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MCS 153 Videogames Theory and Criticism


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Videogames Theory and Criticism

MCS 153

First analysis assignment

Analysis 1: Mountain, and Monument Valley 1 or 2, or Badlands 1 or 2

So play Mountain and ONE OTHER game (Monument Valley 1 or 2, Badlands 1 or 2)

General Info:

These assignments are supposed to provide opportunities in practical game analysis through play.  These are NOT GAME REVIEWS, they are analyses.  See me if you’re concerned about the difference.  They will also prepare you for media analysis in general.  Basically, each 2-3 page analysis will follow specific questions and topics relative to each game.  For the first one, you should cover some basic things:

1) what does the game look like, 2) what does game play ‘feel’ like, 3) what is the genre(s) that the game falls into, and 4) what are the thematics of the game?  What are the mechanics like?  The rules?  Dynamics?

2) additional points for a discussion of avatar, alea, agon, and/or any  vocabulary we have covered so far.  Also, mention of other related media is great.

This first paper should be a more personal approach to the game.  It doesn’t need to be an overly formal paper – feel free to use “I”.  And for this specific paper, it’s ok if you write whether you liked it or not, but I’m more interested in you thinking about what the game does to you when you play it and how it makes meaning.

The deets:

2-3 pages, typed or word-processed, normal inch margins (not over 2 inches), 10-12 point font, double-spaced, titled (choose a good one!), and fully and carefully edited.  If you need to annotate (references, footnotes, etc.), choose a style and use only that system for the paper.  An example of how to references game is: Tomb Raider (2018), first reference must be in italics and must include date of publishing in parentheses not in italics.  After the first reference, you should continue to use italics (Tomb Raider) each time after, but you don’t need to include the date after the first reference.  If you use the game title in the title of your paper, it is also in italics.  References to films, as well as other media, are in italics as well with the release date after the title for the first time only.

Due date: Due before lecture, 6:30, uploaded to Canvas, Wed, Week 3.  No late papers are accepted; in cases of emergency, see me before the due date/time or asap.  I am happy to work with you or help you out if something comes up.  See the syllabus for future specific due dates.  Have fun playing and writing!  This ain’t organic chemistry!  J