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ELE00157M Assignment 2023-24 Sustainability in Engineering Management


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Sustainability in Engineering Management

ELE00157M Assignment 2023-24

Group Presentation - Sustainability Case Study (20%)

This assignment is designed to evaluate your understanding of the development of sustainable ideas and proposals and, more importantly, your ability to work as a team. You are required to work in your supervision group.

Your group task is to explore the Cruise (Cruise as in holidays on board cruise ships) business sector and compare and contrast two companies of your choice within this sector. In particular you should explore and present your findings on:

● An overview of the industry as a whole.

● Relevant sustainability issues faced by operators in the sector as a whole.

● The sustainability reporting requirements within the sector as a whole.

● A brief introduction to your two companies.

● How are your two chosen companies aligning their business practices with the UN general global sustainability goals? Evaluate their business strategies for CSR.

Your group presentations are to be carried out on campus in Week 9. A detailed schedule of your presentations including the room details will be uploaded onto the module VLE nearer the time.

Each group member MUST participate in the presentation and present his/her part for approx. 3-5 minutes. Each group will be given 20 minutes for their presentation, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A with a panel of markers.

Individual Report (80%)

Seaborn Cruises is a new UK based entrant to the small ship cruise market. They are planning to launch their ships and cruise packages in 2026. The company has hired you as a consultant to advise them on how they should align their strategy and operational practices to be sustainable and on how they can use this as a marketing lever to enhance their competitiveness. State any assumptions you make. Marks will be deducted in each part if you do not make your points clearly.

Answer the following specific questions using the template shown below:

1. What specific sustainability challenges does the company face in the cruise business sector? Your answer should be a list including how you would address each challenge.

2. What sustainability related regulations will the company need to comply with? Your answer should be a list with your view on the impact this has on the company.

3. What data reporting will the company need to do and to whom in terms of its sustainability performance? Produce a table with columns: Data to be reported, Who it is reported to, What does the data say?, How frequently will it need reporting, Where within the organisation is the data collected?

4. Suggest a Mission statement the company could use.

5. How should the company integrate sustainability into its business culture?

6. How will the company leverage sustainability to enhance its marketing effectiveness and profitability?

7. Include an Implementation Project Plan (IPP) from 2024-2026. The project plan should show how you advise the company to move the organisation from sustainability strategy to implementation. The project plan should specifically show the actions required to achieve compliance with all relevant Sustainability Related Regulations. Your plan should include a Work Breakdown Structure and a PERT chart highlighting the Critical Path. You should expect to have a minimum of 20 activities in the plan.

Guidelines and tools

1. In identifying the relevant literature on your selected topic, you can perform your research inquiry using different search engines, including Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, Science Direct, and York Library databases.

2. You should aim to include at least 15 key relevant references and use a range of recent and quality sources, most should be from 2022 onwards.

3. Your answer should not exceed 2500 words in length including your lists but excluding reference list, tables, figures, and appendices.

4. You are required to present your writing in a structured and logical manner with evidence of sound editing.

5. Proper referencing using IEEE referencing must be provided.

6. Marks will be given based on the assessment schemes shown at the end of this document.

Other information:

i. Guidelines concerning the layout and submission of assignments are given below:

a) You are required to submit a PDF via the module VLE, and please name your submission with your exam number.

Sustainability in Engineering Management ELE00157M

Group Presentation-Sustainability (20%)





Team coordination and overall quality of presentation including evidence of research and time management


Introduction and background analysis

Overview of the industry as a whole


Data analysis and discussion

Relevant sustainability issues faced   by operators in the sector as a whole

The   sustainability   reporting requirements within the sector as a whole


A brief introduction to your two companies


How are your two chosen companies aligning their business practices with the UN general global sustainability goals? Business strategies for CSR


Responses to Q&A as a team


Total/General comments


Sustainability in Engineering Management ELE00157M

Report on Sustainability (80%)





Specific sustainability challenges


Related regulations


Data reporting


Mission statement


Integration into business culture


Enhancement of  marketing   effectiveness and profitability


Implementation Project Plan


Answer Template: This template is to be used for your answer to this assignment.

Taught MSc Sustainability Assignment Individual Report

Examination Number:

What, if any, assumptions have you made in arriving at your answer?

(List your assumptions)

1.   What  specific  sustainability  challenges does the company face in the cruise business sector?  Your answer should be a list including how you would address each challenge.


How you plan to address this challenge?

(Add as many rows as you need)

2.   What  sustainability related regulations will the company need to comply with?   Your answer should be a list with your view on the impact this has on the company.


What impact does this regulation have?

(Add as many rows as you need)

3.   What  data  reporting  will  the  company  need  to  do  and  to  whom  in  terms  of  its sustainability performance?  Produce a table with columns: Data to be reported, Who it is reported  to,  What  does  the  data  say?,  How  frequently will it need reporting, Where within the organisation is the data collected?

Data to be


Who it is

reported to

What  the data says

How frequently will it need


Where within the organisation the data is


(Add as many rows as you need)

4.   Suggest a Mission statement the company could use.

Mission statement

5.   How should the company integrate sustainability into its business culture?

6.   How will the company leverage sustainability to enhance its marketing effectiveness and profitability?

7.   Include an Implementation Project Plan (IPP) from 2024-2026.  The project plan should show how you advise the company to move the organisation from sustainability strategy to  implementation. The  project plan  should  specifically  show the actions required to achieve  compliance  with  all  relevant Sustainability  Related  Regulations. Your  plan should include a Work Breakdown Structure and a PERT chart highlighting the Critical

Path.  You should expect to have a minimum of20 activities in the plan.

Add in your WBS and PERT chart below.