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ES4F1 Mock QMP Test - Section A


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ES4F1 Mock QMP Test - Section A

This section is composed of 10 multiple choice questions [4 marks each] and 1 numerical question [10 marks]. You have to upload any workings for the numeric question. Total mark: 50.

Question 1 wording [4 marks total]:

The Rayleigh channel model is

a. a special case of Rice model when K=1

b. a special case of Nakagami m model when m=0.5

c. applicable for propagations with non- line-of- sight

d. employed for suburban and rural scenarios

Question 2 wording [4 marks total]:

The Rician channel model is

a. a special case of Rayleigh model when K=1

b. a special case of Nakagami m model when m=0.5

c. applicable for propagations with non-line-of- sight

d. employed for suburban and rural scenarios

Question 3 wording [4 marks total]:

In the Alamouti space-time coding scheme, if a symbol of 1+1j is transmitted on antenna 1 and a symbol of 1-1j is transmitted on antenna 2 in the first symbol period, what will be transmitted in the second symbol period to achieve the full diversity gain?

a. 1-1jon antenna 1 and 1-1jon antenna 2

b. 1+1jon antenna 1 and 1-1jon antenna 2

c. -1-1jon antenna 1 and 1+1jon antenna 2

d. 1+1jon antenna 1 and 1+1jon antenna 2

Question 4 wording [4 marks total]:

The Nakagami-m fading channel model is

a. a special case of Rayleigh model when K=1

b. a special case of Rayleigh model when m=0.5

c. applicable for propagations with non-line-of- sight

d. of no physical meaning

Question 5 wording [4 marks total]:

For a quadrature (M=4) pulse phase modulated signal with a normalized signal energy of , what is the smallest Euclidean distance between any two DIFFERENT signals?

a. 0

b. 2

c. 1

d. 3

Question 6 wording [4 marks total]:

To achieve an outage probability as close to 0.01 as possible with average signal-to-noise ratio of 40 dB in Rayleigh fading channel, what receiver sensitivity needs to be chosen?

a. 10 dB

b. 20 dB

c. 30 dB

d. 40 dB

Question 7 wording [4 marks total]:

For achannel with coherence time 30 ms and coherence bandwidth 20 kHz, which one of the following data rate and bandwidth combinations gives usa flat and time non-selective fading  channel?

a. Bandwidth 10 kHz and rate 10 bits/s.

b. Bandwidth 10 kHz and rate 50 bits/s.

c. Bandwidth 40 kHz and rate 10 bits/s.

d. Bandwidth 40 kHz and rate 50 bits/s.

Question 8 wording [4 marks total]:

The root-mean-squared (RMS) delay spread in a multipath wireless channel is

a. the delay of any tap relative to the first tap

b. the delay difference between the first and last taps

c. the geometric average of delays of all taps

d. proportional to the inverse of the channel coherence bandwidth

Question 9 wording [4 marks total]:

If the signal is band-limited with only non-zero spectrum between − and +, where = 2 MHz, in order to have zero inter-symbol interference, the received signal needs to be sampledata rate of

a. 1 MHz

b. 2 MHz

c. 4 MHz

d. 8 MHz

Question 10 wording [4 marks total]:

The excess delay in a multipath wireless channel is

a. the delay of any tap relative to the first tap

b. the delay difference between the first and last taps

c. the geometric average of delays of all taps

d. proportional to the inverse of the channel coherence bandwidth

Question 11 wording [10 marks total]:

A wireless system engineer wants to design a mobile device working at the room temperature of 23    degrees or 300 Kevins and a data rate equivalent to your Warwick ID. For example, if your Warwick ID

is 2000000, the data rate is 2 Megabits/second. If a minimum signal to noise ratio of 30 dB is

required per bit, calculate the minimum received power required at the mobile device. The

Boltzmann’ constant is . The minimum received power required is ___ 8.28×10-12 Watts

Answer: (Take Warwick ID = 2000000 as example)

One has


This gives received signal power PR   ≥ 8.28 × 10−12watts. Thus, the minimum received power is 8.28 × 10−12 watts

NB: The numerical question in the exam will involve more calculations than this example.