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CIV61015 Water Quality Processes and Treatment Coursework 2023-2024


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CIV61015 Water Quality Processes and Treatment Coursework 2023-2024

Data analysis and wastewater treatment plant visit

1. Learning objectives

1. To develop skills in the quantitative analysis of environmental datasets using common statistical tools available in Excel and/or MATLAB.

2. To understand and evaluate the practical applicability of the concepts and design principles acquired during the course into a real wastewater treatment plant including aspects related to environmental impact and sustainability.

2. Description

You are provided with hydro-chemical data for groundwater sampled at a contaminated site in the UK. The site has been operating since the 1950s and manufactures organic chemicals (primarily phenol, cresols and xylenols) from raw feedstocks. Accidental releases of processed waste materials at the site have resulted in contamination of groundwater in the underlying aquifer with these organic chemicals over several decades. There are several sources of groundwater contamination at the site, with an uneven release of organic chemicals at different times over the years.

The data available for the site consist of chemical parameters measured in groundwater samples collected from boreholes drilled at the site. These chemical parameters include species which reflect the background (uncontaminated) groundwater composition in the aquifer and the various organic chemicals released into the groundwater. The groundwater samples have been collected from two boreholes, BH1 and BH2, which have been designed to sample the groundwater at different depths at each location. For each depth, multiple measurements have been taken to reduce the effect of potential measurement errors.

The dataset is included in the file:

CIV61015_Coursework2023_2024.xlsx posted on Blackboard.

Based on the visit to the Wastewater treatment plant on the 30th of November, you will use that experience and the knowledge learned during that visit to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom and real-world applications. By actively engaging in on-site observations and collecting information during the wastewater treatment plant visit, in conjunction with your independent research, you will have the necessary information and tools to be able to understand the complexities and challenges of wastewater treatment and solve task 2 (wastewater treatment plant assessment) in section 4.

The aims of the coursework are:

1)  To conduct a statistical analysis of the provided data to characterise relationships between the contaminants present at the groundwater site.

2)  To explain in detail wastewater treatment processes based on the visit to Blackburn Meadows Wastewater Treatment Plant and evaluate the environmental impact of the treatment plant.

3)  To propose sustainable solutions for resource recovery from wastewater based on the visit to Blackburn Meadows Wastewater Treatment Plant.

3. Methods

The statistical analysis should be based on statistical theory (i.e., measures of average, variability, cross-correlation and statistical hypothesis testing), correlation and regression analysis, covered during lectures and tutorials. For statistical calculations, the use of Excel and/or MATLAB is recommended. However, other statistical packages are acceptable.

The assessment of the wastewater treatment plant should rely on design principles and processes covered in lectures and tutorials supported by recommended literature during the course.

4. Tasks

(1) STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Use appropriate numerical and graphical tools to establish relationships between different physicochemical factors and contaminants in the database between boreholes and within each soil profile. You should consider the following components in your analysis:

a)  For each borehole, produce profiles which describe the variability of each parameter and concentration with depth. All profiles should include the mean (μ) and the corresponding spread interval (μ±σ).

b)  For each borehole, analyse any potential correlations among parameters and/or concentration data.

c)  Consider the parameters and/or concentration data across the depth at each borehole, and describe the general trends observed. For each profile, conduct significance tests to verify whether the data are statistically similar or different across the depth.

d)  Consider the parameters and/or concentration data at the two boreholes, and describe the general trends observed. For each dataset, select two representative depth values, and conduct significance tests to verify whether the data at those depths are statistically different between BH1 and BH2, which have different locations.


Based on the information gathered during the visit to Blackburn Meadows, the concepts learned in the course and your independent research, complete the following:

e)   Provide a detailed description of the wastewater treatment  processes at the  plant. Explain each step from the moment wastewater enters the plant until it is discharged into the river. Describe and explain the equipment and technologies used in each step of the treatment process. You can use pictures from the plant visit, schemes, or diagrams, to aid the description of equipment and processes.

f)    Evaluate the potential environmental impact of the wastewater treatment plant based on your observations and the knowledge gained in the course. Consider factors like water quality and safety, and energy consumption. Apply relevant concepts, terminology, and principles learned in CIV61015 to discuss the plant's sustainability efforts and resource recovery initiatives. Consider the broader environmental context in which the plant operates and identify potential improvements to reduce its environmental footprint.

g) Explain the method used in the plant to recover energy from wastewater. Provide a detailed description of the method, including the technology involved and potential benefits.

h) Discuss Yorkshire Water's plan to recover phosphate from wastewater. Explain the importance of phosphate recovery and propose a method that YW could use to achieve this goal.

5. Reporting and assessment

Prepare a report, not exceeding 1500 words, well-illustrated with example calculations, tables and figures. A table should not have a lot of text in it. All figures and tables should have a caption which adequately describes the information illustrated. Exclude figures, tables, and any appendices from the word count. Appendices should not include information that is relevant for the findings of the report. The report should be organised according to the sequence of tasks listed in Section 4.

6. Submission

Please submit your document via the Turnitin system.

●    Include a cover sheet including word count.

●    The report needs to be submitted by 15th of January 2024 at 9AM. In line with university regulations, marks will be reduced by 5% for every day late, with a zero cut-off after 5 days.

7. Assessment criteria

a)  Quality of coursework written presentation: 25% (clarity and structure of report, English, use and quality of graphics and tables).

b)  Quality of analysis and interpretation: 75% (distributed as 35% for statistical analysis and 40% for the tasks related to the wastewater treatment visit, including the use of external references to support discussion).