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PA405-AU Lacanian psychoanalysis 2023-24


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Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies 

PA405-AU Lacanian psychoanalysis


Answer one of the following six essay questions:

· Lacan’s theory of the mirror stage is constructed from a piece of infant observation (the baby at the mirror), its import, however, extends far beyond a developmental narrative. With reference to theoretical coordinates of your choice, demonstrate an understanding of how Lacanian psychoanalysis can aid an analysis of social, political or cultural formations.

· A major shift of emphasis in Lacan’s work, compared with previous psychoanalytic theories, is his attention to language and linguistic theory. Describe how Lacan’s concern with the subject’s existence in language, affects his approach to psychical life.

· From a Lacanian point of view, the subject cannot identify itself, and not even experience itself, except through the Other. Explain this statement with reference to the Imaginary and the Symbolic dimensions of human experience.

· Lacan approaches the object of desire in a very different way from Freud. It is neither just the object of a pleasure-seeking drive, nor the internalised figure of a parent, but more something indelibly missing, a hole at the heart of subjectivity. Use either the concept of ‘Das Ding’, or ‘objet petit a’ to critically explore Lacan’s theorisation of desire.

· ‘The phallus is not an object, nor is it a reality. It is certainly not the actual male organ. Rather it is an empty marker of difference, a sign of what divides us from the Imaginary and inserts us into our predestined place within the Symbolic order’ (Derek Hook).  Elaborate on this statement to demonstrate a critical understanding of Lacan’s concept of the phallus.

· What is meant by the idea that ‘Woman does not exist’? (Lacan (1975), Encore, On Feminine Sexuality, The Limits of Love and Knowledge).

3000 words ( + / - 10%)

Put the title at the top of your essay and give a word count at the end.  Do not include the essay title and reference list in the word count. If your essay is more than 10% over 3000 words you will lose marks.  Do not put your name on your work.