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EC341 Mathematical Economics 2: Mechanism Design and Evolutionary Game Theory


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EC341 Mathematical Economics 2:

Mechanism Design and Evolutionary Game Theory

Course Syllabus for Mechanism Design

Last update: October 8, 2023

Course Description

Mechanism Design studies games with incomplete information and the effects of information asymmetry. In this course, students will:

1. Asymmetric Information and Adverse Selection: Examine the Lemon’s Market to un- derstand the issues arising from information disparities between parties.

2.  Signaling Game:  Learn about signaling games where informed players communicate their type or intentions to uninformed players, addressing information asymmetry.

3.  Screening Game:  Study how uninformed players create menus to prompt informed players to disclose their private information.

4. Mechanism Design Framework: Understand the Revelation Principle—for any outcome in a game with asymmetric information, a direct mechanism exists where players reveal their information truthfully.

5. Applications: Explore the insurance market to see how contracts are designed against adverse selection and delve into auction design to achieve specific objectives like revenue maximization.

Upon completion, students will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to address chal- lenges in games of incomplete information and design effective mechanisms.

Class Hours

Lectures:           Tuesdays 10–11 AM and Thursdays 4–5 PM

Office Hours:    Wednesdays 9–11 AM by appointment

Seminars:          TBD

Reading List

1.  Game Theory: An Introduction by Tadelis, S.

This is the main reference for the course.

2. A Course in Game Theory by Osborne, M.J. and Rubinstein, A.

This is a good reference for prerequisite materials.

3. Putting Auction Theory to Work by Milgrom, P.

This is an excellent reference for very advanced students.


 Final Exam: 80%

•  Mathematical Essay: 20%

Essay questions will be added to Moodle in Week 7.

Deadline: 2 PM on 16 Jan, 2024.

Course Schedule

Week 1    Topic:                Games with Incomplete Information revisited

Key concepts:    Bayesian games, Bayes–Nash equilibrium, Sequential Equilibrium

Reading:            Chapter 12 of Osborne and Rubinstein, Chapter 12.1–12.2, 13.1 of Tadelis

Week 2    Topic:                 Adverse Selection and the Lemon’s Market

Key concepts:    Adverse selection, information asymmetry

Reading:            Chapter 12.3 of Tadelis

Week 3    Topic:                 Signaling Games

Key concepts:    Signaling, incentive compatibility, separating equilibrium, pooling equilibrium

Reading:            Chapter 16 of Tadelis

Week 4    Topic:                  Screening Games

Key concepts:    Screening, menu of contracts, individual rationality

Reading:            Chapter 14 of Tadelis

Week 5    Topic:                 Mechanism Design

                   Key concepts:    Revelation principle, direct mechanism, envelope theorem, Mirrlees’s conditions

Reading:            Chapter 14 of Tadelis