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Managerial Accounting – Commerce 2AB3


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Accounting and Financial Management Services

Managerial Accounting – Commerce 2AB3

Course Outline

Winter, 2024

Course Objective and Description:

This course examines managerial decision-making as it relates to both the internal organization of a firm’s activities and the firm’s relationship with its external environment. The focus will be on how the managers can use financial and non-financial information in decision-making, planning and control. However, a good portion   of class discussions will focus on the economic basis for managerial accounting techniques and limitations involved in their use.

This course is concerned with the analysis of and accounting for costs, inventory valuation, managerial

planning, and control.  The nature and behaviour of costs as well as the usefulness and limitations of accounting

data for these purposes will be studied.  Managerial accounting, while providing some data for financial statements prepared for external users, has as its primary purpose the development and presentation of   information useful to management both for planning and for the control of costs.

This course in managerial accounting will include basic materials on terminology and ideas, activity-based

costing, product costing systems, allocation of joint and common costs, direct costing versus absorption costing, cost-volume-profits relationships, relevant costing, pricing, budgeting, standard costing, and variance analysis.   Responsibility accounting and performance management will also be introduced.

This orientation will help all students (whether or not you are aiming for an accounting (a.k.a finance on the street) career), understand what accounting can do for decision makers, and via that why accounting exists, why and how it works the way it does, and why and when there are controversies over managerial accounting techniques.

Course Elements

Credit Value: 1

Team Skills: Yes

IT skills: Yes,

Global: Yes

Verbal Skills: Yes

Numeric: Yes

Political: Yes

Participation: Yes

Written Skills: Yes

Innovation: Yes

Social: Yes

Web: Yes

Textbook (WileyPLUS is required to complete assignments)

WKKA           Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso, Aly, “Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision-

Making”, 6th  Canadian Edition, 2021, Wiley.

Two options are available in the bookstore:

Option 1:      Loose leaf + WileyPLUS (includes online E-Text); ISBN 9781119731818; $99.00.

Option 2:       E-Text + WileyPLUS; ISBN   9781119731801; $76.95.

The bookstore link to the textbook is below:



+Commerce&wsCOURSEG1=2AB3&wsSECTIONG1=DAY+C01&programG1=McMaster+Under grad+and+Graduate&crit_cnt=1

Note: In addition, I plan to distribute additional materials as we go along which all will be posted on Avenue. Students are strongly advised to bookmark / subscribe to a financial newspaper, such as  Wall Street Journal, The Globe and Mail or the Financial Times or read these papers in the Innis Room regularly. From time to time, we will draw on these sources for relevant current articles.

Internet Information Resources:

Accounting Organizations

Canadian Academic Accounting Association:            http://www.caaa.ca

CPA Canada:                                                               https://www.cpacanada.ca/

American Accounting Association:                            http://aaahq.org


Ontario Securities Commission:                                  http://www.osc.gov.on.ca

Securities and Exchange Commission:                        http://www.sec.gov


Wall Street Journal:                                                     http://www.wsj.com

CFO:                                                                           http://www.cfo.com

The Globe and Mail:                                                    http://www.TheGlobeAndMail.com

McKinsey Quarterly                                                    http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com


The final course grade will be based on the following inputs:


20                    Homework Assignments (4 Assignments; each worth 5% each)

35                    Mid-Term Examination (March 2nd, Time: TBA ; Location: TBA) 45                    Final Examination (As per Registrar’s calendar)


100% (***)

*** Please note there will be Participation Bonus marks (maximum of 5 marks). Your total earned bonus marks during the term will be added to your overall final course grade as per the stated components listed above. Further details on these bonus marks are outlined below:

• During the lecture, participation/learning will be tested on the Top Hat platform.  In the first week of

January prior to your first class, you will receive an email with a link to register for your respective Top Hat section.  There will be no cost to the student for registering in Top Hat.  Further instructions will be posted in Avenue.

• During each class, you will be asked to answer simple questions on materials covered during the lecture in the form of T/F, MC, or fill-in-the-blank.  Each question is worth 1 point of which you will receive 0.6 a    point for attempting the question and 0.4 a point for correctness.

• Bonus participation marks can only be earned for participation in the section in which a student is

registered.  If a student attends a different section in which the student is not registered, there will be no

participation marks awarded for that session and the student will not be able to view the Top Hat questions.

• Since this component is a bonus mark only, MSAF’s will not be accepted for missed classes and there is no makeup opportunity for missed classes.

The instructor reserves the right to take trends and participation into consideration in assigning the final grade. (Some students do not "fit all of the pieces together" until the final weeks of the course.)

NOTE: The use of a McMaster standard calculator is allowed during examinations in this course.   See McMaster calculator policy at the following URL:



This is not a marked component. However, do note that students in the past have found these to be useful for their examination performance and professional development. The best way to do these would be attempt as a Chapter is being covered in class and preferably do it in a study group setting.

Students are strongly encouraged to form into study groups for enhanced learning and understanding while optimizing on time, a core skill for successful business leaders.

The solutions to these suggested exercises will be made available on Avenue. Although, the solutions are made available it is strongly encouraged to do these exercises first, without looking at the solutions, knowing full well that the solutions are available.


Tutorials are both in-person and pre-recorded. Tutorials are an extension of the classroom lectures.  The content covered in the lectures is applied through practice problems covered in the tutorials.

This is not a marked component. However, students have in the past found these tutorials to be very helpful for midterm/final exam preparations and professional development.

In-person tutorials will beheld at the Mosaic scheduled time and location.  Please note the content in the in- person tutorials will be identical to the recorded tutorials, thereby releasing time for extended Q&A for enhanced learning experience.

Tutorial questions will be posted in-advance for students to attempt. Recorded solutions will be posted in Avenue by the teaching assistants.


The Homework Assignments are carefully designed to help students keep up with the course material. There will be 4 assignments; due dates are posted below under the “Important Course Dates” section.

Homework Assignments will strictly be due on the scheduled Monday due date at 11:59pm. You may take as long as you wish to complete your homework assignment so long as it is submitted by the due date.  Please note that each homework assignment will be designed to take 2 hours on average to complete! Do allow for sufficient time to start and finish the homework assignment. Assignments will be open two weeks prior to due date. A little Nudge: Start and Finish as early as possible. If an MSAF is applied to a Homework Assignment, then the 5% weight of that Assignment will be moved to the Final Exam.

The Homework Assignments must be completed only by the student individually on WileyPLUS. Receiving direct answers on the assignment questions from any person or other source constitutes a breach of McMaster Academic Integrity Policy.  Homework Assignment problems also offer helpful links that direct students to the appropriate e-text material to help guide the students.  Suggested End of Chapter Practice Problems and solutions are also available through WileyPLUS.

WileyPLUS is accessible through Avenue, but you will require a registration code (available through the bookstore with the options listed above. Instructions and links to instructional videos are posted in Avenue to help students with the WileyPLUS platform.  A 24/7 Wiley support hotline chat is also available to assist with technical IT related issues.

It is highly recommended to set up your WileyPLUS access well in advance of attempting your first assignment in case of any technical issues


The Midterm will have True/False and/or Multiple Choice questions.  If a student files a successful MSAF for missing the midterm, the final exam weight will include the weight of the midterm exam. In case the instructor chooses not to make the final exam comprehensive, students who missed the midterm and filed a successful MSAF will write a final exam that is comprehensive and different from the final exam for students who wrote the midterm. The comprehensive final exam will include the chapters on which MSAF students were not tested.


The Final exam will have True/False and/or Multiple Choice questions.  The final exam will be based on content not covered on the midterm.  The Instructor reserves the right to make the final exam comprehensive pending class performance on the midterm exam.  Students will be advised of the final exam content coverage well in- advance of the exam.

Grade Conversion

At the end of the course your overall percentage grade will be converted to your letter grade in accordance with the following conversion scheme.

LETTER GRADE                              PERCENT              LETTER GRADE PERCENT

A+                                  90 - 100            C+                                    67 - 69

A                                      85 - 89                C                                      63 - 66

A-                                   80 - 84              C-                                     60 - 62


B+                                  77 - 79              D+                                  57 - 59

B                                      73 - 76                D                                      53 - 56

B-                                   70 - 72              D-                                   50 - 52


F                                     00 – 49