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ICS3U: Culminating Activity – Part 3


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ICS3U: Culminating Activity – Part 3

Topic: Hotel Management System

Imagine that you are hired by the owner of ABC Hotel, to create a Python program for handling customer reservations. Specifically, a set of rooms has been reserved for extended stays until January 1, 2025. These include 10 single-bed rooms, 10 double-bed rooms, 5 executive rooms, and 2 presidential suites. These rooms at the hotel are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. The owner aims to store customer information in the system, and the program should operate continuously once executed. The program will request the customer to indicate the commencement date of their stay, the checkout will be scheduled for January 1, 2025.

Original price for each type of room:

Single-bed room    – HK$1500/night

Double-bed room  – HK$2000/night

Executive room      – HK$5000/night

President Suite       – HK$10000/night

The hotel exclusively accommodates guests with a minimum stay requirement of 250 nights. For those meeting this criterion, the hotel extends the following discounts :

   A 50% discount for stays ranging from 250 to 280 nights, inclusive.

   A 60% discount for stays of 281 nights or more.

The following samples are coloured-coded, red color for user-input, blue color for output, orange color for new required skill, and black represents instructions/explanations.

Preset a dummy account:

Customer Name: James Bond

Credit Card No. : 12345678901

Password: js123


At stage 1, here is a sample of what customers will see when they want to make reservations.

Stage 1 – New customer:

ABC Hotel

Press 1 – Login as an existing customer

Press 2 – Sign up as a new customer

Please choose one: 2 (user’s input)

Enter your first name: Mana

Enter your last name: Osaki

Enter credit card no. (11-digit): 23421323121

Please choose your password: beauty4ever

Your information is stored in our system!

ABC Hotel

Press 1 – Login as an existing customer

Press 2 – Sign up as a new customer

Please choose one: 1 (user’s input)

Enter your password: beauty4ever (user’s input)

Hi Mana Osaki, welcome to the ABC Hotel’s Reservation System!

At stage 2, here is a sample of what customers will see after they are successfully logged in.

Check-in date (dd/mm): 05/15

Invalid check-in date, please re-enter.

Check-in date (dd/mm): 15/05

The duration of your stay is only 231 nights.           **new required skill**

In order to get special discount, your stays must be at least 250 nights.

Press Y or y to choose another check-in date, press any other key to exit: y

Check-in date (dd/mm): 15/04

The duration of your stay is 261 nights. You are eligible to get 50% off for your room(s).

Confirm your stay (Y/N or y/n)? n

Check-in date (dd/mm): 15/02

The duration of your stay is 321 nights. You are eligible to get 60% off for your room(s).

Confirm your stay (Y/N or y/n)? Y

Choose the type of room you like.

1. Single-bed rooms – HK$1500/night (10 available)

2. Double-bed rooms – HK$2000/night (10 available)

3. Executive rooms – HK$4000/night (5 available)

4. President rooms – HK$10000/night (2 available)

5. Exit

Choose a room type (1-5): 6

Invalid input, please re-enter.

Choose a room type (1-5): 1

Quantity? 2

1. Single-bed rooms – HK$1500/night (8 available)

2. Double-bed rooms – HK$2000/night (10 available)

3. Executive rooms – HK$4000/night (5 available)

4. President rooms – HK$10000/night (2 available)

5. Exit

Choose a room type (1-5): 3

Quantity? 8

Not available, please re-enter.

Quantity? 1

1. Single-bed rooms – HK$1500/night (8 available)

2. Double-bed rooms – HK$2000/night (10 available)

3. Executive rooms – HK$4000/night (4 available)

4. President rooms – HK$10000/night (2 available)

5. Exit

Choose a room type (1-5): 5

Confirm room reservation (Y/N or y/n)? p

Invalid input, please re-enter.

Confirm room reservation (Y/N or y/n)? n

1. Single-bed rooms – HK$1500/night (10 available)

2. Double-bed rooms – HK$2000/night (10 available)

3. Executive rooms – HK$4000/night (5 available)

4. President rooms – HK$10000/night (2 available)

5. Exit

Choose a room type (1-5): 1

Quantity? 1

1. Single-bed rooms – HK$1500/night (9 available)

2. Double-bed rooms – HK$2000/night (10 available)

3. Executive rooms – HK$4000/night (5 available)

4. President rooms – HK$10000/night (2 available)

5. Exit

Choose a room type (1-5): 3

Quantity? 1

1. Single-bed rooms – HK$1500/night (9 available)

2. Double-bed rooms – HK$2000/night (10 available)

3. Executive rooms – HK$4000/night (4 available)

4. President rooms – HK$10000/night (2 available)

5. Exit

Choose a room type (1-5): 5

Confirm room reservation (Y/N or y/n)? y

You have selected 1 single-bed room(s) and 1 executive room(s).

At stage 3, here is a sample of what customers will see after they have chosen their rooms.

Make payment now (Y/N or y/n)? y          **if the customer enters “ no”, the program returns to stage 1

Mana Osaki, here is your invoice.

ABC Hotel



Room Type


Orig. Cost


Single                1         1500

Executive         1         5000

Duration of your stay: 321 nights

Eligible discount: 60%

Cost per day with discount: HK$2600

Total amount due: HK$834600 (HK$2600 x 321 nights)

Start date : 15/02/2024      Leave date : 01/01/2025

Your digit room keys are 1021 and 1004.     **1021 is randomly generated from 1000 to 1026 inclusively (no duplicate please)

Thank you for your payment!

We are looking forward to serve you upon your arrival.

This booking system will automatically return to the main menu in 5 seconds.

** new required skill**

ABC Hotel

Press 1 – Login as an existing customer

Press 2 – Sign up as a new customer


Stage 1 – Existing customer login :

ABC Hotel

Press 1 – Login as an existing customer

Press 2 – Sign up as a new customer

Please choose one: 1 (user’s input)

Enter your password: 105 (user’s input)

Wrong password, please re-enter.

Enter your password: js123 (user’s input)

Hi James Bond, welcome to the ABC Hotel’s Reservation System!

Stage 2 – Prompt starting date of stay:

Check-in date (dd/mm): 13/04

The duration of your stay is 263 nights. You are eligible to get 50% off for your room(s).

Confirm your stay (Y/N or y/n)? Y

Choose the type of room you like.

1. Single-bed rooms – HK$1500 (9 available)

2. Double-bed rooms – HK$2000 (10 available)

3. Executive rooms – HK$4000 (4 available)

4. President rooms – HK$10000 (2 available)

5. Exit

The rest of the process should follow the same way as stated in case 2.