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BL30A0510 Introduction to Electrical Drives


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BL30A0510 Introduction to Electrical Drives

Exam 23.10.2023 (No 1)

Allowed material:

1.All material (computer, calculator, course material, collection paper, internet etc) except someone else’s answers.

Part 1: Moodle Quiz

Answer to Part 1 first.

1. Open the Quiz in Moodle on the course page and answer to the questions there.

.    In the Part 1, ten short questions are given in Moodle.

.    The time for answering Part  1 is limited to 20 minutes from the start of the exam, starting from the beginning of the exam (8.30).

.    Correct answer = 2 p, wrong answer = -1 p, no answer / empty = 0 p. 10 questions (max 20 p).

.    Returning back to previous questions is not possible in Part 1.

Part 2: Moodle Quiz, Question 2: the essay

.    In the Part 2, one essay question is given in Moodle.

.    Copy the essay question to the beginning of your essay answer in pdf (Word).

.    Collect the answers of Part 2 and Part 3 (questions 2 to 3) in a single pdf file and return as attach- ment to Moodle.

Part 3: Moodle Assigment, Question 4: the calculation

.    In this Part 3, one calculation type of question is given in the following.

.    Collect the answers of Part 2 and Part 3 (questions 2 to 3) in a single pdf file and return as attach- ment to Moodle.

.    In addition, attach also related files where the calculations and original text are (Excel, Word, Mathcad, Matlab, ...).

.    If only pdf-file is attached and not the related files where your calculations and original text are, the particular question is not evaluated.

.    Include your name in the file names, for example:

o "Virtanen_Brian_Q2-Q3.pdf", "Virtanen_Brian_Q3.xls", "Virtanen_Brian_Q3.xmcd",   "Vir- tanen_Brian_Collection_paper.pdf".

3. The needed current of an electric motor during an operation period (work cycle) is shown in Fig. 1. a) Select a suitable motor from the Table 1 for this application and give reasons for the selection.

Figure 1. The current of an electric motor during an operation period (work cycle).

Table 1. Technical data for totally enclosed squirrel cage three phase motors.

The selected motor is next supplied by frequency converter at 30 Hz frequency. The torque is at rated value and constant flux flinkage is used. Calculate what is the

b) rotation speed and

c) shaft power, when absolute slip (rpm) stays constant?

Calculate what is then

d) input power of the electric machine and

e) power taken from the network by the frequency converter?

The efficiencies of the frequency converter and induction motor as a function of frequency are shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2. The efficiencies of the frequency converter and induction motor as a function of frequency.