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Mathematics in Industry (2MI) 2023


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Mathematics in Industry (2MI)

October 2023

Group Project Brief 1: Hedge fund analysis


Generally speaking, investors tend to accept a greater level of investment volatility in exchange for higher expected returns. “ Hedge funds” and “diversified growth funds” offer investors the prospect of improved risk-adjusted returns by investing across a broad range of asset classes, and skilfully moving between them. A lot of these funds claim to be able to offer strong positive returns regardless of the market conditions.

One way to assess the performance of these sorts of funds is to carry out a multi-factor regression analysis against the key drivers of return (such as changes in the values of the asset classes available to invest in), to understand the extent to which:

•   their performance can be explained by the performance of the underlying assets

•   their reliance on different return factors may have changed overtime

In order to be able to generate positive returns regardless of market conditions,a fund would need to show evidence of strong historic returns which cannot be explained as a static combination of different asset classes. It would also ideally show relatively low volatility of returns.

The multi-factor regression model can be expressed as follows:

Ri,t  =  ri,t  +  wi, 1 f1,t  +  wi,2 f2,t  …  +  wi,nfn,t  + εi,t


Ri,t  is thereturnover period t for hedge fund i.

ri,t  is the risk-free rate of return in period t.

wi,j  is an appropriate weight applied to the jth factor for the ith hedge fund.

fj,t  is the value of the jth factor in time period t. (for example the return of an underlying asset class) εi,t  is the error term,

This model has the advantage that no distributional assumption is needed about the returns of the assets.

The aim is to find the values of the weights for a given hedge fund which best explain the behaviour of the fund  in terms of the factors, or  in other words,  minimises  an  appropriate  measure  of the cumulative error terms. It is not always clear which factors or indeed how many factors to use when attempting to explain the behaviour of the fund.

One particular thing to consider is that the proposed model requires the assumption that the factors are independent. In financial markets this is unlikely to be the case, and can be investigated further. There area number of other assumptions underlying regression analysis which should be considered in the context of the data provided.

Available Resources

Data is available containing details of historical monthly Total Returns from a variety of asset classes between November 1998 and August 2023. You are also provided with monthly returns that a variety of hedge fund managers achieved over the same period.


i.       Build a multi-factor regression model to explain the behaviour of the various hedge funds and comment on which funds appear to exhibit the most skill.

ii.       Present the results of the analysis and comment on the significance of the residuals and intercepts.

iii.      Consider the risk/return attributes of the various funds over different time periods – explain which funds you’d recommend a client invests in.

iv.       If you were looking to create a static fund (i.e. X% in asset class A, Y% in asset class B etc), what would be your allocation and why?

Possible extensions:

Should the impact of global events (e.g. Coronavirus outbreak) betaken into account when analysing datasets over the period?

UK gilt yields rose significantly during 2022, particularly in September 2022. How did the various hedge funds perform over this period? Can you explain this in terms of the factors in your model?

With the benefit of hindsight, and mean variance portfolio theory, comment on whether you think any of these funds have done what they said they could.

Consider whether having more data would help you come to a more informed conclusion.

Hints and tips

There is plenty of information about regression analysis for financial returns online, and how to apply this in Excel.

It should be noted that we have given the returns on UK fixed gilts and inflation-linked gilts, and on currency hedged and unhedged global equities. You should think about potential issues which might occur with  respect to linear independence / collinearity. Hint: can you isolate fixed gilt returns, inflation, equities, and currency as risk factors?

About Barnett Waddingham

Barnett Waddingham is proud to be a leading independent UK consultancy at the forefront of risk, pensions, investment and insurance.

From small beginnings with just 20 people,our total headcount is now over 1,350 (including over 90 partners and 190 associates and principals) – with offices in nine locations around the UK. We act for a wide range of clients, large and small, in both the private and public sectors including 15% of FTSE350 firms with a DB scheme.

We continue to grow through referrals from professional contacts and our existing clients. Our primary focus is to continue to provide the personal, quality, tailored approach that has made us successful and has led to our high level of client retention.  We seek to build  stable and  long-term working relationships with clients, supported by our low staff turnover.

We have a variety of interesting career opportunities across the UK and strive to recruit staff who share our values and can bring special skills which will enhance the service that we provide to our clients.

Our business is about people and we are exceptionally proud of our loyal staff who are committed to delivering an efficient and effective client service.  People who join Barnett Waddingham tend to stay, thriving in a professional learning environment and caring, friendly culture. Our structure and style encourage loyalty and commitment.  Barnett Waddingham will provide you with the opportunity to thrive in a business which believes strongly in being supportive, developing its people and offering a good work/life balance.

Our efforts are consistently recognised by some of the most influential organisations in the industry. We are extremely proud to be accredited by Best Companies, in conjunction with The Sunday Times Top 100 Companies survey. This award was received following an extensive series of questionnaires completed anonymously  by  employees across the company. Our Actuarial Summer Internship programme has also been named as one of the top 25 Medium Sized Undergraduate schemes by Rate My Placement.

It is our aim to reward our employees with a competitive overall package, known as 'Total Rewards'. We have developed aTotal Rewards package inline with our business and HR strategies to help attract, retain and motivate our employees.  Total Reward Programmes are an important part of the firm’s employment relationship, which also includes challenging and rewarding work, growth and career development opportunities, and being part of a growing company who genuinely care about each of its employees and their wellbeing.

Barnett Waddingham is keen to promote the development of professional standards for all employees. This can be achieved by general work experience and mentoring together with the provision of study support for relevant professional examinations.