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Logic Block Design


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1   Logic Block Design

In this task, you are supposed to design some basic logic blocks in Verilog. Then you will verify your designs to see if they are working as expected. For each block, you should create a new project, write down the code in Verilog, and run the simulation. Below, you see each block description. We put the whole process of simulation for the first block here. You should follow the same process for the rest.

1.1   Half Adder

Design a Half Adder (HA) using Verilog logical operators. As you know, the Half Adder has 2 inputs and 2 outputs. Here is the block diagram for a Half Adder.

This is the truth table for a Half Adder:

As you see, the Boolean equation for the two outputs (Sum and Cout) are as follow:

• Sum = A XOR B

• Cout = A AND B

This is the circuit schematic for Half Adder:

Follow these steps to design and simulate a Half Adder in the Vivado:

• Create a new RT L project in the Vivado.

• Add a design source and choose Create File. Make sure to change the file type to Verilog. You can skip the I/O port definition (you will manually define the I/O ports by commands in your code). Your new source (.v) should now be under the Design Sources in the Sources window.

• Double click on it and enlarge the window. Write the code below and save the file.

Code 1: Half Adder.

‘timescale 1ns / 1ps // time - unit = 1 ns , precision = 1 ps

// Define the module

module HA(



Sum ,



// Define the input and output signals

input A;

input B;

output Sum ;

output Cout ;

// Define the modules behavior

assign Cout = A & B; // bitwise and

assign Sum = A ˆ B; // bitwise xor

endmodule // HA

• Now to test the functionality of our design, we need to write a testbench. Create a new Simulation Source and write the code below.

Code 2: Half Adder Test Bench.

‘timescale 1ns / 1ps // time - unit = 1 ns , precision = 1 ps

module HA_tb ();

// Define the input and output ports

reg A_tb = 0;

reg B_tb = 0;

wire Sum_tb ;

wire Cout_tb ;

// Port Mapping

HA instant


.A( A_tb ),

.B( B_tb ),

.Sum ( Sum_tb ),

. Cout ( Cout_tb )


// Test samples

initial // initial block executes only once


A_tb = 1’b0;

B_tb = 1’b0;

#10; // wait for 10 time - units (10 ns in this example )

A_tb = 1’b0;

B_tb = 1’b1;

#10; // wait for 10 time - units (10 ns in this example )


endmodule // HA_tb

• Save the code and run the simulation. To simulate the HA tb, right click on it and click “Set as Top”, then Run the Simulation.

• Check the waveform. From time 0 to 10ns, the inputs are as follows: A=0, B=0, and the outputs are Sum=0 and Carry=0 as expected. For the next 10ns of the simulation, we have A=0, B=1, and the outputs are Sum=1 and Cout=0. Add some more tests to the test bench code and see the result on the waveform. P u t a screenshot for the waveform for 2 more test cases with their explanation in your report.

1.2   1-bit Full Adder

Now try to design a 1-bit Full Adder using Verilog logical operators. Below you see the diagram and the circuit schematic for a 1-bit Full Adder.

This is the truth table for 1-bit Full Adder:

As you see the Boolean equation for the two outputs (Sum and Cout) are as follow:

• Sum = A XOR B XOR Cin

• Cout = (A AND B) OR (A AND Cin) OR (B AND Cin)

Start coding for 1-bit Full Adder using Verilog logical operators. Define signals and complete the module behavior.

Code 3: 1-bit Full Adder.

‘timescale 1ns / 1ps

// Module definition

module FA(



Cin ,

Sum ,



// Define the input and output signals

// Define the full adder modules behavior

endmodule // FA

Simulate your code. Write a test bench for your design and run the tests below.

Test1 ( R u n for 20ns):   A=‘0’ ,   B = ‘1’,   Cin = ‘0’

Test2 ( R u n for 20ns):   A=‘1’ ,   B = ‘1’,   Cin = ‘0’

Test3 ( R u n for 20ns):   A=‘1’ ,   B = ‘1’,   Cin = ‘1’

1.3   4-bit Full Adder

Design a 4-bit Full Adder using Verilog logical operators. Below, you see the block diagram for a 4-bit Full Adder.

This is the circuit schematic for a 4-bit Full Adder. Blue lines inside the box are not connected to any input or output ports. We need to define them in the code as a SIGNAL .

Define signals, complete the code and run the simulation. Write a testbench for your design and run the tests below.

Test1 ( R u n for 20ns):   A=“0110” ,   B = “0100”,   Cin = ‘0’

Test2 ( R u n for 20ns):   A=“1000” ,   B = “1001”,   Cin = ‘1’

Test3 ( R u n for 20ns):   A=“1110” ,   B = “0010”,   Cin = ‘0’

Test4 ( R u n for 20ns):   A=“1010” ,   B = “1011”,   Cin = ‘0’

Check the outputs (Sum and Cout) to see if they are correct. P u t a screenshot of the wave in your report. Yo u r screenshot should look like this and includes the Sum and Cout signals.

Code 4: 4-bit Full Adder.

‘timescale 1ns / 1ps

// Module definition

module FA4 (



Cin ,

Sum ,



// Define the input and output signals

// Define the full adder modules behaviour

endmodule // FA4

1.4   Multiplexer 2:1

Design a 1-bit, 2 to 1 multiplexer using Verilog logical operators. You should have a select input to be able to choose from two 1-bit inputs. This is the block diagram for the 2:1 multiplexer.

In particular, when S is ‘0’, the output is A, when S is ‘1’, the output is B

Use this sample code for your module declaration.

Code 5: Multiplexer 2 to 1.

‘timescale 1ns / 1ps

// Module definition

module Mux_2_To_1 (

input S,

input D1 ,

input D2 ,

output Y);

// Define the MUX2 :1 module behaviour

endmodule // MUX2 :1

Write a testbench for your design and run the tests below.

test1 ( R u n for 20ns):   D1=‘0’ ,   D2 = ‘1’,    S = “0”

test2 ( R u n for 20ns):   D1=‘0’ ,    D2 = ‘1’,   S = “1”

Check the output ( Y ) to see if it is correct. P u t a screenshot of the wave in your report.

1.5   Multiplexer 4:1

Design a 1-bit, 4 to 1 multiplexer using Verilog logical operators. You should have a 2-bit select input to choose from four 1-bit inputs. Here you see the block diagram for 4:1 multiplexer.

Use this sample code for your module declaration.

Code 6: Multiplexer 4 to 1.

‘timescale 1ns / 1ps

// Module definition

module Mux_4_To_1 (

input [1:0] S,

input D1 ,

input D2 ,

input D3 ,

input D4 ,

output Y);

// Define the MUX4 :1 modules behavior

endmodule // MUX4 :1

Write a testbench for your design and run the tests below.

Test1 ( R u n for 20ns):   D1=‘0’ ,   D2 = ‘1’,   D3=‘0’ ,   D4 = ‘1’,   S = “00”   

Test2 ( R u n for 20ns):   D1=‘0’ ,   D2 = ‘1’,   D3=‘0’ ,   D4 = ‘1’,   S = “01”   

Test3 ( R u n for 20ns):   D1=‘0’ ,   D2 = ‘1’,   D3=‘0’ ,   D4 = ‘1’,   S = “10”   

Test4 ( R u n for 20ns):   D1=‘0’ ,   D2 = ‘1’,   D3=‘0’ ,   D4 = ‘1’,   S = “11”   

Check the output ( Y ) to see if it is correct. P u t a screenshot of the wave in your report.

2.   Deliverables

Your submission is on should include the following items:

• Module designs and testbenches. (FA.v , tb FA.v , FA4.v, tb FA4.v, mux21.v, tb mux21.v, mux41.v, tb mux41.v) (Remember: In Verilog the file name does not have to be the same as the module name.)