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Assignment – Spatial Data and Asset / Facilities Management


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Assignment Spatial Data and Asset / Facilities Management

Submission Date:  see Moodle, note pre-submission topic declaration

Submission Method (links to all forms on Moodle):

Pre-Submission –

. Declare your topic title, description and the names, geometry

types and dimensions of your three location-based, nested, assets  to avoid risks of plagiarism your topic area should come from

the existing list.  Online form, first come first served


. A PDF of your pyramid, uploaded via Moodle / Turnitin

. Completing an online form with information about the decisions you are making

. Five separate SQL scripts via an online form

. A PDF of your map uploaded via Moodle/Turnitin

. A PDF of your 3D visualisation uploaded via Moodle/Turnitin

This assignment is worth 70% of the marks for the module.

-   An assignment is an independent piece of work:

Your work should not be identical to, or similar to, that of any other

student or the work we do in class.  If two assignments are very similar we will follow UCL procedures for plagiarism – see the guidelines here:


Discussing your assignment work or sharing your work with other students is collusion.

-   If you have questions about this assignment, please post them on Moodle

-    That way everyone is given the same information

-    That way I remember what I’ve said to you and don’t mark you down for doing something that I wasn’t expecting

-   Any questions should be generic – as this is an assessment which will gauge how much you’ve learned during the module I won’t be able to solve very  specific assignment-related problems for you.

-   Do not post any part of your assignment answer on Moodle

-    The deadline for posting questions is 5 days before the assignment deadline

-    This is a digital submission – it is up to you to ensure that the files you upload to Turnitin or the online submission process are not corrupt in any way (in Turnitin

you might be able to do this by downloading the uploaded files to check them, for the online submissions you will receive an e-mail which you should keep as

evidence of successful submission)

NB:  You are limited to a maximum of 10 e-mails per day to avoid overloading the testing system

Database Design and Build (70%)


The assignment involves the selection of a location-based asset management topic of your choice for which you will create a hierarchical pyramid to show how the features (assets) and decisions based on information about those features nest upwards.

The pyramid should have 3 levels of spatial nesting

You will then make a list of 7 decisions. Two of the decisions MUST use data output from lower level decisions (i.e. bottom-> middle and middle -> top).   All decisions should relate to ONE level of the pyramid (up to you which level for the other decisions).

You will  then  create  the  physical  database  for  your  topic,  insert  some  data  and demonstrate using queries how this data can be used as evidence for the decisions.

Step 1 - Topic Pre-Selection/Declaration (online form, link on Moodle)

See Moodle for details of where the topic list has been sourced from.

You MUST check the topic description before you select a topic, and make sure you understand the topic.  If the remainder of your assignment does not match the topic you will not pass.

Select a topic and provide a topic title and list your three spatial asset tablenames and geometry types and dimensions.   These must be nested (i.e. the top level contains the middle level and the middle level contains the bottom level)1 :

•   The top level should be a 3D volume

•   The middle level should be a 3D volume or a 2D area (provided it nests inside the top level using st_contains)

•   The bottom level can be a 2D or 3D point or a 2D or 3D line or a 2D or area or a 3D volume (provided it nests inside the middle level using st_contains)

Not nesting the assets correctly will result in marks being lost for decisions as well

There is no specific deadline for this task but you should make sure you lock in your

topic BEFORE doing any other work on the assignment!

You should not use a university or school example as this would be too similar to the example we covered in class and would be plagiarism.   Your decisions should also not be similar to those used in the class example - i.e. do not adapt existing text and SQL

- make sure you start completely from scratch. Examples similar to Adaptable Suburbs or the noise case study are also not allowed.

Step 2 - Decisions (online form, link from Moodle)

List the Decisions (link to online form will be given in Moodle)

1.  Write a description of the 7 decisions that your database will support

a.  The decisions need context and should include some information as to what information is needed but also WHY the information is needed, how it will be used by the decision maker - In other words, you need to be clear on what the information will actually be used for - what is being decided.  See Appendix for further information.

2.  You should have two decisions that build on information provided by a lower level query (i.e. three decisions in total) .  You should make use of VIEWS to achieve this.

a.  Create a view for the decision corresponding to the bottom level of the pyramid, and for the decision query select from this view

b.  Create a view for the decision corresponding to the middle level of the pyramid that includes data from the view from the bottom level of the pyramid, and for the decision query select from this view

c.  Create  a view for  the decision corresponding to the top level of the pyramid, that includes data from the middle  level view, and for the decision query select from this view

Step 3 - Pyramid (turnitin upload)

1.  Create a THREE LEVEL pyramid for this organisation - similar to the example from the  Centennial  case  study.    This  should  include  the  names  of  the  spatial asset/features that are at the bottom, middle and top levels of your pyramid

a.  These names must be IDENTICAL to the name of the table that stores data for this feature.

b. All table names should be lower case

c.  All three tables (assets) must match the tables you declared in the pre- submission stage

d. All three features must be spatial - i.e. mappable (they can be 2D or 3D depending on how they were originally declared)

e.  The  features  must  nest  -  i.e.  features  at  the  lowest  level  must  be contained inside features at the middle level, and features at the middle level contained inside features at the upper level.

Include a cover sheet in this  PDF as Moodle  requires a  minimum of 35 words for plagiarism checks.

Step 4 - Database creation (5 script files, online form)

For this part of the assignment:

1.  Script creation as follows:

a.  Create an SQL script that contains the SQL used to create the tables in your database system. Call this script: createtable_ucfsxxx.txt (where ucfsxxx is your UCL login). All table names should be lower case, use _ to separate out any words (not spaces or -)

Make sure you use addGeometryColumn to add location columns – the SQL testing scripts will not work if this is not present

Make sure you use the parameters approach following the in-class example.

b.  Create  a  separate  SQL  script  for  all  the  constraints.     Call  this  script:


c.  Create a separate SQL script to populate each table with data - call this script insertdata_ucfsxxx.txt:

• A minimum of 2 rows of data for the top level of the pyramid

• A minimum of 3 rows of data for the middle level (nested within the top level data)

• A minimum of 9 rows of data for the bottom level (nested within the 3 rows of the middle level)

• A minimum of THREE rows of data for all other tables.

The data should be sufficient to allow you to test out the SQL for your listed decisions. The resulting data for each decision should contain at least one row of data

So that we can test your work independently, your SQL must create ALL the data required from scratch – don’t use any data that has been imported via QGIS / sourced from third parties.  The spatial data you create does not need to be very sophisticated in terms of geometry complexity.

All data should use a projected coordinate system (i.e. not lat/lng2 –  if you  don’t  know  the  projected  coordinate  system  for  your location use British National Grid)

d.  Upload a script that creates a series of views that will help to simplify your queries – minimally, you should have 3 views, one for each level of the pyramid that aggregates from the lower levels.   You should also have a latest_parameters view. Your file should only contain views – do not include the select statements to test the views. Call this createviews_ucfsxxx.txt

e.  Create a script file with the 7 SQL queries that provide data used to support the  decisions  you  listed  in  the  first  part  of  the  assignment.  Call  this


The answers to each decision should contain at least one row of data Three of the seven statements should be just select from view statements

2.  Use the provided test system (link on Moodle) to upload and test your scripts. You will receive an e-mail report each time you run the test. Keep this as evidence

that you have submitted your scripts.


•    The SQL scripts should be manually created - i.e. typed by you

•    You must use the provided PostGIS database

•    The first line of the createtable script should drop cascade the ucfsxxx schema (if it exists) and create it again

•    All the SQL should work in your schema - e.g. your create table scripts should be similar to: create table ucfsxxx.buildings (……), your insert scripts insert into ucfsxxx.buildings and queries select from ucfsxxx.buildings

•    Do not include views in the decision queries - use a separate views file

•    Include  comments in your scripts to make them easy to read - use  -- to mark the comments

o ** Any comments should be prefixed by --   (not /*  */)

•    Each element (create table, constraint, row insert, decision query etc) in the script should be separated by a ;

•    Make sure that the filenames are correct.

•    Any decision that requires the use of number values - distances, minimum or maximum sensor values, cost for painting, available budget and similar should use parameters. Values must not be hard-coded in the SQL

Step 5 - Map and 3D visualisation and queries (one PDF via Turnitin)

Upload a PDF to Moodle containing a QGIS screenshot showing the spatial data you create and a 3D screenshot created in FME. The screenshots should include the entire QGIS/FME windows (including menus and layer list) so that it clearly shows that the data is spatial and the map has been created from data in the database.

Marking Process

This assignment will be marked semi-automatically (nearly fully automatically), so it is very important that you follow instructions to the letter.  Automated marking

includes (but is not limited to):

•    Running all the SQL scripts you upload and creating your database – this will NOT be done on the system we use in class, as we have a separate test

database for the purpose so it is important to make sure your scripts run from beginning to end

o Don’t forget to drop cascade and create the schema in the createtable script

o Don’t forget to use your UCL login ucxxxxx as the schema name

o Make sure that all your tables and views are created in the schema

•   Making sure you use the exact table names for the three assets that you declared in the initial form

•   Checking that the geometry for the three levels of your pyramids actually does nest as expected

•   Checking that all your tables have

o Primary keys

o Unique constraints

•   Checking that your data is valid – e.g. that you have the required rows of data in all the tables, that primary/foreign key constraints are enforced, that geometry is correct and is nested as required

•   The later parts of the assignment are dependent on the earlier parts – e.g. if your decision is not worded as a decision you will also lose marks for the related SQL.