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22421 Information for Decisions and Control – Spring 2023


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22421 Information for Decisions and Control – Spring 2023

Take-home Quiz

Weight: 5%

Continue with the Brandee Merchandise case used for the workshop and tutorial demonstrations.

You are required to create three KPIs to minor Brandee’s performance in the current market segment. Address the following questions through data visualization:

1. What is percentage of profit contributed by the Event customers? (1 mark)


a. Create a Pie Chart to depict the contribution.

b. Label the customer types and the percentage of profit contributed by each customer type.

c. Rename your worksheet “Profit by Customer”.

d. Add your name to the chart title (e.g., Profit by Customers - <>).

2. What was total sales revenue ($) for Adelaide in 2019? (1.5 marks)


a. Create a map to answer this question.

b. Apply the Size function to differentiate the figures generated by all cities.

c. Colour code the city names.  

d. Label your answer (i.e., the city name and its revenue).

e. Rename the worksheet “Sales Revenue by City”.

f. Add your name to the chart title.

3. Show the number of customers orders in each city. (1.5 marks)


a. Create a map to answer this question.

b. Label your answer (i.e., the number of customer orders and the city names).

c. Colour code the cities.

d. Apply the Size function to differentiate the numbers.

e. Rename the worksheet “Orders by City”.

f. Add your name to the chart title.

4. Create a dashboard. (1 mark)


a. Use the above three worksheets (KPIs) to create a dashboard.

b. Select size A4 Landscape (1169 x 827)  

Submission requirements:

a) Export the three worksheets and the dashboard in PowerPoint format.

b) Send the PowerPoint slides to the subject coordinator by 5pm Wednesday, January 17 (48-hour turnaround). Late submissions will NOT be marked.