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ECON 201 Section 8


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ECON 201 Section 8

Handout 23-1 (10 Points)

Working with Numbers from Conania

In the Conanian economy:

Ask students to compute the following based on the data in the table.

1.       GDP in Conania

2.       National savings in Conania

3.       Net capital inflow into Conania

4.      The savings–investment spending identity for the Conanian economy

The Budget Balance in Conania

Answer the following questions:

1.      Assume the budget balance in Conania changes from positive to negative. What effect will this have on investment spending in Conania?

2.      Assume that while the budget balance in  Conania changes from positive to negative, net capital inflow in Conania also decreases. What impact will this have on private investment spending in Conania?

Handout 24-1 (10 Points)

Working with the Loanable Funds Market

Have students draw graphs to explain what happens to the equilibrium interest rate in each of the following cases:

1.      A breakthrough in medical technology results in many hospitals wanting to buy new equipment.

2.      The government budget deficit is reduced by 50%.

3.       Foreign investors buy residential property in the United States.

4.       People around the world are worried about financial stability in their countries and choose to move their wealth to U.S. financial markets.

Handout 26-1 (10 Points)

Calculating Present Value

Have students answer the following questions:

1.      You will receive $5,000 in one year’s time. If the interest rate is 5%, what is the present value of this $5,000? What if the interest rate is 10%?

2.      You have $2,000. If the interest rate is 5%, how much will you have one year from now? What if the interest rate is 10%?

3.       Use the answers to questions 1 and 2 to explain why the demand for loanable funds curve slopes downward.