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FINN40515 Advanced Financial Theory


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Advanced Financial Theory

Group Coursework

1.1 Problem Specification

Assume that your CW group is a talented investment Analytics team in an investment institution. Considering your members’ attitudes to risk and wealth preferences in the context of assumed expectations of the investment bank, decide on a utility function that would best quantify the utility of the team.

Initially, you will form two-fund portfolios (2 in total, risky-risky, and risky-riskless) with an initial screening of a pool of 15 financial assets (stock, corporation bonds, and government bills). Consider an initial wealth of w0 with the investments having random outcomes (returns) x,and  y. You must test and establish the probability distribution functions of the random variables and determine the investor’s preference ordering of the 15 assets (common stock, corporation bonds, t-bills), eventually selecting top 2, or set up two portfolios as a two fund-separation problem.

Additionally, you must consider carefully your team’s chosen utility function which is faced with a riskless asset with return and s risky assets, that have the multivariate normal distribution. Here you may focus on a selection of a three-asset portfolio drawn again from the pool of 15 (of your choice).  Show mathematically and empirically that when you act to maximize the expected utility of your portfolio's final wealth, you will hold the risky assets in the same proportion as the tangency portfolio and that the more risk averse you are the smaller the amount of initial wealth, w0,  invested in the risky assets will be.

As a group, you must discuss and rationalise your choice of the utility function, and maximise the expected utility of the final wealth — your group’s initial wealth is ω0 > 0.

Your group members must discuss and decide to select a number of financial assets (not less than 15) whose prices are accessible online i.e., Yahoo finance, and/or Bloomberg via the school Bloomberg terminals.

Your selection must be properly discussed and rationalised. Make good use of decision-making concepts on choices under risk that you have learned in this module. Considering dynamic forms of portfolio management, theorise on an optimal insurance  that would protect the downside of the entire portfolio or that of individual assets in the three-fund portfolio.

You must also solve the capital allocation problem and establish the tangency portfolio. This should be followed with interpretations.


a) Given the problem specification above, your group must come up with a draft paper title within the problem domain (solve the problem). You do not need to seek approval of the title with the module leader; however, you should consult with your group members.

b) The draft paper must include (i) a theoretical framework, (ii) the empirical analysis and results. You must decide among your group members on dividing and assigning tasks. You do not need to seek approval from the module leader, instead, you are expected to use peer consultations.                                                                                                               

c) While you have flexibility within the problem specification, it is recommended that you explore the problem with the intent to uncover new research value. It must be solved mathematically first — part of the theoretical framework.

d) You must use software application(s) of your choice (Excel, Stata/EViews) and/or programming with R and/or VBA.

e) Once you download the asset data, you must test the probability distribution by using tools in (d) — part of the empirical testing and analysis.

f) You must establish and discuss the tangency portfolio, using the data you would have downloaded and worked on —  part of the empirical testing and analysis.                                                                                                     

g) You must establish the asset selection framework and the portfolio insurance that is most relevant to your approach —   part of the theoretical framework.                                                                                                        

h) Mathematical notation must be compliant with the core textbook.                                          

i) Although a bibliography is included in this document, you must create a reference list with literature of your choice that is best utilised in your draft paper. You must use in-text citations properly and consistently throughout the draft paper.

j) The format of the draft paper is that of an article in finance and/or economics. Please refer to the articles in the bibliography below for ideas.

k) Work count should be 7-thousand words (± 5%). This does not count the bibliography, tables, graphs, title, summary, introduction, and conclusion.

l) You should form a group with up to 4 students in each. Students who have not managed to find a group will be assigned to one by the module leader.

1.2 Marking Rubric

1.2.1 Standard assessment


Assessment elements

Marking weight


Draft paper/report title



Theoretical framework



Empirical testing and analysis



Mathematical notation



In-text citations; references



Format of the draft paper

10 %







 1.2.1 peer assessment 


Peer input of each group member

Peer’s score:


Highest —5


Draft paper/report title

1 to 5


Theoretical framework

1 to 5


Empirical testing and analysis

1 to 5


Mathematical notation

1 to 5


In-text citations; references

1 to 5


Format of the draft paper

1 to 5






6 to 30





1. Arrow, K. J. (1971).  Essays in the Theory of Risk Bearing. Chicago: Markham Publishing Co.

2. Bernoulli, D., (1954), Exposition of a new theory on the measurement of risk, translated in English by Louise Sommer, Econometrica, vol. 22, pp. 23-36.

3. Kihlstrom, R., D. Romer and S. Williams, (1981), Risk aversion with random initial wealth, Econometrica, 49, 911-920.

4. Nachman, D.C., (1982), Preservation of ’More Risk Averse’ Under Expectations, Journal of Economic Theory, 28, 361-368.

5. Pratt, J., (1964), Risk aversion in the small and in the large, Econometrica, 32, 122-136.

6. Ross, S.A., (1981), Some stronger measures of risk aversion in the small and in the large with applications, Econometrica, 3, 621-638.

7. Segal, U. and A. Spivak, (1990), First order versus second order risk aversion, Journal of Economic Theory, 51, 111-125.

8. Yaari, M.E., (1987), The dual theory of choice under risk, Econometrica, 55, 95-115.

9. Geiss, C. , C. Menezes and J. Tressler, (1980), Increasing Downside Risk, American Economic Review, 70, 5, 921-931.

10. Hadar, J., and W.R. Russell (1969), Rules for ordering uncertain prospects, American Economic Review, 59, 25-34.

11. Hanoch, G., and H. Levy, (1969), Efficiency analysis of choices involving risk, Review of Economic Studies, 36, 335-346..

12. Rothschild, M. and J. Stiglitz, (1971), Increasing risk: II Its eco- nomic consequences, Journal of Economic Theory 3, 66-84.

13. Samuelson, P.A., (1967), General proof that diversification pays, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

14. Whitmore, G.A., (1970), Third-degree stochastic dominance, American Economic Review, 60, 457-459.

15. Arrow, K. J. (1971). Essays in the Theory of Risk Bearing. Chicago: Markham Publishing Co.

16. Briys, E., G. Dionne and L. Eeckhoudt (1989), More on Insurance as a Giffen Good, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2, 415-420.

17. Eeckhoudt, L., and C. Gollier, (1995), Demand for risky assets and the monotone probability ratio order, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 11, 113-122.

18. Eeckhoudt, L., and C. Gollier, (2000), The Effects of Changes in Risk on Risk Taking: A Survey, in Dionne, G. (ed), Contributions to Insurance Economics, Boston: Kluwer Academic Press.

19. Gollier, C. (1987). “The Design of Optimal Insurance without the Nonnegativity Constraint on Claims”, Journal of Risk and Insurance 54, 312-324.

20. Gollier, C. and H. Schlesinger, (1995), Second-Best Insurance Contract Design in an Incomplete Market, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 97, 123-135.

21. Gollier, C. and H. Schlesinger, (1996), Arrow’s Theorem on the Optimality of Deductibles: A Stochastic Dominance Approach, Economic Theory, 7, 359-363.

22. Karni, E., (1992), Optimal Insurance: A Nonexpected Utility Analysis, in Dionne, G. (ed), Contributions to Insurance Economics, Boston: Kluwer Academic Press.

23. Landsberger, M, and I. Meilijson, (1990), Demand for risky financial assets: A portfolio analysis, Journal of Economic Theory, 50, 204-13.

24. Machina, M., (1995), Non-Expected Utility and the Robustness of the Classical Insurance Paradigm, in Gollier C. and M. Machina (ed.), Non-expected Utility and Risk Management, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, reprinted from The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, 20, 9-50.

25. Mossin, J. (1968). Aspects of Rational Insurance Purchasing, Journal of Political Economy 76, 533-568.

26. Outreville, J. F. (1998), Theory and Practice of Insurance, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

27. Baxter, M., and U.J. Jermann, (1997) The international diversification puzzle is worse than you think, American economic Review, 87, 170-80.

28. Eeckhoudt, L., C. Gollier and H. Schlesinger, (1996), Changes in background risk and risk-taking behavior, Econometrica, 64, 683-690.

29. French, K., and J. Poterba, (1991), International diversification and international equity markets, American Economic Re- view, 81, 222-26.

30. Gollier, C. and J.W. Pratt, (1996), Risk vulnerability and the tempering effect of background risk, Econometrica, 64, 1109- 1124.

31. Kimball, M.S., (1993), Standard risk aversion, Econometrica, 61, 589-611.

32. Kocherlakota, N.R., (1996), The Equity Premium: It’s Still a Puzzle, Journal of Economic Literature, 34, 42-71.

33. Markowitz, H., (1952), Portfolio Selection, Journal of Finance, 7, 77-91.

34. Mehra, R. and E. Prescott, (1985), The Equity Premium: A Puzzle, Journal of Monetary Economics, 10, 335-339.

35. Arrow, K.J., (1953), Le rôle des valeurs boursières pour la ré- partition la meilleure des risques. Econométrie, Paris: CNRS [Translated as: Arrow, K.J., (1964), The role of securities in the optimal allocation of risk-bearing, Review of Economic Studies, 31, 91-96.]

36. Debreu, G., (1959), Theory of value, Wiley, New York.

37. LeRoy, S., and J. Werner, (2001), Principles of financial economics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

38. Carroll, C.D., (1997), Buffer-stock saving and the life cycle/permanent income hypothesis, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112, 1

39. Epstein, L.G., and S. Zin, (1991), Substitution, Risk aversion and the temporal behavior of consumption and asset returns: An empirical framework, Journal of Political Economy, 99, 263-286.

40. Strotz R., (1956), ’Myopia and Inconsistency in Dynamic Utility Maximization’, Review of Economic Studies, 23.

41. Barberis, N., (2000), Investing for the long run when returns are predictable, Journal of Finance, 55, 225-64.

42. Campbell, J.Y, A.W. Lo and A. C. MacKinlay, (1997), The Econometrics of Financial Markets, Princeton University Press, Princeton.

43. Campbell, J., and L. Viciera, (1999), Consumption and portfolio decisions when expected returns are time-varying, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114, 433-95.

44. Kandel, S., and R. Stambaugh, (1996), On the predictability of stock returns: An asset allocation perspective, Journal of Finance, 51, 385-424.

45. Kim, T.S., and E. Omberg, (1996), Dynamic nonmyopic portfolio behavior, Review of Financial Studies, 9, 141-61.

46. Merton, R.C., (1969), Lifetime portfolio selection under uncertainty: The continuous-time case, Review of Economics and Statistics, 51, 247-257.

47. Mossin, J., (1968), Optimal multiperiod portfolio policies, Journal of Business, 215-229.

48. Samuelson, P.A., (1969), Lifetime portfolio selection by dynamic stochastic programming, Review of Economics and Statistics, 51, 239-246.

49. Dixit, A.K., and R.S. Pindyck, (1994), Investment under uncertainty, Princeton University Press, Princeton.

50. Eeckhoudt, L., C. Gollier and N. Treich, (2003), Optimal con- sumption and the timing of the resolution of uncertainty, Eu- European Economic Review, forthcoming.

51. Henry, C., (1974) , Investment decisions under uncertainty: the irreversibility effect, American Economic Review, 64, 1006- 1012.

52. Hirshleifer, J. and J.G. Riley, (1992) , The analytics of uncertainty and information, Cambridge University Press.

53. McDonald, R. and D. Siegel, (1984), The value of waiting to invest, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 101, 707-728.

54. Pindyck, R., (1991) , Irreversibility, uncertainty and investment, Journal of Economic Literature, 29, 1110-1148.

55. Schlee, E.E., (2001), The value of information in efficient risk-sharing arrangements, American Economic Review , 91, 509- 524.

56. Treich, N., (1997), Risk tolerance and value of information in the standard portfolio model, Economics Letters, 55, 361-363.

57. Briys, E., and H. Schlesinger and J.-M. Schulenburg, (1990), Reliability of risk management: Market insurance, self-insurance and self-protection reconsidered, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory 16, 45-59.

58. Ehrlich, I., and G. Becker, (1972), Market insurance, self-insurance and self-protection, Journal of Political Economy, 80, 623-648.

59. Jullien, B., B. Salanié and F. Salanié, (1999), Should more risk-averse agents exert more effort?, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, 24, 19-28.

60. Leland, H.E., (1980), Who Should Buy Portfolio Insurance?, Journal of Finance, 35, 581-596.

61. Raviv, A. (1979). “The Design of an Optimal Insurance Policy”, American Economic Review 69, 84-96.

62. Rubinstein, M., (1974), An aggregation theorem for securities markets, Journal of Financial Economics, 1, 225-244.

63. Varian, H., (1985), Divergence of opinion in complete markets, Journal of Finance, 40, 309-317.

64. Cass, D. and J. Stiglitz, (1970), The structure of investor preferences and asset returns, and separability in portfolio allocation, Journal of Economic Theory, 2, 122-60.

65. Cox, J., J. Ingersoll and S. Ross, (1985), A theory of the term structure of interest rates, Econometrica, 53, 385-403.

66. Franke, G., R. Stapleton and M. Subrahmanyam, (1998), Who buys and who sells options: The role of options in an economy with background risk, Journal of Economic Theory 82, 89- 109.

67. Ibbotson Associates, (1999), Stocks, bonds, bills and inflation : 1999 yearbook, Ibbotson Associates, Chicago, www.ibbotson.com.

68. Jorion, P., Goetzmann, W.N., (1999), Global stock markets in the twentieth century, Journal of Finance, 54, 953—980.

69. Lucas, D.J., (1994), Asset pricing with undiversifiable income risk and short sales constraints: Deepening the equity premium puzzle, Journal of Monetary Economics, 34, 325-341.

70. Engers, M. and L. Fernandez (1987), "Market Equilibrium with Hidden Knowledge and Self-Selection," Econometrica 55, 425- 439.