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F_SSc Sept 2023-24


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Assessment Guidelines

Module Code & Title

F_SSc Sept 2023-24

Assessment Element




Learning outcomes to be assessed:

>   Describe key concepts and terms in relation to the study of social science.

>   Apply social science theory to an analysis in relation to a key theme.

>   Communicate information and ideas in appropriate ways using appropriate terminology

Length / Duration

Each essay should be 1000 words (±10%), excluding references and the cover page.

Submission Deadline

Sunday, 14 April 2024, 23:59 hrs (UK time)

Mode of Submission

Turnitin link (via Blackboard)

Submission Instructions

Use the SUBMISSION link on Blackboard to submit ONE Word document.

Students must make sure that:

⮚ Feedback given to your first submission attempt is fully incorporated.

Sometimes, the issues that the assessors indicated as requiring improvement are shown in one example in your submission, but you must implement the same feedback point throughout your submission.

⮚ the relevant word count requirements. Any coursework submissions exceeding the assessment required word count (±10%) will be subject to penalties listed in the Assessment Rules and Regulations (paragraphs 92-94).

⮚ the set assessment deadlines. Any submissions past the due date will be subject to penalties listed in the Late Submission Policy. 

⮚ guidance on avoiding academic misconduct, e.g. plagiarism or cheating. Any submissions suspected of academic misconduct will be subject to investigation protocols listed in the Academic Misconduct Policy and may result in a penalty.

⮚ guidance on informing the College of any factors that might have impacted your participation or performance in an assessment. This will normally be within 5 working days from the assessment deadline. Please refer to the Special Circumstances policy for details.

⮚ Provide guidance on notifying the assessment contact person (listed above) as soon as possible in case of any difficulties accessing or submitting the assessment work with relevant evidence, e.g., a photo showing a Blackboard outage.

All related policies are accessible from the Virtual Reception, Policies and Procedures.

Assessment Description

Write a portfolio of 2 essays, 1000 words (±10%) each.

For the first essay, choose ONE of the following two options:

 Option 1: Education

Most developed societies have adopted a meritocratic model in their education system since the 1950s. The main objective of this model is to provide equal opportunities for social mobility, and it promises a fair educational system. Evaluate the success of this model in the UK from the point of view of Functionalism and Conflict Theory.

For this essay, you must use only the sources provided for this topic for definitions, examples, evidence, and any other information you may need to support your argument.

 Option 2: Media

“With the rise of digital media, people have access to a wider range of perspectives than before. This, in turn, gives them an unbiased view of the world”. Argue in favour or against this statement and use the relevant theory supporting your viewpoint.

For this essay, you must use only the sources provided for this topic for definitions, examples, evidence, and any other information you may need to support your argument.

The topic of the second essay is made available in Week 6.

Each essay must stand as an independent piece of writing with its own title, introduction, conclusion and bibliography.

We will assess your ability to:

 Understand and employ a social theory and employ its concepts.

 Discuss a social problem academically, using evidence.

 Choose, describe and synthesise relevant academic sources.

 Provide sufficient, clear and relevant examples.

 Interpret, process and analyse information (e.g. point to causes and effects or contradictions).

 Structure a full and relevant answer logically and with balance.

 Paraphrase and use referencing conventions correctly.

General Remarks

The submitted document should adhere to the following guidelines.

⮚ Be submitted in ONE Word file.

⮚ Include the standard cover page as a first page.

⮚ Each essay should have its own title and references and start on a new page. Other than the title, you must avoid sub-headers and lists and write in prose (paragraphs).

⮚ Use APA style referencing in in-text and end Cited Sources list, which will be composed for each essay separately. All in-body references must appear in the references list and no other sources.

⮚ Use the program's default font; don’t use colours or change fonts. Use 1.5 spacing.

⮚ You should use as many sources as you find necessary to answer the question, but at least half of the cited sources should not be from the sources provided by the module so that the evidence in the text stems from your own research. As a guide only, we believe that 5-10 sources could be a good range for a 1,000-word essay, but this would depend on how they are used in the text. (Indirectly, we assess and compel you to develop – your judgement of the support required to make a sufficiently compelling point).