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TFT00093M Digital Cinematography I


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School of Arts and Creative Technologies

Summative Assessment Brief

PART 2 of 2

MODULE:                                    Digital Cinematography I (TFT00093M)

ASSESSMENT TITLE:                     Project Presentation OPTION STUDENTS

PRESENTATION DATE:                   Week commencing Mon 22nd Jan 2024 (as per timetable)

ASSESSMENT WEIGHTING:         50% of the overall module mark


You must deliver an individual presentation lasting no more than 8-minutes, which describes and discusses in detail your individual contribution to creating the two shots outlined in the Film  Portfolio  -  Summative  Assessment  brief  Part   1   of  2  (available  on  the  VLE).  Your presentation must also explain and demonstrate your understanding of your group’s creative choices and technical processes utilised during all stages of production as outlined in The Tasks  section  below  in  this   brief.  Your   presentation  will  be  delivered  in   person  to  two markers at the time listed in your timetable for Week 14.


The aims for the Project Presentation are for you to demonstrate: -

●   An  ability to present greater depth in understanding and reflection on working with cinematographic technologies and creativity

●   An ability to describe the techniques used to create the visual elements of your two shots

●   An ability to describe creative choices made to support telling a ‘story’ with only two shots and no dialogue

●   An  ability  to  objectively  evaluate both the technical and aesthetic effectiveness of your two shots as the audience might interpret it


Deliver  a  PRESENTATION  lasting  no  more  than  8  minutes  that  discusses  the  following aspects  related  specifically  to  your   shoot   outlined  in  the   Film  Portfolio  -  Summative Assessment brief Part 1 of 2: -

a.  What was the rationale behind creative and/or aesthetic production choices your

group made for the Film Portfolio shoot? How did you decide on those choices

(including how they aimed to tell a ‘story’), and why did you make them?  Discuss

other research and influences that inspired your approach to the Film Portfolio shoot, which informed your creative choices through camera and lighting.

b.  What was the rationale behind the technical methods you used in the Film Portfolio   shoot? Describe how you decided on (for example) selecting equipment, practising in studio prior to assessment, or allocating roles within the group to play to individual

technical strengths, and why you made these such logistical and technical production  decisions (e.g. how they enabled you to create what was needed to fulfil the technical requirements of the Film Portfolio).

c.  Reflect on the finished work that you undertook for your role within the group on the Film Portfolio assessment. You should consider the following questions: -

i.   Did your individual work support the ‘vision’ of the Film Portfolio piece? If so, how?

ii.   What could have been improved in your individual work? Technically? Aesthetically? Creatively?

iii.   If you had to do the work again, what would you do the same and what would you do differently?

iv.   What other lessons did you learn from working on the Film Portfolio

component of this assessment? Have you improved your knowledge and understanding of cinematography, or visual storytelling in general?

v.   How well do you believe the two shots your group created would cut together in an edit?

d.  Visual aids, such as PowerPoint or Google Slide presentations, are allowed but may      not include any film/TV clips. Images and photographs or film stills/screenshots from your  Film Portfolio assessment are allowed, so long as they support the points you

are trying to make in the presentation and listed above.

e.  Where electronic slides are to be used, these must be emailed to the module convenor ([email protected]) prior to the presentation in case of any technical issues experienced on the day.

NOTE:  Your  presentation  must  aim  to  be  objective  and  honest  about  your  individual work, and not the work of others. Your presentation must not be used to criticise other people  in  your  group.  Do  not  name  group  members  other  than  by  their  role  on  the Portfolio piece (e.g. ‘the focus puller ’, ‘the camera operator ’, etc.).


●   All  work submitted for assessment must be the student's own and all sources

must  be  acknowledged  and   referenced,  as  set  out  in  your  Course  Handbook and/or assessment brief, to avoid academic misconduct. Students may not submit the same work or part of the same work for assessment twice.

●   Use  of  artificial  intelligence (AI) tools (such as ChatGPT or GPT-4) is prohibited for this assessment and must be avoided in accordance with university guidance on use of AI to avoid possible academic misconduct. Updated guidance is due to be  released  to  all  students  at  time  of  writing.  Please  refer  to the  guidance to ensure academic integrity in your work at all times.


●   PROJECT  PRESENTATION  DATES:  week  commencing  Mon  22nd  January  2024  (see your personal timetable for detail)

●   You  will  be  assigned  a  presentation  time  slot  for  Week  14  of  Semester  1.    Slots cannot be swapped and can only be changed in exceptional circumstances – contact [email protected] for details.

●   Each  presentation  must  last  no  more  than  8-minutes with an additional 5 minutes being provided for questions (13 minutes approx. in total).

●   You  must  send  any  presentation  slides (e.g.  PowerPoints or Google Slide docs) to [email protected]   by  the  day   before  your  assessment   in  case  of  any unpredicted technical faults experienced during the presentation setup or delivery.

●   Please  arrive  at  least  10-minutes  prior to the  start  of your presentation slot and wait outside the room to be called in.

●   DO   NOT   BE   LATE   as  this  could   incur  penalties  without  a  suitable  Exceptional Circumstances claim.

NOTE: You and the two academic assessors will be the only people present at your presentation.


These are individually assessed SUMMATIVE assessments.

You  will  receive  individual  written  feedback  and  one  score  out  of  50  for  your  Project Presentation component. This will be released on one combined marksheet along with your Film Portfolio assessment score, which will also be out of 50 (see Film Portfolio - Summative Assessment Part 1 of 2 brief on the VLE). One final score combining both components will be Page 3 of 4

provided at the top of the marksheet, with ‘Stepped Marking’ being used as explained in your programme handbook.

The Project Presentation accounts for 50% of your overall module mark and will be scored against the following criteria, as defined in the Grade Descriptors for Masters Programmes document: -

●   Knowledge  demonstrated  throughout  your  Presentation  in  determining  your creative approach, critique and reflection on the Film Portfolio.

- worth 50% of Project Presentation marks

●   Knowledge  demonstrated  throughout  your  Presentation  in  determining  your technical approach, critique and reflection on the Film Portfolio

- worth 50% of Project Presentation marks

NOTE:  The  Project  Presentation  assessment  will  be  joint  marked  immediately  after  your presentation.


●   PRESENTATION  DATE:  week  commencing   Mon  22nd  January  2024  -  as  per  your university timetable.