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BSBMKG435 Analyse Consumer Behaviour ASSESSMENT TASK 2


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Task Summary:

In this assessment, you are required to complete a number of activities and develop a project portfolio.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

· Learning resources and other information for reference

· Project Portfolio template

· Case Study Simulation Pack

· Tourism Trends spreadsheet

When do I do this task?

This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (if applicable).

What do I need to submit?

Part A

§ A Completed Project Porfolio

§ Two (2) interview records (script/note/summary), one for each consumer type (As attachment of Section 1)

§ A trend and past performance analysis report (As attachment of Section 1)

§ Snapshot of customers response to past marketing activities

Part B

§ Presentation notes or slides

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor sees that you have not completed all parts of the task completely and satisfactorily, the details of resubmission will be discussed with you when you are advised of the outcome of this task. You will only need to redo the parts of the task that are incorrect; however, you will need to resubmit the entire assessment again.

Assessment Instructions:

Read the following scenario and complete activities in Part A and B:


This project requires you to analyse the behaviour of two different consumer types in order to understand the factors that impact on decisions to purchase a product or service.

As part of the assessment you, you will:

· evaluate the drivers of consumer behaviour

· evaluate the reasons for existing levels of consumer interest

· recommend a marketing focus.

To complete this assessment, you will conduct a thorough analysis of consumer attitudes and behaviour and recommend a marketing focus to increase the consumption of the product or service being marketed.

You will find the information you need to complete the assessment, in the Simulation Pack.

You will need access to the relevant legislation (this may be legislation relevant to a retail, government or business consumer type, etc.), regulations, workplace documentation and resources relevant to consumer behaviour analysis.

You will also need time-series data (containing at least 3 consecutive data time points) to analyse trends and past performance as well as access to the software and technology used by your chosen business, to analyse consumer data (can be found from Tourism Trend Spreadsheet)

In addition to this, you will need to analyse consumer responses to previous marketing communications, so you should ensure that you have enough data available. Take a look at the requirements in your Project Portfolio for more information.

If you are using a real business, it is important that you are able to access enough information for your chosen business in order to be able to do your assessment. This should include the marketing plan with objectives and market profiles for at least two different types of consumers.

You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you need to take are outlined below.

Part A: Project Portfolio

Section 1:

1. Gather information on the market

Collect information about the market for a product /service according to the marketing plan of the business which you base your assessment on (from the case study or the business that you chose)

Complete Section 1 (page 5,6,7,8) of your Project Portfolio by doing the following:

• Use the business’ marketing plan to identify the market for the product/service you are basing the project on.

• Identify the market segments according to the marketing plan

• Identify two different types of consumers that are likely to purchase this product or service.

• For each consumer type, identify and outline

o the size of the market

o the relevant marketing objectives

• The consumer attributes, using market profile information and any sources of existing customer data available to you (this may be demographics, psychographics, buying behaviour, etc.).

2. Compare the current product/service offering to the marketing plan

Compare the current product/service offering to the marketing plan with two prospective customers (one from each consumer type) using focus group interview method.

During the interview you need to ask them about their experience with the product/service (for example, whether they would rate the accommodation as 5-star, whether staff at the hotel speak Mandarin, etc.).

Use the product features outlined in the marketing plan to guide your questioning. Your assessor and any two fellow students may play the role of the different consumer type in each case. Each interview should last for 15 minutes.

During the interview, ensure that you:

· gather information demonstrating active listening and questioning.

· comply with the implicit and explicit procedures and processes of your chosen business

· keep the customs and practices of the business in mind

· acting according to the policies and procedures of the business

· adhering to the ethical, legal and regulatory responsibilities involved in consumer research (this may involve confidentiality, informing respondents if they are being filmed, etc.).

Complete Section 1 (page 8,9,10) of your Project Portfolio and attach evidence of the intervew and record your results.

3. Analyse trends and past performance and write a report

You are now required to use existing customer data to investigate consumer need for the product or service by analyse trends and past performance for each consumer type using data available.

You may use the Excel spreadsheet provided in the Simulation Pack.

Write a 1–2-page report using Microsoft Word containing the following information:

· A brief introduction containing a description of your two consumer types

· one graph for each consumer type, depicting a change in consumer need for the product over time. This may be a year-on-year change in the number of consumers or a year-on-year change in spend.

Complete the rest of Section 1 and attach your report to Section 1 of your Project Portfolio

Section 2:

1. Evaluate reasons for existing levels of consumer interest

You are now required to evaluate the reasons for existing levels of interest in the product/service of your chosen business. You may use the information from Simulation Pack.

Complete Section 2 page 11of your Project Portfolio. To do this, you need to:

· Analyse consumer responses to previous marketing communications

· Review relevant data and determine consumer digital footprints, engagement journeys and expectations

Attach evidence (screenshots, reports, links to your information sources, etc.) of consumer responses to past marketing or at the end of this Section.

2. Assess organisational capability

You will assess the organisational capability of your chosen business. For the purpose of completing this activity, assume that consumer need for the product will increase with time. You may base your capability assessment on the information you reviewed or received during previous activities and your own reasonable assumptions.

Complete the Organisational Capability Assessment Template in Section 2 of your Project Portfolio to assess the capability of the business to meet the needs of consumers, by assessing the following elements:

· the staff and their knowledge, skills and experience

· the business processes and practices

· the facilities, equipment and technology

Section 3:

Recommend a marketing focus

You are now required to do research in order to recommend a marketing focus.

Complete Section 3 of your Project Portfolio. To do this, you need to research:

• the different factors that influence consumer behaviour

• the role of the consumer in the digital marketing environment

Use Section 3 of your Project Portfolio to record your recommendations for a marketing focus by considering how influences can be used in your marketing strategies (for each consumer) so that consumption of the product or service being marketed is increased. Justify your answer by referring to any information collected about the consumer during previous activities.

Part B: Presentation

Meet with the marketing manager to present your recommendations for a marketing focus, you will meet with your assessor assuming the role of manager. The meeting may be online or in person and should last for 15-20 minutes.

At the meeting, discuss:

· your recommendations for a marketing focus

· model engagement conversations and interventions by explaining the digital marketing tools you plan to use and how you will engage the consumer

· any legal and ethical obligations involved

· an estimation of the cost and confirm that there is budget available

During the meeting, demonstrate effective communication skills including:

· speaking clearly and concisely

· using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding

· asking questions to identify required information

· using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

What do I need to hand in for this task?

Have I completed this?

A Completed Project Portfolio


Two (2) interview records (script/note/summary), one for each consumer type (As attachment of Section 1)


A trend and past performance analysis report (As attachment of Section 1)


Snapshot of customers response to past marketing activities


Presentation notes or slides
