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Mastering the Arts 2023


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Mastering the Arts 2023

Referencing task


Using the publication details below to create 2 correctly formatted references.

In Section 1, this should be an author-date reference in Harvard style. You should include both the bibliographic entry and the in-text citation.

In Section 2, this should be a footnote reference in Chicago style. You should include the bibliographic entry and the footnote.

Publication details

Title: Music: A Very Short Introduction (Book)

Author: Nicholas Cook

Year of Publication: 2000

Publisher: Oxford University Press (Oxford)

Summary of argument from p 93

The University of Nottingham has a new subscription to Cite Them Right: https://www.citethemrightonline.com/

You can use this tool, to help you create your references. You will need to login in first, then select the style you require from the tab ‘Choose Referencing Style’.

Section 1 (author-date in Harvard style)


By being able to draw links between the features of a musical work and the context into which it was created, we are afforded greater insight into, and understanding of, this madrigal. It should not be assumed, however, that merely drawing these links is enough to completely understand the significance of the work to its composer and original audience. As Nicholas Cook is keen to highlight, music provides a point of connection between cultures but it cannot eradicate cultural differences (                               ). As such, ‘As Vesta Was From Latmos Hill Descending’ cannot be understood in the same way now as it was in Elizabethan England.

Bibliographic entry:

Section 2 (footnote in Chicago style)


By being able to draw links between the features of a musical work and the context into which it was created, we are afforded greater insight into, and understanding of, this madrigal. It should not be assumed, however, that merely drawing these links is enough to completely understand the significance of the work to its composer and original audience. As Nicholas Cook is keen to highlight, music provides a point of connection between cultures but it cannot eradicate cultural differences. As such, ‘As Vesta Was From Latmos Hill Descending’ cannot be understood in the same way now as it was in Elizabethan England.