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2024 MGT 3080 Reflection Paper Instruction


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2024 MGT 3080 Reflection Paper Instruction

Due: @5pm, Feb 29

This assignment involves writing a 1-2 page reflection paper identifying a pressing social problem you are concerned about.

1.   You are expected to draw on the social opportunity assessment tool to outline this problem highlighting one potential opportunity (i.e., potential solution) for addressing this issue.

2.   You are also expected to discuss your motivation for interest in this social problem, identifying your motivation and the factors that lead you to notice or become concerned about this issue.

3. Note: The Social Opportunity Assessment Tool is available on Blackboard. You do not have to discuss every single item of the tool; however, the following tips might be helpful:

•   You do not have to discuss everything. Please pickup items that are most relevant to your opportunity;

•   Provide evidence to support why you think this is a good social opportunity. For example, suppose you claim that a particular opportunity is of high social value  because it can satisfy some social needs. In that case, you will be expected to provide examples, data, or other evidence to support this argument.

•   I expect you to pay more attention to the “Social Value Potential” of this opportunity. For example, you can discuss at least 3 items in “social value potential”.

•   For other potential (market, competitive advantage, and sustainability potential), as an example, you can pickup 1 item to discuss.

4.   Formatting rules

•   Word format.

•   A title is needed.

•   A running head (e.g., MGT 3080 Reflection Paper; your full name, student number, and date) is needed.

•   Use headings.

•   Page numbering is required.

•   Times New Roman, 12-point font with 1.5-line / double-line spacing.

•   A list of references should be used if necessary (not included in the 2 pages)

•   Name the document as:

o ReflectionPaper_Student#_Last Name_Frist Name

5.   Evaluation Rubric (see the next page)

Evaluation Rubric

Not at all



Agreat deal

All the time






The social issue identified represents a meaningful and

legitimate issue confronting society. Claims are grounded and referenced. (5 points)

Comprehensive and accurate use of the social opportunity assessment tool. (5 points)

Personal motivation and interest discussed highlight deep reflection and use of course content. (2.5 points)

The document is well-written and structured. Free of

grammatical errors with clear page numbering, headings, and formatting.  (2.5 points)

Total (15)