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Homework 8


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Homework 8

Total Points:

100 (Correctness and Style) + 3 EC (Checkpoint) + 5 EC (Question 5)

Due Dates (SD time):

Entire Assignment: Wednesday, Dec 6th, 11:59pm

Checkpoint (read below): Monday, Dec 4th, 11:59pm

Starter Files

Download hw08.zip. You will find a starter file for the questions of this homework. You cannot import anything to solve the problems except what is given in the starter code.

IMPORTANT: Coding and Docstring Style

This is a reminder that your code style will be graded. Here are a few useful links:

Style Guide Document

Style Guide on Course Website

Style Guide Examples


At any point of the homework, use the following command to test your work :

>>> python3 -m doctest hw08.py

>>> py -m doctest hw08.py

>>> python -m doctest hw08.py

Also you can call one function at the time using:

>>> python3 -i hw08.py

Checkpoint Submission

Due Date: Monday, December 4th, 11:59pm (SD time)

You can earn up to 3 points extra credit by submitting the checkpoint by the due date above. In the checkpoint submission, you should complete Questions 1 and 2 and submit the hw08.py file to gradescope.

Checkpoint submission is graded by completion, which means you can get full

points if your code can pass some simple sanity check (no tests against edge

cases). Note that in your final submission, you should still submit these questions, and you may modify your implementation if you noticed any errors.

General Notes and Requirements


2.  In this homework, you only need to add doctests and docstrings for

Question 4. For other questions, it’s not required to add them, but it’s still recommended to follow the full style guide.

Required Questions

It may seem that the people of Pythonia work and study all the time, but

fortunately, that is not true! There is always time for a fun party to hang out with friends.

Question 1

In this question, we will design a class hierarchy for organizing different parties. Doctests for this question are in the method q1_doctests().

You are strongly encouraged to expand upon the provided doctests to validate your code. Not all cases have been tested in the doctests.

Requirement: You cannot use `@` and you cannot use the `cls ` argument in your class methods. Refer to lecture slides about class methods. No assert statements needed.

Part 1.1: ImaginaryParty

The class ImaginaryParty contains general information about a generic party. This class primarily exists to define shared behavior for its subclasses, which is a specific type of party.

Class attributes:

theme          its value is ‘Imagination’

max_guests          its value is 10

Instance attributes (set via the constructor):

host_name         non-empty string

location           non-empty string

start_time          non-empty string

Class method:

party_fact            It returns a fact about the party; in particular, it returns a string: "The limits of this party are up to your imagination!"

Instance Methods:

generate_party_info             It takes an unknown number of possible party details (each is a string) and returns a new string that combines the party's details and descriptions. See the doctests for more details.

__str__              Special method that allows us to print a string representation of an object. It returns a string combining the host's

Class attributes:

theme                  its value is ‘Imagination’

max_guests                its value is 10

Instance attributes (set via the constructor):

host_name                  non-empty string

name, party location, and start time. See the doctests for more details.

Part 1.2: ArtsAndCrafts

This  is  a subclass of the  ImaginaryParty class.  ArtsAndCrafts will modify the following attributes of the parent class:

Class attributes:


its value is 'Arts and Crafts'


Initially set to 3

Class method:


Returns the number of people that can be accepted into the party by using the

supplies variable. Each supply corresponds to 1 person.

Instance Methods:


It should first check if there is enough

supplies to invite a guest (at least 1). If

there are, then it should subtract 1 from the supplies variable, and finally print out the current ArtsAndCrafts object by using  the self keyword. If there are not enough supplies, then it should return "Not

enough supplies"

Part 1.3: PythoniaGastronomicAdventure

This is a subclass of the ImaginaryParty class. PythoniaGastronomicAdventure will modify the following attributes of the parent class:

Class attributes:


its value is 'Gastronomic Adventure'

Instance Methods:


Because of allergy concerns at this party, the message returned by this method will start with "Allergy Warning!", then on a new line, it should return the same

message generated by the

generate_party_info method of the parent class.

You must use the super() method to access the parent’s

generate_party_info() method so that we do not reuse code.

Hint: The unpacking operator *my_list can be useful

Question 2

No party is complete without any activities. You want to start your party off with a bang, and decide to launch some fireworks.

In this question, we will write a class Firework with basic implementation of the common  firework   functionality.  Doctests  for  this  question  are  in  the  method q2_doctests(). You are not required to add any additional doctests, but it’s highly recommended to add more for your own benefit. We will test your code on another set of inputs.

Requirement: You cannot use `@` and you cannot use the `cls ` argument in your class methods. Refer to lecture slides about class methods.

Part 2.1: Firework

The class Firework represents a general firework. This class  primarily exists to define shared behavior for its subclasses.

Instance attributes:

brand        non-empty string containing the firework’s brand. Passed as a parameter to the constructor.

brightness        is the level of the brightness of the firework in lumens. The default value is 5.

noise_made       is the total noise the fireworks make in decibels. The default value is 0.

noise_complaints        is the number of complaints your neighbors have made. The default value is 0.

Instance Methods:

launch(self)          Launch a firework. Read the description below.

launch_several(self, amount)            Launch fireworks the amount of times. You should return the outcome of all launches.

Note: There should not be a blank line at the end of the returning string.

launch(self): The result of launching should be random, with either “Successful” or “ Dud”. If the firework properly launches, it should create 150 db of noise, if the firework is a dud it should create 30 db of noise.

-   To simulate the random chance call random.choice([True,  False]) or random.choice([“successful”, “dud”])

-   The function should return a string:

"The {brand} firework was launched and it was a {successful/dud} launch. It

created {x} decibels of noise."

-   Consider using   random.choice for the random success/dud option. It is imported in the starter already.

-   Testing random inputs is difficult, therefore we recommend you using a


-    With the same seed, it allows us to generate the same sequence of random numbers every time. You can use any seed, as long as you are consistent. See doctests for more examples.

-   Do not forget to update the noise_made for each launch.

Part 2: Class Firecracker

This is a subclass of the Firework class. Firecracker will have the same instance attributes and methods as Firework. The following are the only differences:

-   Firecracker starts with 3 lumens for brightness. Do not repeat yourself, reuse a constructor from a parent class; keyword super is helpful here.

-   Firecracker has a new method calculate_complaints(self), which will set the number of complaints to the right amount, according to the total noise made. There should be a noise complaint for every 250 db of noise made.

-   Return "Received  {x}  new noise complaints." if there is enough noise to warrant a new complaint.

-   Return "No new complaints!" otherwise.

-   Note that noise_made does not get cleared to 0 after receiving a new complaint, and that you will need to update your noise_complaints attribute.

Part 3: RomanCandle

This  is  a  subclass  of  the  Firecracker class.  RomanCandle will  have  the  same instance attributes and methods as Firecracker. The following are the differences:

-   RomanCandle has a  new  instance attribute cops_called which is a boolean that  should  be  set  to  False by  default. Do  not  repeat  yourself,  reuse  a constructor from a parent class; keyword super is helpful here.

-   RomanCandle also  has the method calculate_complaints(self), which you should override (the keyword super can still be used here). The method will function similarly to its parent’s, except for every new noise complaint, there should  be  a  25% chance that the cops are called. If the cops are called, cops_called should be set to True.

-   If the cops are called, you should return COPS CALLED!!”.

-   There should be a 25% chance the cops are called for each new noise complaint.

-   To  simulate  the  25%  chance  call  random.choice([True,  False, False, False])

-   Do not make more calls to random.choice() than necessary.

-   If  the  cops  aren’t  called,  you  should  return  the  same  output  as Firecracker calculate_complaints(self).

-   Once cops_called is set to True, it should remain True, and the same output   as   Firecracker calculate_complaints(self) should   be returned.

Note: We only provided the base class (Firework) in the starter code, you need to complete the rest of the classes (including the class definitions) yourself.


The noise from the fireworks attracted too much unwanted attention, so you moved the party inside and kept it quiet for the night. You decided to conduct a raffle and host dinner at your party, and you are trying to write a few functions to speed up the process.

Question 3

In this question, you need to fix the implementation of three functions so that they no longer crash. The provided implementation will not work for certain values due to exceptions, thus you need to add a try-except block in each function to deal with this.  You  should  run  the  doctests  to  see  which  exceptions  will  be  thrown.  No additional doctests are needed.

In particular, all you need to do is add a try-except block to handle the potential exception. You should not modify the actual implementation of the given code, and you are not required to add input validations. The provided method descriptions summarize the intended behaviors.

Important Requirements: You will NOT receive credit for the part if you don’t follow.

1.  In each question, you must specify the specific error type(s) in the except block(s). You cannot use


except Exception:

except Exception as e:

2.  Read this article for more detailed explanations of the recommended coding habit.

Part 3.1

Write  a  function  that  generates  raffle  tickets.  The  function   is  supposed  to concatenate every element from letters with every letter from numbers, and return a  list  of  possible  raffle  tickets.  However,  the  current  implementation  crashes because of some bad inputs. If we catch the exception, we should just move on to the next iteration of the loop instead of terminating the entire loop. Do not use pass (for reason read the linked article, you don’t need to log results).

def create_raffle_tix(letters, numbers):


>>> create_raffle_tix(["A", "B", "C"], ["1", 2, "3"]) [ 'A1 ', 'A3 ', 'B1 ', 'B3 ', 'C1 ', 'C3 ']

>>> create_raffle_tix([], [])


>>> create_raffle_tix(["X", None, "Y"], ["1", 2, [3]]) [ 'X1 ', 'Y1 ']


tickets = []

for letter in letters:

for number in numbers:

out.append(str1 + str2)  # add try-except block, specific

to the exception

return tickets

Part 3.2

When sending out invitations to your party, you allowed your guests to upload a file in case they had any special requests, such as allergies. However, some of your guests uploaded corrupted files.

You tried writing a function that is supposed to open each filepath in *filepaths. If we are able to open the file, we should print a  string  '{filepath} opened successfully'. If we are not able to open the file, we should print '{filepath} not found'.  Note  that {filepath} should  be the given file  path string, not the actual string '{filepath}'.

def special_requests(*filepaths):


>>>  special_requests( 'files/vegetarian.txt ',   'files/b.txt ',

'files/c.txt ')

files/vegetarian.txt opened successfully

files/b.txt not found

files/c.txt not found

>>> special_requests( 'random.txt ')

random.txt not found


for filepath in filepaths:

cur_file = open(filepath, "r") # add try-catch block specific

to the exception


Part 3.3

You are trying to create table placards for your party, and you asked everyone to provide their first and last name. However, some invitees only provided their first name and some invitees didn’t format their names properly.

This function is trying to concatenate elements from the first_names list with its corresponding elements in the last_names list. In the current implementation, there are two potential errors that may arise. If they are thrown, you should catch them

and print the error types (you can use the type() function). Otherwise, you would just append first_names[i] + last_names[i] to the output list.

def create_placards(first_names, last_names):


>>> create_placards(["cj", "tank", "nico", "dalton"], ["stroud",


[ 'cj stroud ', 'tank dell ']

>>> create_placards(["brock", "george", "brandon"], [None, None])


>>> create_placards([], [])



names = []

for i in range(len(first_names)):

names.append(first_names[i] + + last_names[i]) # add

try-catch specific to the exception

return names