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ECE 209 Lec. B2 Midterm Exam, Group A


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ECE 209 Lec. B2 Midterm Exam, Group A

Q0. (1 Pt.): Please copy the statement below in your own handwriting, adding your signature at the end:

        I pledge to honour myself and my community by assuring that the work I do on this midterm exam fully represents my own knowledge and ideas. I will feel proud of my work here when I am done because I know it was my own and only mine.

Q1. (6 Pts.) For the circuit given in Figure 1, find:

a) The current I1 through the 1Ω resistor, R1 (2 Pts).

b) The voltage V1 through the 1Ω resistor, R1 (1 Pt.).

c) The current I4 through the 4Ω resistor, R4 (2 Pts.).

d) The voltage V4 through the 4Ω resistor, R4 (1 Pt.).

Q2. (4 Pts.) For the circuit given in Figure 2, find V0.

Q3. (3 Pts.) For the circuit given in Figure 3, find:

a) The voltage labeled Vx (2 Pts.).

b) The voltage labeled Vy (1 Pt.).

Q4. (8 Pts.) For the circuit given in Figure 4, where current dependent voltage source has a voltage V = ix, as shown, fifind:

a) The current ix (4 Pts.).

b) The voltage Va (2 Pts.).

c) The power through the 10Ω resistor. State whether it is supplied or absorbed (2 Pts.).

Q5. (4 Pts.)

a) Show and explain why a current dependent voltage source is a passive element (2 Pts.).

b) Draw a circuit element with zero current (1 Pt.).

c) Give an example expression for a voltage dependent current source that is nonlinear (1 Pt.).