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EEE8087 3W Rev. 1.1 Real Time Embedded Systems Worksheet 3.


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EEE8087 3W Rev. 1.1

Real Time Embedded Systems

Worksheet 3. Interrupts, and the Foreground / Background Structure

The mechanism by which a processor responds to an interrupt can be quite complex, and varies   between different processors. When working at the assembly language level, it is necessary to be familiar with the details for the processor you are using. The first thing is to understand the operation of the last-in-first-out (LIFO) data structure known as the stack.

The Stack

Address register A7 is used as the stack pointer. In the assembly language, this register can be denoted either as 'A7' or as 'SP'. If you call it SP, remember that it is in fact A7, and do not use A7 for any other purpose.

The stack pointer is intialised by the simulator to point to the very top of memory, at address 1000000H. If you want to place the stack somewhere else, its value can be changed, e.g.

move.l             #$8000,sp       ;places stack at 8000H

The SP always points to the address of the most recent value placed onto the stack. In other words, it points to the next address above the address to which the next value will be written. Each new entry on the stack is placed immediately below the previous one.  When a value is placed ('pushed') onto the stack, the SP is first decremented by the length of this value, and the value itself is then written to this address. For example, suppose that the SP has been intitialised to 8000H.






It is now required to save the 4-byte value of D3 on the stack. The SP is first decremented by 4, and the value of D3 is written to the resulting address.










The 'push' instruction that does this is written as follows.

move.l             d3,-(sp)

More recent versions of this processor, however, do not support this type of instruction that both updates a value in memory and updates a value in a register at the same time. Although the above instruction is still supported by the simulator, it would be better practice to use the following sequence that adjusts the stack pointer explicitly, before storing the data register.



;push d3 onto stack



To remove ('pop') the value of D3 back from the stack, the instructions are reversed. D3 is loaded from the current stack address, and the SP is then incremented.



;pop d3 off stack



Remember that the two instructions that respectively perform the data movement and pointer adjustment are in the opposite order in the push and pop sequences.

Implementation of Hardware Interrupts

The occurrence of an interrupt gives rise to the following sequence of events.

1. Status Register and Program Counter are Pushed onto Stack

A 2-byte register within the processor, called the status register, holds the value of the flag bits and various other items of control information. The 4-byte program counter holds the address of the next instruction to be executed. When an interrupt is raised, both registers need to be saved, in order that, when the interrupt processing is complete, the machine may be restored to the exact state that it was in beforehand. The program counter and status register are both pushed onto the stack automatically at the start of interrupt processing.

For example, suppose that the SP has been initialised to 8000H and that the SR and PC contain the following values.

000010A6 2040

PC                       SR

After the interrupt has been accepted by the processor, the PC and SR are pushed onto the stack, and the SP is decremented by 6 bytes.



10A6 (pc lo)


0000 (pc hi)


2040 (sr)


2. Processor Vectors to Interrupt Service Routine

There are 7 interrupts available, numbered 1 to 7, each of which may have its own interrupt service routine (ISR). After pushing the PC and SR, the processor then accesses a table in low memory, at address 64H. This table contains the addresses of the interrupt service routines for each of the 7 interrupts. (These addresses are called 'vectors'). The table contains a 4-byte value corresponding to the address of the ISR for each interrupt.



;origin 0



;define 64H unused bytes

ivec1 dc.l


;address of ISR 1

ivec2 dc.l


ivec3 dc.l


; ... etc




;origin 64H

ivec1 dc.l


;address of ISR 1

ivec2 dc.l


; ... etc

The interrupts are in order of priority, with 7 being the highest priority and 1 the lowest. If two interrupts occur at the same time, the one at the higher priority level will be accepted and the other  one will be kept waiting until the first has been dealt with. In this work, however, we will only require one interrupt, and will use interrupt 1 throughout.

When an interrupt occurs, the processor takes the vector corresponding to its priority level number and branches to that address, where it finds the first instruction of the ISR for that interrupt.

3. Interrupt Service Routine Executed

The ISR is written by the programmer, and specifies the action to be taken by that interrupt. An ISR always begins by saving the value of any registers it is going to use, since these registers will need  to be restored to their original values after the interrupt processing is complete. It does this by pushing them onto  the stack, using the procedure described earlier. For example, if ISR1 is going to use register D0, then it will be coded as follows.

isr1 ;                                 code for ISR1

;this ISR is going to use register D0

sub.l    #4,sp ;push D0 onto stack

move.l d0,(sp)

... ;substantive code for ISR function


move.l (sp),d0 ;pop D0 off stack

add.l    #4,sp

rte ;return from interrupt

At the end of the ISR, the reverse sequence is used to 'pop' the register back off the stack, thereby restoring it to its state before the interrupt occurred.

4. Processor Returns from Interrupt, Back to Interrupted Task

Note the last instruction in the ISR above. 'Return from exception' *  causes the processor to pop off the stack the values of the SR and PC, which it had pushed onto the stack at the start of the interrupt processing. Their old values are thereby restored, and the processor can now carry on at    the address at which it was interrupted. So long as any working registers used by the ISR have also been correctly restored, the machine will now be in exactly the same state as before the interrupt, and the interrupted task will be unaware that anything has happened.

Note the LIFO behaviour of the stack. The PC and SR were pushed first, followed by the working registers. However, the registers were then first to be popped off, followed by the SR and PC.

* On this family of processors, events that cause the suspension of the currently executing task, including interrupts, a hardware reset, and hardware errors, are collectively called 'exceptions'.

Controlling Interrupts

If at anytime you need to prevent an interrupt from being processed, the interrupt can be disabled, and subsequently re-enabled, with the following instructions which change the priority level in the interrupt mask within the status register. Although you will need to use these instructions, we do not need to go into their internal working. However, you can look this up (or ask) if you are interested. Although a disabled interrupt will be kept waiting for the processor's attention, the interrupt itself will still be active, so interrupts should be disabled for the minimum possible time.

or #$0700,sr ;disable hardware interrupts

and #$f8ff,sr ;enable hardware interrupts

Practical Work


The question itself is the same as Q1 on worksheet 2, but it will now be solved differently.

'The simulator has 8 push-button switches, mapped to address E00014H and wired so that each switch returns a logic-0 when pressed and logic-1 when released. It also has 8 LEDs, mapped to address E00010H. Programme the system so that the RH LED changes state each time the RH  switch is pressed, and demonstrate it on the simulator.'

When you programmed this before, you used a single-task loop. This time, programme it in a foreground / background structure. The two tasks communicate by means of a shared variable called 'ledstat'.

When the button is pressed, it raises an interrupt. This causes execution of the foreground task, which inverts the state of ledstat. Meanwhile, the background task is continuously looping, setting the LED according to the current value of ledstat.


The simulator also contains an array of eight 7-segment displays. From left to right, the digits are mapped to addresses E00000, E00002, E00004 .. E0000E. Programme a stop-watch function, using the rightmost digits to count in seconds. Timing starts when the RH pushbutton is pressed, and stops when the button to its left is pressed, or after 9 seconds, whichever is earlier.

Use an FG/ BG structure. Set the interrupt to activate automatically at 1 sec intervals, thereby functioning as a timer.

Consider how the process should be divided between the two tasks. The BG task will handle any ongoing processing, while the FG task deals with events that happen intermittently. Use the interrupt as little as possible, and keep the ISR as short as possible. Information that needs to be communicated between the two tasks should be placed in a shared variable.


Using a foreground / background structure, write the following programme. Three 32-bit variables are stored in memory. Variable a is held at location 2000H, b at 2004H and c at 2008H. Each variable is intialised to zero, using constant declarations of the form:

org      $2000

a          dc.l      0

b         dc.l      0

c          dc.l      0

The background task runs in a continuous loop that takes variable a from memory, increments it, and returns it to memory. It then does the same with variable c. The foreground task takes variable b from memory, increments it and returns it to memory, and then also does the same with variable  c.

On the hardware panel, set interrupt 1 to occur automatically at 50ms intervals, thereby causing the foreground task to run 20 times per second. Run the programme for a few seconds, then stop it and examine the three variables. Obviously, a + b should equal c, although the total could be 1 less depending on where the programme happened to be when it was stopped.

Has this worked? Unless you have made particular arrangements concerning the use of the interrupt, then it very probably has not. Explain why. Consider how to solve the problem, and modify your programme so as to correct it.


A foreground task continuously generates items of data at intervals that are convenient to observe, say 1.5 sec. This data consists of a series of binary values incrementing in a repeating sequence    from 00H to 0FH. These data items are placed into consecutive elements in a large array, which can be thought of as a queue.

Simultaneously, a background task is running. Each time a pushbutton is pressed, it removes an item from the queue, in the same order that they were entered, and displays it on a digit in the 7- segment display.

A counter keeps track of the  number of elements in the queue. It is incremented each time a new    value is entered, and decremented whenever one is removed. If the BG task attempts to remove an item when the count is zero, then the BG task waits; the existing display is maintained and is then updated automatically when the FG task places the next item into the queue.

This is an example of a classical algorithm known as the 'producer - consumer problem'. The FG task is producing items of data, while the BG task is consuming them. You will need to consider   three points concerning the timing relationship between the two tasks.

•    The counting variable is written to by both tasks. How will this be handled?

•    The BG task may remove items from the queue faster than the FG task places them in. This eventuality has been allowed for in the specification, which states that, if the queue is empty, the BG task should wait until another item does become available. How will this be achieved?

•    Conversely, the FG task might place entries into the queue faster than the BG task removes them, causing the queue to overflow. This problem is awkward to deal with in an FG/ BG system, but it has been circumvented here by specifying that the queue has a large number of places (100, say), and so will not overflow during the short time that the programme is running.