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COIS-ADMIN 3750 H-W: Principles of Online Marketing 2023, Winter


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COIS-ADMIN 3750 H-W: Principles of Online Marketing

2023, Winter - Online

Assignment (10%)

Deadline Feb 12th , at 11:59 pm

This assignment allows students to practice the concepts they have learned. This is an individual assignment.

• Read this document in its entirety before starting to work on your assignment.

• Ask, do not guess. If something is unclear, ask the instructors. They are here to help you.


In this assignment, you will start building a blog. As you know, a blog is one type of online content that is used by individuals and incorporations for different purposes. In this assignment, you are required to create a blog and write an article (blog post). The following are the tasks required to complete this assignment:

A. Select a blog host.

B. Write a blog article.

The following are more details about each task.

Task 1: Select a Blog Host

There are many blog hosts available online. As a reminder, a blog host is the place that hosts (stores) your blog. Following is a list of the common ones [They are clickable]:

• WordPress

• Blogger

• Hub Spot

Your first task is to select one blog host (not necessarily from the list above). In this task, you are required to do the following:

1. Select a blog host AND explain the reasons behind selecting that host.

2. Create a blog (website) using the blog host you selected (most hosts provide support and tutorial videos that walk you through the process).

Task 2: Write a Blog Article

For this task, you need to write a blog article (post) about something related to the topics that are covered (or will be covered) in this course.

• The article must be posted in your blog (the one that you created in Task 1 above).

• It must be 1000 to 1500 words.

• It must include at least one reference at the end of your article that supports the content of the article.

Important Instructions

• Use the file entitled “Assignment Template” to prepare your final submission. All requirements must be provided in this single document.

• Proofread your assignment before submitting it.

• Once you complete everything on the “Assignment Template” document, save it as a .doc file and as a pdf file. Submit both files. That is, your submission must include two versions of the same file, one as a Word document and the other as a PDF document.

Grading Scheme:

The assignment will be graded based on the following points:

1. Creating a blog.

2. Justifying the selection of a particular blog host.

3. Layout and design of the blog.

4. Blog article:

a. Quality of content.

b. Proofreading.

c. References.