data follows a normal distribution? (150 words max)


1. A 100-150 word description corresponding to Q1-Q3. (total max 350 words)

2. One histogram plot and a probability distribution plot of a normal distribution

3. All combined in a single PDF for submission

Hint: For housing price data, let’s get the price per square meter for clarity