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MUS 20 Music Appreciation Syllabus Spring 2024


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MUS 20 Music Appreciation Syllabus

Spring 2024

Catalog Description

This course introduces skills for listening to music, with an emphasis on the

Euro-Western classical music traditions. Students will learn to identify components of

music such as meter, texture, tempo, dynamics, orchestration and style characteristics. Students will also learn biographical information regarding significant composers, as well as cultural, economic, political, religious, and social contexts in which these traditions

have existed. May require attendance at live concerts. Credit may be earned in either MUS 20 or 20H, but not both. C-ID: MUS 100

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1.   Distinguish and analyze important components of a piece of music including beat, meter, rhythm, tempo, dynamics, texture, orchestration, form, tonality, compositional constructs of musical periods from the medieval period to the present, and their

stylistic characteristics.

2.  Analyze differences and similarities between the historical time periods of compositions.

3.  Analyze the differences and similarities between the genres of compositions.

4.   Identify the major composers of the Euro-Western classical music traditions.

5.  Distinguish and analyze several of the contexts in which these traditions exist and continue to exist including the cultural, economic, political, religious, and social milieu.

Required Materials

This course uses OER textbooks and other OER materials, all of which are available in

Canvas. In addition, all listening examples are provided within Canvas as well. You will be expected to access the IVC library music database and/or YouTube for most of the listening examples.


Accessibility is an integral part of creating a more inclusive and equitable environment for all members of the campus community. IVC is committed to providing equitable access to

learning opportunities for all students. The Disability Support Programs for Students (DSPS) is the campus office that collaborates with students who have disabilities to provide and/or    arrange reasonable accommodations. If you have an Accommodation Form from DSPS,

please send it to me via the Canvas Inbox. Additionally, if you need to obtain the Accommodation Form, please contact the DSPS office at (949) 451-5630 or at    [email protected] DSPS is located at SSC 171.

Course Format

This course is conducted entirely online in an asynchronous format. There are no online or  on campus meetings. However, I will offer an optional online meeting during week 1 to help students familiarize themselves with the course. Our semester begins on Tuesday, January 16, and ends on Wednesday, May 22.

You can expect to have two to three assignments due each week on Saturday, unless   otherwise noted. Any changes will be posted in the Announcements section of Canvas.

Course Orientation

The first course module constitutes the orientation for this class. Completing this first module, on time, indicates that you have attended class and understand the requirements of the course. Failure to complete this first module may result in being dropped as a “no-show” . You may begin working on the first module as soon as our course begins.

Instructor Drop Policy

In order to be successful in this course, students must participate in the course (work on  assignments) at least three times a week. Simply logging on will not constitute attendance in this course; you must also actively participate by doing the assigned work on time, reading the Home Page and Announcements, and checking your Canvas Inbox for messages.

Students who fail to complete assigned work for an extended period of time are generally unable to pass the class, so if you find yourself in a situation that is preventing you from doing your work for more than a week, please contact me via the Canvas Inbox so that we can discuss your options.

The drop policy is as follows:

●   You will be dropped as a “no-show” if you have not completed any work in the first module (orientation) by the posted deadline. If you have a technical issue that is preventing you from completing the work, contact me and let me know so that I can work with you to find a solution. Do keep in mind that I am required by law to drop

no-show students, so contacting me to let me know you wish to remain in the class is important.

●    If you stop attending class and do not wish to continue, it is in your best interest to

drop the course. I may drop students who have not participated in class for two weeks or more, but I prefer that students drop themselves. Please consult the class schedule for the last day to drop. Students who are still on the roster at the end of the semester will receive a grade for this class.

NEW IVC Grade Policy starting Spring 2019:

Students who are still officially enrolled past the withdrawal deadline (65% point/Drop with a “W” Grade) and who have been excessively absent per the attendance policy may be

assigned a FW grade. The FW counts the same as a F grade in the grade point average, but denotes you stopped attending class and did not fail due to lack of mastery of the course

material. The FW grade may impact eligibility for some types of financial aid. See the Financial Aid Office for more information.

Announcements & Home Page

Important class information can be found in the Announcements section as well as the Home Page. Each week I update the Home Page and send a notification. In addition, I will post

several announcements during the week. These are also sent out as notifications. When you log in to our Canvas course, you will see a “To Do” list of assignments with due dates on the  right-hand side of the Home Page. You will find this feature extremely useful for staying on top of due dates for this class. Announcements are considered required reading in this

course, as the information is essential to your learning.

Canvas Inbox

The Canvas Inbox will be used for all course communication, whether it be the class as a whole, small groups, or individuals. The Inbox is located on the Global Navigation Menu in Canvas (on the far left side of the page if you are using a browser to access Canvas, and at the bottom of the screen if you are using the Canvas mobile app). Only use IVC email if you cannot log into Canvas, but please know that it will take longer to get a response from me. I  suggest checking your Canvas Inbox messages each time you log into Canvas, so as not to miss important class information. I will be messaging you frequently, so don’t miss out!

Missing a Canvas Inbox message could impact your grade.

Setting Your Notification Preferences

If you have not set up Canvas Notifications, I recommend you do that right away as it will be very helpful to you. When you are in Canvas, simply click on “Account” from the Global

Navigation Menu, and then click on “ Notifications” .  Be sure to have announcements, submission comments, and conversation messages set to “notify me right away” .

Technology Requirements

●    Internet connection

●    Browser software (Chrome works best. Do NOT use Internet Explorer.)

   Speakers, headphones, etc. to listen to audio files

Technical Issues and Other Emergencies

We all know that technical problems do happen on occasion, so I suggest making a plan, in case you find yourself having computer or internet issues. As a general rule, due dates will  not be extended, but please contact me if you find yourself in an emergency situation that    cannot be easily resolved before an assignment deadline.

 Please note that the Foundation for California Community Colleges has partnered with

CollegeBuys.org to provide low-cost mobile wireless internet to California Community College students.

If at any point during the semester you have a medical emergency or other serious

emergency (such as a death in the family) that prevents you from doing your assigned work for more than four days, please contact me immediately so we can discuss your

options. You need to contact me in a timely manner (as soon as possible) in order for me to help you.

Academic Dishonesty

Students are expected to do their own work at all times. Academic dishonesty has serious consequences and may result in more than just a zero for that quiz, assignment, or exam. Students who cheat, plagiarize (copy and paste), post assignments or exam

questions/answers on online forums, pay others to do their work, or use unethical means to complete coursework may be reported to the Office of the Vice President for Student

Services for disciplinary action. For more information on what constitutes academic dishonesty, please visit http://www.ivc.edu/policies/pages/honesty.aspx.

Course Assignments

To get the most out of this class, it is important to participate at least three times a week, so as not to miss assignments, which are always due on Saturday of each week, unless otherwise noted. The Home Page is updated weekly with current information and links to

your assignments. In addition, there is a "To-Do" list on the right side of the Home Page with upcoming assignments and due dates. The “Calendar” function (on the Global Navigation Menu) is also extremely useful. Lastly, I send out announcements and reminders about due  dates on a regular basis. However, you must also do your part by logging in to the class and reading announcements and Canvas Inbox messages.

Orientation Module (4 points)

The orientation module consists of one introductory quiz and a discussion board. All

assignments in the orientation module are required and must be completed to prevent being dropped as a “no-show” .

Learning Quizzes (33 points)

The weekly quizzes are learning tools and have unlimited time and unlimited attempts. Think  of quizzes as an interactive lesson replacement for the weekly lecture. Your quizzes include    listening examples, videos, activities, and additional information. As such, it will take about an hour to complete each learning quiz. You are encouraged to continue taking the quizzes   until you get a perfect score. There are a total of 12 quizzes covering the material in the

textbook. (The first quiz, worth 2 points, is part of the orientation module and cannot be

skipped.) You may miss one quiz without penalty, as your lowest score in this category will be dropped, for a total of 33 points. Canvas will automatically drop your lowest score.

Preparatory Listening Quizzes (12 points)

Listening is at the core of our study of music appreciation. In order to help you prepare for the unit listening quizzes, you’ll have six preparatory listening quizzes. Each quiz has three

questions, worth one point each. Your two lowest scores in this category will be dropped, for a total of 12 points. You will have a time limit, but are allowed three attempts.

Unit Exams (90 points)

There are three exams in this class worth 30 points each. Unlike quizzes, each exam has a time limit and can be taken only once. Exams are open books and open notes. You may NOT collaborate with other students, nor may you share questions and/or answers in any form. If you have technical problems during the exam, you must contact me via the Canvas Inbox immediately. If you miss a unit exam, please contact me immediately.

Unit Listening Quizzes (18 points)

For each exam, you will have a corresponding listening quiz based on the listening examples and concepts covered in the learning quizzes. The listening quizzes are worth six points each. Listening quizzes, like exams, have a time limit, but you are allowed only two attempts.

Remember to contact me via the Canvas Inbox if you experience technical problems during an exam or listening quiz. Unit Listening Quizzes follow the same schedule as Unit exams and are due on the same day as the unit exams. Please keep in mind that scores in this category will not be dropped. If you miss a unit listening quiz, please contact me immediately.

Surveys (3 points)

You will have three brief surveys throughout the semester that will allow you to reflect on the course and provide feedback. Each survey is worth 1 point.

Content Discussion Board (2 points)

You are required to post twice, either by posting two questions, or posting one question and  one answer to another student’s question. Discussion boards give you the opportunity to ask your classmates for help understanding the material or quiz questions. Unanswered questions will be answered by the instructor via a Video Q&A.

Grade Scale

Learning Quizzes                          =                   33

Preparatory Listening Quizzes     =                    12

Unit Exams                                    =                    90

Unit Listening Quizzes                  =                    18

Surveys                                         =                     3

Content Discussion Board           =                     2

TOTAL POINTS                            =                  162

The grade scale for your final semester grade is as

follows: 90% + = A; 80-89.99% = B; 70-79.99% = C;

60-69.99% = D; and below 60% is failing.

Category Grade Rules: Summary

Orientation: No scores dropped; must be completed to remain enrolled in course Learning Quizzes: 12 quizzes, lowest score dropped

Preparatory Listening Quizzes: 6 quizzes, 2 lowest scores dropped

Unit Exams: 3 unit exams, no scores dropped

Unit Listening Quizzes: 3 unit listening quizzes, no scores dropped

Surveys: 3 surveys, no scores dropped

Content Discussion Board: minimum of 2 posts, no scores dropped

Course Topics: Overview

Below is a summary of the topics covered each week. For more detailed information, please see Canvas.






Musical Instruments and Voices


Rhythm 1


Rhythm 2


Exam 1 and Listening Quiz 1

Note: These two weeks contain a long 5-day holiday and will be treated as a single week.







IVC Spring Break (March 17 - 23)


Musical Texture 1


Musical Texture 2


Exam 2 and Listening Quiz 2


Musical Form 1


Musical Form 2


Musical Style Periods 1


Musical Style Periods 2


Musical Style Periods 3


Exam 3, Listening Quiz 3, and Musical Style Periods Listening Quiz