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5SSES002: The Uses of Theory: Assignment 1


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5SSES002: The Uses of Theory: Assignment 1 (2500 word essay, 100%)

Assignment 1: 2500 word Essay (worth 100% of final grade)

DEADLINE: Wednesday 17 January 2023, 5pm

2500 word essay based around a single academic paper* with three sections:

(1) a summary of the paper and an account of why it was chosen.

(2) an elucidation of some of the key theoretical resources used in the paper – what are they, what are their sources (e.g. some of the key authors in the area) and what is/might be contentious about these ideas?

(3) a discussion of some chosen policy and/or practice questions – including illustrated background to the chosen policy and/or practice question(s); the possible relevance of the paper and/or its theoretical resources to these questions; whether there are examples of these ideas or similar/contrasting theoretical ideas being applied in practice; what difference (good or bad) theory makes or could make to addressing these questions.

*The paper you write about for Assignment 1 MUST be selected from a list available on the module KEATS page.

Additional Guidance:

· The way in which we approach the topics and core readings in parts 2 and 3 of the module will mirror the approach being asked of you in Assignment 1. As such, the best way to start preparing for Assignment 1 is through engagement with the weekly lecture, core readings and seminar.

· There is a list of high-scoring Assignment 1 essays from last year’s cohort on the module KEATS page which you also might find helpful. Please note that the list of papers given to students for Assignment 1 has changed this year and so this will give only a general guidance as to how to approach the assignment.

Marking Framework for Assignment 1:

Nb. From 2023/24, stepped marking has been introduced for assignments that use criteria and/or are graded on a scale, such as essays. A "high" mark within a class indicates that the assessment fully meets the criteria for that class, a "mid" mark means that it meets the criteria comfortably, and a "low" mark means that it just meets the criteria for that class.


Credit Level 5

Subject Knowledge and Understanding

Rigour and Criticality

Effective communication



High First 80-100







Demonstrates highly detailed knowledge and understanding of:

· Key theories and concepts used in a selected social science article

· The relevance of the article, and its key theories and concepts, to some chosen policy and/or practice questions

Work is informed by an in depth reading of a specific social science article supported by wider reading of relevant texts.

Demonstrates excellent critical thinking and scholarly practice, including:

· Excellent capacity to identify and summarise the argument and main ideas and theories in the selected article

· Excellent capacity for insightful critical analysis, interpretation and evaluation of these ideas and theories

· Capacity to think very insightfully and critically about the  relationship between theory and policy/practice

· Excellent ethical and political awareness and sensitivity.

Demonstrates extremely effective communication with attention paid to structure, accuracy, clarity and fluency of expression, and an appropriate style and clear focus maintained throughout.


First 70-79




Demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of:

· Key theories and concepts used in a selected social science article

· The relevance of the article, and its key theories and concepts, to some chosen policy and/or practice questions

Work is informed by an in depth reading of a specific social science article supported by wider reading of relevant texts.

Demonstrates very good critical thinking and scholarly practice, including:

· Very good capacity to identify and summarise the argument and main ideas and theories in the selected article

· Very good capacity for critical analysis, interpretation and evaluation of these ideas and theories

· Very good capacity to think critically about the  relationship between theory and policy/practice

· Very good ethical and political awareness and sensitivity.

Demonstrates very effective communication with attention paid to structure, accuracy, clarity and fluency of expression, and an appropriate style and clear focus maintained throughout.


B 2.1





Demonstrates good knowledge and understanding of:

· Key theories and concepts used in a selected social science article

· The relevance of the article, and its key theories and concepts, to some chosen policy and/or practice questions

Work is informed by an in depth reading of a specific social science article supported by wider reading of relevant texts.

Demonstrates good critical thinking and scholarly practice, including:

· Good capacity to identify and summarise the argument and main ideas and theories in the selected article

· Good capacity for critical analysis, interpretation and evaluation of these ideas and theories

· Good capacity to think critically about the  relationship between theory and policy/practice

· Good ethical and political awareness and sensitivity.

Demonstrates good written communication with attention paid to structure, accuracy, clarity and fluency of expression, and an appropriate style and clear focus maintained throughout.

C 2.2





Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of:

· Key theories and concepts used in a selected social science article

· The relevance of the article, and its key theories and concepts, to some chosen policy and/or practice questions

Work is informed by a reading of a specific social science article supported by wider reading of relevant texts, but reading may lack depth, knowledge and understanding may be incomplete, or the work might show some inaccuracies and misunderstandings.

· Identifies and summarises basic aspects of the argument and some core ideas and theories in the selected article

· Includes some critical analysis, interpretation and evaluation of these ideas and theories

· Includes some critical thinking about the relationship between theory and policy/practice

· Shows ethical and political awareness and sensitivity.

Ideas have been communicated mostly appropriately, with attention paid to structure. and a clear focus is mostly maintained throughout, but there may be a lack of accuracy or clarity of expression in places and style may also be inappropriate in places.



Third 40-49




Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of:

· Key theories and concepts used in a selected social science article

· The relevance of the article, and its key theories and concepts, to some chosen policy and/or practice questions

Work is informed by reading of a specific social science article supported by wider reading of relevant texts, but reading may lack depth and does not go beyond core areas and  there may be frequent inaccuracies, misunderstandings and/or omissions.

· Identifies and summarises basic aspects of the argument and some ideas and theories in the selected article, but there are some core omissions and inaccuracies

· Includes some analysis of these ideas and theories, but is mainly descriptive with limited evidence of criticality or evaluation

· Includes some thinking about the relationship between theory and policy/practice, but with limited critical analysis and core connections are misrepresented or omitted

· Shows some ethical and political awareness and sensitivity, but with some important omissions.

Ideas have been communicated but with weaknesses, e.g. with regard to structure, clarity or consistency of focus, and clarity expression, and style may be inappropriate in places.




Marginal Fail 30-39


Shows some knowledge and understanding of key theories and concepts being used in the selected reading, but work contains frequent inaccuracies, misunderstandings and omissions and there is limited use of reading.

· The account of the main argument in the article is over-simplified, and contains omissions and inaccuracies.

· Some relevant ideas, theories and evidence are identified, and a relationship is drawn between policy and practice, but in a mainly descriptive way with limited analysis.

Ideas have been communicated but with weaknesses with regard to style, structure, and clarity of focus and/or expression.


Fail 1-29





Work shows major gaps in knowledge and understanding and is mainly inaccurate, demonstrating misunderstandings of key concepts, theories and facts, and making very limited use of reading.

· Lacking in focus and coherence.

· Use of literature and/or sources is limited and/or inappropriate and referencing is poor.

· Purely descriptive.

Significant weaknesses in communication with regard to structure, accuracy, clarity and fluency of expression, style and clarity and consistency of focus.



Non-submission or of no discernible merit.

Non-submission or of no discernible merit.

Non-submission or of no discernible merit.

Assignment 2: Sharing Session (Formative i.e. worth 0% of final grade)

This is a formative assessment designed to support you with your learning and preparation for Assignment 1. It will also help you compare your approach to preparing for written assignments with others, to learn how other people prepare, and to reflect on strategies for working effectively with other class members to support each other’s learning.

Content of sharing session:

This will be a 10 minute group sharing session where groups of students will share:

· How they have individually gone about preparing for their written assignment (Assignment 1 above)

· How they have supported each other in preparing for Assignment 1

· The content of the session should draw on specific examples of theories and policy/practice questions that have formed the basis for group discussions about the papers selected for the written assignment

· The session should be delivered as an informal discussion. All group members can speak, or only a selection of group members, depending on what you decide collectively. Slides are NOT a requirement.


· Instructions about how to prepare for the sharing session will be given as part of the lecture in week 5

· From week 5 You need to individually select and read an article from the list of readings on which you will base Assignment 1

· You will be put in groups in week 5 and there will be a portion of the seminar from weeks 5-8 dedicated to discussion in your groups about your preparation for assignment 1.

· Preparation for the sharing sessions will take place exclusively during week 9 of the term. You don’t need to meet as a group outside of seminar times.

· The sharing sessions will be delivered in week 10 during your seminars.


Following the final seminar your seminar teacher provide each group with feedback on:

· The strengths and weaknesses of the approaches to preparing for the assignment that have been shared in the session.

· How effectively group members have worked together to support each other’s work on the assignment.

· Any other strategies that it might be helpful to consider using in the future.

Module Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge and understanding

At the end of this module you will be able to demonstrate understanding of:

· The central role that theories play in giving shape and purpose to social science work.

· The differences between descriptive/explanatory and critical/normative functions of theories.

· The potential benefits and risks of using theory in policy and practice settings.

2. Cognitive skills

At the end of this module you will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

· Conceptualise the relationships between theories and practices.

· Elucidate, and assess the contribution of, the theoretical resources used within specific pieces of academic writing.

In addition, you will have further developed the ability to:

· Exercise reflexivity and analytic, critical and independent thinking with regard to theoretical arguments and perspectives.

· Construct and present reasoned arguments.

3. Performance and practice

By the end of the module you will have:

· Further developed strategies for, and confidence in, reading challenging texts.

· Strengthened skills in planning and delivering group presentations.

· Demonstrated the capacity to apply theoretical ideas to a chosen practice/policy question.

4. Personal, enabling and employability skills

By the end of the module you will have strengthened the capability to:

· Present complex ideas in an organized and coherent manner in presentations and writing.

· Contribute effectively to group discussion and listen to the contributions of others.

· Critically analyse policies/practices through theoretical lenses.