关键词 > UMSDQ5-15-3



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Assessment Instructions

Assessment Details

Module Code:  UMSDQ5-15-3


Assessment Component: A

Submission will be made by: Using a normal Blackboard submission portal in the Assignments folder of this module on Blackboard

Assessment opens: 18th January 2023 – 9:30 AM

Deadline/Submission closes: 19th January 2023 – 9:30 AM

Assessment Weighting: 80 per cent of total module mark

N.B. all times are 24-hour clock GMT (UK Time)

Important Information - Referencing and Assessment Offences

As is usual for an exam, for this assessment you are not expected to include full referencing, but are encouraged to cite the sources of key theories, models, cases, legislation etc.

Text-matching software (e.g. SafeAssign) is used to check every submission against other submissions made at the same time, previous submissions to UWE and other universities, and internet sources. When submitting your work, you will be required to confirm that the work is your own.

It is an assessment offence to copy work from any source, including your own previous assessments, and present it as your own work for this assessment, or to provide your own work to others. It is an assessment offence to work with others on the assessment in any way.

Paraphrasing by changing individual words but keeping essentially the same sentences or structures from other sources is not acceptable and will be detected by text-matching software: please write in your own words and style to convey your own learning.

UWE’s Assessment Offences Policy outlines potential offences including plagiarism, collusion, self-plagiarism and sharing of assessment submissions, and it is your responsibility to understand this policy and avoid potential offences. Details of what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it can be found on UWE’s Study Skill’s plagiarism pages.


Please use the following file formats: .doc and .pdf. We cannot ensure that other formats are compatible with markers’ software and cannot guarantee to mark incorrect formats.

Please include the module name and number and your student number (not your name).

Please indicate clearly which questions you are answering.

Instructions for submission

You must submit your assignment before the stated deadline by electronic submission through Blackboard.

· It is your responsibility to submit coursework in a format stipulated above

Your marks will be affected if your tutor cannot open or properly view your submission.

· You can submit as many times as you like up to the deadline; only the last successful submission will be marked. 

· Do not leave submission to the very last minute. Always allow time in case of technical issues.

· The date and time of your submission is taken from the Blackboard server and is recorded when your submission is complete, not when you click Submit.

· It is essential that you check that you have submitted the correct file(s), and that each complete file was received. Submission receipts are accessed from the Coursework tab.

There is no late submission permitted on this timed assessment.

Further guidance and support before and during assessment

Technical support

See UWE’s IT support pages for support with software for home and immediate technical issues. Note that a limited service may be available due to ongoing UK restrictions, and therefore please report issues as soon as possible. If it is not possible to resolve them, personal circumstances will be offered.


· There are TWO sections in this exam. You MUST answer the ONE question in SECTION A and TWO questions from SECTION B

· Each question carries the same weighting

· The maximum word count for each answer is 1000 words

· We encourage you to make full use of the word limit to show your understanding of the theory covered in that question and its application

· The exam paper will be available at 0900hrs GMT on the day of the examinations. Answers must be submitted by 0900hrs GMT the following day (i.e. 24 hours later).

· The submission must be one file containing all your answers

· As is usual for an exam, for this assessment you are not expected to include full referencing, but are encouraged to cite the sources of key theories, models, case studies, statutes etc.

· Multiple submissions can be made to the portal, but only the final one will be accepted. Please save your work frequently.

· This is an individual assessment: do not copy and paste work from any other source. Text-matching software will be used on all submissions – more detail provided above.

· There is no +/- 10% on word count and anything after the maximum word count will not be marked, in line with UWE’s Word Count Policy.

Instructions to Candidates:

Candidates must answer the ONE essay question in SECTION A and TWO essay questions from SECTION B


Answer the ONE question

1. Strategy and Responsibility: CSR

Listed below are five different CSR initiatives that JetBlue are currently following. Use Porter and Kramer’s (2006) Creating Shared Value (CSV) framework to evaluate all the initiatives and then decide which they should continue & discontinue.

A. JetBlue are working closely with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on implementing an updated air transportation system which will allow them to fly more direct flights and save on the fuel used.

B. JetBlue have created the T5 farm at terminal 5 of JFK Airport New York. The urban farm produces potatoes and herbs using organic methods and recycled materials.

C. JetBlue are investing in start-up projects such as Joby Aviation, who are developing fully electric passenger aircraft.

D. JetBlue partners with The Nature Conservancy studying the value of Caribbean coral reefs in order to motivate the conservation of coral. Also, one third of JetBlue’s flights are to/from the Caribbean.

E. JetBlue has started to voluntarily offset the CO2 emissions of all domestic US flights by funding projects that help remove CO2 from the atmosphere.


Answer TWO questions selected from the four options

2. The Resource-Based View of the firm emphasises the allocation of resources to gain a competitive advantage (Barney, 1991). Evaluate the extent to which this applies to the success of CEMEX utilising the case study. (Up to 1000 words)

3. Disruptive Innovation explains how firms may fail even if management are acting rationally. Critically discuss whether this is the case using the Netflix and Blockbuster case studies. (Up to 1000 words).

4. Corporations make choices about Strategic Business Units (SBU’s) based on their ability to bring more shareholder value. Use the Parenting Matrix (Campbell, Gould and Alexander, 1995) to evaluate which SBU’s Esquel should incorporate into their business in order to maximise shareholder value (Up to 1000 words).

5. Jet Blue management decided to add a ‘mint class’ to increase their profits. Critically discuss whether it is likely to do so using Porter’s (1996, 2014) ideas, ensuring you discuss the effect on the firm’s value proposition. (Up to 1000 words).