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Assignment #1 – Unity 3D Physics Platformer


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Assignment #1 - Unity 3D Physics Platformer

Final Submission - WEEK 5 - Evening before Class - 10pm

Exercises Grade Value - 20% of Module (7% of Course)

Assignment Grade Value - 80% of Module (28% of Course)

Using the UNITY 3D PHYSICS PLATFORMER project provided, create an original playable GREYBOX level, entirely within Unity. No imported geometry is permitted. Use of Unity Pro Builder plugin is permitted (though not necessary)

The level should use an appropriate MAP TYPE.

The level should be built to accommodate the gameplay METRICS existing in the project provided and any additional    (minimal) tuning that you have modified. The level should accommodate the CHARACTER, CAMERA and CONTROLS of the project, with attention to providing space to OBSERVE, ACT, and RECOVER (the action awareness cycle)

The level should follow a simple PROGRESSION scheme that TEACHES the player the gameplay mechanics, TESTS the player’s understanding of these mechanics, and finally CHALLENGES the player’s skill at these mechanics.

DIFFICULTY should be tuned to keep the player in an ideal state of FLOW, where skill and challenge are balanced as the player PROGRESSES through the level. The player should feel that RISK is balanced with an appropriate REWARD

throughout the level (by the distribution of collectibles)

PATH should be considered and included MAIN, ALTERNATE, FAILURE, BONUS and HIDDEN options where appropriate.

The level should be approximately 10-15 MINUTES in length for an intermediate player (5-10 min on a speedrun).

Gameplay should be no more than the MECHANICS included in the project. ALL mechanics must be included in the level. These include …

Moving                                          Static Hazard (Red)

Jumping                                       A.I. Hazard (Greenies)

Movable Geometry (player controlled)                             Collectibles

Moving Geometry (game controlled)                            Checkpoints

The distribution of these mechanics and difficulty should occur through PACING, PROGRESSION, and attention to CADENCE dictated by the CONTEXT designed within the level.

The level should be SELF-CONTAINED, FUNCTIONAL, and COMPLETE. The player should not be able to escape the level, fall infinitely, or get trapped. The player should be able to reach the completion point for the level in under 10-15 minutes.

NO additional scripting or assets are required and will NOT receive additional credit.

Evaluation will include a WORK-IN-PROGRESS LDD, participation in a PLAY TEST session where students will provide feedback on each other’s levels through a QUESTIONNAIRE provided for you, and a FOCUS TEST SESSION when

designers will provide feedback with a QUESTIONNAIRE of their creation. Grading will be based on the quality of the questions and the quality of the answers.

The level will be graded in the overall grey box COMPOSITION and overall ENJOYABILITY.

Submissions and Evaluation

Exercise #1 - LDD (Level Design Document) Work in Progress

Each student will submit a work-in-progress LDD that documents the STORY behind the level, a collection of REFERENCE materials for the project a list of the PROGRAM required for the level, and 1 DIAGRAM that illustrates the gameplay intention of the level. LDD will be submitted as a PDF document.

Exercise #2 - Play Testing Session and Feedback

Graded In-Class Session. Students will be randomly divided into peer pairs to evaluate each other’s WORK IN

PROGRESS levels. A playtesting QUESTIONNAIRE WILL BE PROVIDED, and students will be graded on the quality  of the feedback they provide. Quality feedback should ANSWER the questions, EXPLAIN the rationale behind the answer, and SUGGEST an alternative solution or perspective.

Exercise #3 - Focus Testing Questionnaire

Students will create a 5 QUESTION TEST SHEETS that investigates the playability and enjoyment of their levels (including qualitative feedback, quantitative feedback, progression, flow, difficulty, etc…)

Exercise #4 - Focus testing Session and Feedback

In-Class Session. Students will be randomly divided into peer pairs to evaluate each other’s WORK IN PROGRESS levels using the student FOCUS TESTING QUESTIONNAIRE. Students will again be grading the quality of the feedback they provide.

Assignment #1 - Final Playable Level

The level should be submitted as a STAND-ALONE EXECUTABLE within a ZIP file. Project files will NOT be accepted. The ZIP file should include the .EXE, data folder, and accompanying files created when building the level. Submissions should be labeled with the student’s name and assignment number.

Ex. yourname_assignment_01. Zip

Consecutive submissions may be submitted to the SLATE assignment box up until the submission date with no penalty. Please note, only the FINAL submission will be evaluated.

GRADING RUBRIC is available on SLATE

Grade Value and Deadlines


•    WEEK 2 – Exercise #1 – LDD Workin Progress (EVENING BEFORE CLASS 10 PM) – 5%

•    WEEK 3 – Exercise #2 – Play Testing Feedback (IN CLASS) – 5%

•    WEEK 4 – Exercise #3 – Focus Testing Questions (EVENING BEFORE CLASS 10 PM) – 5%

•    WEEK 4 - Exercise #4 – Focus Testing Feedback (IN CLASS) – 5%

•    WEEK 5 – Assignment #1 – Final Playable Level – (EVENING BEFORE CLASS 10 PM) – 80%