关键词 > MN7182SR

MN7182SR Marketing, Marketing Communications and Operations Assessment 2


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Master of Business Administration

Assignment Submission Form

Module Code:


Module Title:

Marketing, Marketing Communications and Operations

Assessment Title:

Assessment 2, A Marketing Plan

Lecturer Name:


Student ID Number:


Student Name:


Assessment due date:

27 January 2024

Student Declaration:

By submitting this assignment, I/ we confirm that I/we have not sourced or used any information from any online essayprovider nor any other third party not acknowledged in my/our assignment. I/ We declare that the work submitted is my/our own.


Students should note that the University has a formal policy on plagiarism which can be found at https://student.londonmet.ac.uk/your-studies/student-administration/rules-and-regulations/academic-misconduct/

Feedback/Feedforward Coversheet



Marketing, Marketing Communications and Operations Management  


Academic Year 2023/24

Assessment # 2

Individual Investigative Report (70%)

Word counts: 4000 (+/- 10%)

Student Name:  

First Marker:

Student ID:  

Second Marker:

Title of report:   A Marketing Plan

Assessment criteria


1st Marker

2nd  marker

1. Critically appreciate and use Marketing Research tools for researching business opportunities. This will provide the student with the necessary background information about performance of the selected organisation and the level of application of marketing theory.




(20 marks)

To write a MARKETING PLAN with the support of:

1. Introduction of “chosen” company (to include products/services being offered)

(10 marks)


2. To conduct the following scans for the “chosen” company

· External scan (PEST)

· Industry scan (MP5FF)

· Internal scan (SWOT)  

(10 marks)       












Critically appreciate and use Marketing Strategy models in a global context. Although this outcome would particularly apply to global companies. All businesses should be evaluated from a local as well as a global perspective with a view of further expansion.


(35 marks)

1. To determine the “new” segmentation, target and positioning (STP) for the “chosen” company

(15 marks)


2. To determine the “new” Marketing Mix (4Ps or 7Ps) for the “chosen” company  

(20 marks)










Critically appreciate and use Marketing Communications to reach and influence target audiences. This dimension should be evaluated in the light of both content and means of communication.


(20 marks)

1. To propose a new marketing communication

programme/strategy for the “new” strategy for the “chosen” company

(20 marks)






Critical appreciation and use of Operations Management to design and develop products/services that meet market requirements


(20 marks)

1. To design and propose the operations management for the “new” strategy for the “chosen” company

(20 marks)





Personal learning and reflections


(5 marks)


1. Narrative what was your personal learning for this module

(5 marks)




                                                                Total Marks




Areas for Improvements

From First Marker

Knowledge and understanding




Analysis and evaluation




From Second Marker

Knowledge and understanding




Analysis and evaluation



Agreed Marks

First Markers marks/date:

Second Markers marks/date:



Please upload the Turnitin Report














The authors chosen company is: coinbase

I have attached a very specific  sample for your reference. Follow strictly and if you can make it better, you can go beyond.


1.0 Introduction of the chosen Company

1.1 Background of Company

1.2 VMVC

1.3 Company Offerings

1.3.1 Product Line

1.3.2 Services

1.4 Resources & Capabilities (5Ms)

1.5 Marketing Research

1.5.1 Primary Research Data (all ways work as long as it is first-hand interviewed statement)

1.5.2 Secondary Research Data

1.5.3 Reliability and Validation:

2.0 Environmental Scan

2.1 External Analysis PESTEL

2.2 Industry Analysis Porters 5 Forces

2.3 Internal Analysis SWOT Matrix


3.0 Marketing Strategy

3.1 STP Analysis

3.1.1 Current STP

3.1.2 Proposed STP

3.2 Brand Strategy

3.2.1 new brand

3.3 Marketing Mix Analysis (7PS)

3.3.1 Current Marketing Mix

3.3.2 Proposed Marketing Mix


4.0 Marketing Communication Strategy

4.1 Purpose (DRIP Approach)

4.2 Marketing Communication Mix

4.2.1 RACE Framework

4.2.2 PESO Model

Current Communication Strategy

Proposed Communication Strategy


5.0 Operations Management

5.1 4Vs

Current Operations Management Strategy

Proposed Operations Management Strategy


6.0 Personal Learning & Reflection

Why do you think the module is useful and what have you learnt that benefit you most in your career and life?

References (30references and in-text citations requested)