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COMP 637 Data Modelling and Diagramming Assignment 2


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COMP 637 Data Modelling and Diagramming Assignment 2

Due: 5pm (New Zealand Time) on Wednesday 17th  January 2024 submitted via Learn.

This assessment is worth 25% of the overall course mark for COMP637.

Automotive Workshop Management System – “Riccarton Repairs”

The Receptionist at Riccarton Repairs manages the telephone, email, booking systems and enquiries, prepares vehicle job cards, takes care of general administration including invoicing and purchasing, and meets & greets customers. An initial interview with the Receptionist has been conducted and is provided to you as part of this Assessment, which you will need to read.

Follow-up interviews with the Receptionist and Automotive Technicians have also been conducted and these are supplied to you, which you must read. An interview was also held with the Parts Advisor that provides more detail about the vehicle servicing and repair process (from the initial booking to the vehicle return).  This is supplied to you and you must read this as well.

1.    Develop five (5) User Stories for the new Vehicle Repairs and Services Processes System for the Receptionist to use at Riccarton Repairs. (20 marks)

a.    User stories are in the  “As a”, “I want to”, “so that” format.

b.    Each user story must include a minimum of three acceptance criteria.

2.    Develop a Swimlane Diagram to show the following five (5) stakeholders – customer,

receptionist, workshop manager, parts advisor and auto technician – to show the sequence and activities that need to be undertaken for the Vehicle Servicing and Repair Process (from the initial booking to the vehicle return). Remember to include the customer. (40 marks)

3.    An initial Entity-Relationship Diagram has been developed for storing information about customers when using the Vehicle Repairs and Services Processes System. Describe and provide suggestions for improvement of at least 3 issues you can see with the model provided. Please write between 400 to 600 words for your answer. At least one of your issues must be to do with the relationships between the tables.  (10 marks)

Submission Information

Submit your answer to each question as a separate PDF document via the submission links on the Learn@Lincoln COMP 637 page.

Ensure that you include your Name and Student ID in the body of each document.

Marking Guide

User Stories

Mark (per story)



User story is clear and very well executed with sufficient detail displayed in a succinct manner to demonstrate the information.

The User Story demonstrates good rationale and understanding of the information provided that is clear and comprehensive.

User story is from the Receptionist point of view with excellent demonstration of application of the information supplied to the User Story. Acceptance Criteria are clear and specific and directly align with the user story. They contain all necessary conditions for the user story to be considered complete.

Excellent use of grammar and sentence construction, minimal errors and very well laid out.


The User story is overall provided with some good clarity, although there are areas for improvement, but does provide sufficient detail and is displayed well.

There is some good rationale, however this could be further amplified. Easy to understand although it could be clearer.

User story is from the Receptionist point of view and good demonstration of application of the information supplied to the User Story.

Acceptance Criteria have a reasonable amount of detail, can be understood and have a connection to the user story. They contain most of the conditions for the user story to be considered complete.

Good use of grammar and sentence construction, some errors and well laid out


Overall, the User Story is unclear and does not contain all necessary information. There is a lack of rationale making it hard to understand the overall User Story and there is information is missing.

Some demonstration of application of the information supplied to the User Story.

Acceptance Criteria are brief and/or are difficult to follow, there is some connection to the user story. Criteria are missing for the user story to be considered complete.

Acceptable use of grammar and sentence construction, errors in the use of language (could benefit from further proof reading) and layout needs improvement


The User Story is unclear overall and does not contain any useful or necessary information.

Minimal rationale and an absence of a demonstrated understanding of application of the information supplied to the User Story.

Acceptance Criteria are insufficient and/or not related to the user story. Unacceptable use of grammar and sentence construction, errors throughout with limited evidence of proof reading to check work for errors. Layout needs a lot of improvement.