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MUS639 Communicating about music and music research


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MUS639 Communicating about music and music research

Academic Essay (represents 50% of module mark)

1500 words (+/- 10%)


This assignment will assess your ability to write an academic essay appropriate to the requirements of a post-graduate degree in a Music or Music-related discipline at the University of Sheffield.

You will choose one essay from a limited number for your own postgraduate discipline (i.e., Musicology, Performance Studies, or Psychology of Music).

Essay titles will be available in week beginning 23rd October 2023.


You will be assessed on your ability to plan, research, organise, draft, and edit a clearly focused critical response to an essay question that has been set by your Music Programme lead. The essay itself must include the following:

•   at least 5 appropriate academic sources

•   a clear overall structure including an introduction and conclusion

•   logical development of an argument supported by evidence

•   appropriate vocabulary to define, explain, and discuss concepts related to your subject area within Music

•   evidence of analysis and evaluation

•   critical engagement with the sourcetexts

•   accurate referencing (following Music department guidelines for your programme of study)

Feedback from the essay will be both summative - graded and assessed according to the assignment marking criteria, and formative - indicating areas to improve for future academic writing assignments.

Full marking criteria are available on Blackboard under ‘Assessment and Feedback Information’.