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Database Assignment


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Database Assignment

1. Objective & Expectation

This assignment is another mandatory coursework of IS1060 Introduction to Information Systems. The objective is to enable UOL to confirm that you have a good understanding of the basis of analysis, design and development of a database application using data management software. Your aim is to convince UOL that you are able to select a data management problem and apply appropriate systems analysis and design techniques to address the problem and proceed to develop a database application. Your work must show evidence of knowledge as well as application of some of the main features of the database management software.

For this assignment, UOL’s expectation is a simple application, built using data management software, to help someone or a social/business entity in managing operational data and records. For the application, you should establish a well-designed database for storing operational data and records. Your application should allow a user(s) to perform data entry and maintenance, data manipulation and inquiry, and generation of summary reports, using the data in the database.

Note:    Your application must offer data entry, database query and report generation functions, and a main user interface to allow the user to select and perform any functions of the application easily.

2.  Work Requirements for the Assignment

Below are the key work requirements for the assignment:

1)  The problem selected must be a data management problem, and the completed database application must be able to provide data entry, database query and report generation functions

2)   Data analysis work must be carried out on the data required by the application, recommended to start with 3 to 5 entity classes, then apply data normalization

3)  A normalized class diagram (using UML notations) that represents a logical data model for the application must be established prior to the design of the database

4)  The logical data model must be implemented as a physical data model in a database using data management software, with relevant tables (no more than 6) defined with primary keys and non-key attributes, and the tables must be linked according to the relationships identified in the class diagram

5)   Design, development, implementation and testing of data entry forms for the application, and then populate the database with data and records using the forms

6)   Design, development, implementation and testing of database queries, database reports and a main user interface for the application

3. Reporting Requirements for the Assignment

Upon completing of the works for the assignment, you should prepare an assignment report and submit it to me for review, and later to UOL for final assessment. Below are the key requirements for the assignment report :

1)   Provide a brief description cum justification of the  problem selected and tackled, including the objective(s) and target user(s) of the application, and highlight the functions offered by the application (recommended to provide a use case diagram)

2)   Highlight the data analysis works you have carried out, the data normalization and final list of normalized entity classes, and create a normalized class diagram with brief explanations about the relationships between the entity classes

3)   Highlight the physical tables you have implemented in a database, including the relationship links between the tables

4)  Show and explain the main user interface and some of the data entry forms, database queries and database reports you have incorporated into the application

5)  Share your journey, challenges, system limitations and/or lessons learned from the assignment

6)  The report should be produced with the aid of a word processing software, e.g. Microsoft Word, and relevant diagrams should be prepared using a drawing software, e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint

7)  You must capture and include relevant screen shots from your forms, queries and reports to be shown as evidences of your works

8)   Every page of the report should be numbered and showing your UOL’s student number, and the report must not exceed 8 pages (recommended 6~8 pages inclusive of appendix, if any)

9)  You should complete the assignment report and submit it to me for review by the proposed date, and you must upload the final report to UOL by 1 March via VLE

4.  Work Schedule for the Assignment

5. Recommendations

It is strongly recommended that the idea for your database application should be based on experience or interest that you have, or an application area that you believe is needed, in the world around you. You are required to provide evidence of originality of the topic chosen and your personal involvement. Although your application should be a working system, the correctness of the technical solution is not the most important criteria. The examiner is keen to know your journey in the analysis, design and development of the application. Therefore, in your assignment report, you must highlight and share your problems, mistakes encountered, and how you overcome them.

6. References

Before you start working on this assignment, you must read Chapter 2: Coursework and Chapter 18: Database Assignment of the Subject Guide.