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EMS402U – Engineering Design


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EMS402U - Engineering Design

Coursework Information Sheet

Note this document should be read in conjunction with the Week 11 presentation and associated slides (see QMplus for slides and recording)

CW 2 (50%) Analytical Design Project

Issue date: 13 November 2023

Submission: Online submission via QMplus; see formatting details below

Note your submission will be in two parts which will be submitted to separate QMplus submission points (both on the EMS402U QMplus site).

i.   Submit your preliminary calculations of the Young’s modulus as an

INDIVIDUAL submission. These calculations can be handwritten (but must be legible) and SHOULD NOT include the error analysis.

ii.   Submit your TEAM report to a separate QMplus submission point. The exact format and content of this report is given below.

Due date: 17:00 on 22 January 2024

Page Limit 8 pages

Note: This is a Programme Level Assessment (PLA) constituting 50% of the entire module grades for EMS402U and EMS410U.

Part B:  Beam Deflection Analysis

Further details on this assessment will be given in two introductory talks, at 10 am in the Great Hall, as follows.

29th November at 10am – Introduction to the Beam Bending Lab

6th December at 10am – Writing up Part B: Beam Deflection Analysis

Note these talks appear under your EMS410U Timetable

Scenario: Your Design Team has bought some laboratory time at Queen Mary Testing Facilities LTD to conduct an experiment to bolster your design proposal to the Client (Arup). You will be conducting a beam deflection experiment. It does not matter if the materials tested are different from those you propose for your design.

Purpose: The purpose of Part B of this assignment is to present an appendix to your Design Project Report which links some aspect of your Team’s proposed design to beam deflection analysis. This is Team analysis and submission component. Although it is written as an appendix to Part A it should actually be submitted as a separate document to a separate submission point on theEMS402U QMplus site.

Your analytical appendix (report) should include the following sections:

1. Abstract:  Around 100 wors, summarise the report, including results and conclusions

2. Title Page: Follow the instructions on QMplus submission point and during Week 11.

3.   Introduction: Give the aims and objectives of the experiment.

This should be a short introduction to the report explaining how it links to Part A of this assessment.

You might want to write a rough Introduction section first and come back and revise it when you have finished writing the rest of the report and are clearer what the experiment is about.

4. Apparatus: This section should include a clearly labelled 2-D schematic diagram of the apparatus.




It should also contain a description of the apparatus AND instrumentation, and not simply a list of the parts and equipment.

5. Testing Procedure: This should be an account of WHAT WAS DONE. It should therefore be written in the past tense and be impersonal.

E.g. “The position of supports around the loading mechanism was set” is correct,

“I positioned supports around the loading mechanism” is incorrect (not impersonal)

“Position the supports around the loading mechanism” is incorrect (instructional and not past tense)

It should NOT be written as a set of instructions or a Lab sheet. You are telling the reader what YOU did; NOT instructing them on what THEY should do.

6.   Results: The results section should include the results obtained in the lab and the calculated values of young’s Modulus from each of the two configurations

It should NOT include a full set of sample calculations, which will have been submitted separately as an individual submission (see intro to this document).

It SHOULD include a calculation of the overall errors for both values of E.

7.   Discussion: Your discussion should:

•    Comment on the agreement or otherwise between the two values of modulus of elasticity obtained from the experiment. Which value would you have most confidence in and why?

•    Comment on both values of the overall error of the modulus of elasticity. What does it tell us about the accuracy of the instrumentation?

•    Compare your results with the value of the modulus of elasticity cited in the literature (assume the material is mild steel). What was the percentage disagreement?

•    Compare the moduli of your test materials with those of materials you are proposing in your design project. Use values obtained from the literature for your proposed materials. Conduct a bit of research (background reading) to explain why these different materials have different moduli.

8.   Reference List: There are various ways to reference your sources. For this report use the Numbering system (often referred to as “Vancouver” style). In this style the references are numbered in the order they are referred to in the text and then listed all together at the end of the report (not in footnotes on each page). The only thing that appears in the text is the reference number.


In the text

The boiling temperature of water at 101.325 kPa is equal to 99.974 °C [1].

In the reference list

1.   The Engineering Toolbox, water thermophysical properties,

https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/water-thermal-properties-d_162.html, accessed 3rd  Dec 2022

Note that internet sources are fine (NO Wikipedia please) but always give some indication of what the site actually is (in this case The Engineering Toolbox). Don’t simply list the URL.

For internet sources give the date you accessed it (sites constantly change) but for other, permanent, sources such as journal papers give the year of publication.

You can reference lecture notes from this or other modules, but DON’T reference the lab sheet.

Finally, this is a Reference List. Anything listed should be specifically referred to at least once in the text of the report. It’s not a Bibliography, which is a list of recommended further reading.

Guidance Notes for writing up Part B:


20 marks

1. Briefly state the engineering

research problem being addressed.

Measurement of Young’s modulus and Exploring propagation of errors.

2. Briefly explain how the experiment addresses the research problem.

Is deflection of beam experiment suitable way to measure E?



20 marks

1. Draw a clearly labelled diagram

A 2D Schematic (line) diagram of the apparatus

showing how the components are linked together.

2. Describe the apparatus and

instrumentation and how they work.

A description of the apparatus AND instrumentation.

3. Describe the experimental

procedure (including the

design/prelab stage of the


An account of what you did, written in the past tense and impersonal.


20 marks

1. Present raw data, tabulated and labelled

Raw data should be included in the main results section. Put NOTHING in an Appendix.

2. Explain how the processed results were obtained from raw data and

provide sample calculations.

Calculations from design stage of the experiment as

well as calculation of Young’s modulus, as these have already been submitted as a separate individual


Calculation of the uncertainties in E should be included here.

3. Present processed results in tables and figures.

Load-deflection graphs All experimental data points shown as points, not joined by lines.


30 marks

1. Repeat aim of the experiment.

A summary of the aims/objectives given at the start of the lab sheet.

2. Comment on the agreement or

otherwise between the two values of modulus of elasticity.

This is a simple comparison of the percentage difference between the two values.

3. Discuss the uncertainties/errors in the raw and analysed results.

In raw data you should consider uncertainties from

measuring by calliper, measuring tape and dial gauge

(note the uncertainty in the effective length of the beam will be relatively large and should be

commented on here).

4. Compare experimental values with the value cited in the literature.

Note, if the difference between experimental and book value is of the same order as the associated uncertainty, the results are in good agreement.

5. Discuss problems in the

experiment, if any, and if these had any influence on the difference

between the value cited in the

literature and the experimental


Possible problems: We are looking here for things which cannot be quantified and included in the

uncertainty propagation calculation above

- dial gauge not vertical;

- the gauges were not zeroed properly.

"Human Error" but what do you REALLY mean by this for this particular experiment.

Did you try to minimize these? Did these problems have any influence on their results?

Was the data repeatable within the uncertainties

discussed above? If not it could be attributed to these "problems".

6. Discuss whether the research problem has been addressed

Did you get a “reasonable” value of E?

Was this a “suitable” experiment to measure E?

7. Compare the moduli of your test

materials with those of materials you are proposing in your design project. Explain why these different materials have different moduli.

Have you identified a correct literature value for the modulus of at least one of the materials you have

proposed in your Team’s Design?

Have you explained (briefly) the reason behind the

difference between the test material’s modulus and that of your proposed material/s (materials science)?


10 marks

1. Summarize the results of your experiment, including how it will inform Part A of the assignment

Include the calculated values of E and of the uncertainties in them.

2. Suggestions for future work or possible improvements to this


How could you do this lab better if you had:

•    More time with the current equipment

•    More money to redesign the lab