关键词 > EENG31400/M1400

EENG31400/M1400 Digital Filters & Spectral Analysis January Exam 2022


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Faculty of Engineering

Unit Assessment Settings: January 2022 Assessment Period

Name & Format of


EENG31400/M1400 Digital Filters & Spectral Analysis January Exam 2022

BB Test (no randomised questions)

The test has 21 questions. 3 are calculated formula type questions, 3 are short answer type questions, 4 are multiple answer type questions (partial credit and negative marking applied - total score for a question cannot go below 0) and 11 are multiple choice type questions.

Pre Assessment Materials

Slides, recorded lectures, recorded live sessions, practice questions, past exam questions.

Blackboard Practice Tests

Blackboard  Practice  Tests/Exams  will be added  to blackboard for students  to  experience  the assessment process,  format, personal technology set up and troubleshooting. These practice tests will not reflect individual unit/assessment content.

Specific instructions for

accessing the assessment

(licenses/software reqs etc)

General guidance on takingBlackboard tests

Start Time

09:45am British Summer Time (BST) as standard.


3 hrs

End Time

The Blackboard Test/Exam will state the start and end time of the

assessment.  If you have approved Alternative Exam Arrangements

(AEAs) or an approved later start time this will be reflected in the times shown.

The End Time is the time you should stop working on the assessment. For assessments with an upload requirement an additional period (30 minutes) is given to facilitate uploads.

Clarification on resources permitted for use

Items allowed during your exam are outlined on theAssessment and Exam Arrangements - webpage.

Academic Integrity

We expect you to maintain the highest standards of academic

integrity, asset out in theUniversity Policy on Academic Integrity (PDF, 334kB)and theStudent Agreement (PDF, 184kB) .

•    You must not collaborate or work with anyone else on your exam, either physically or virtually.

•    The work submitted must be entirely your own.

•    We will view any instances of collusion as cheating and will take them very seriously.

No of Q’s displayed per page


Backtracking Options


No of Attempts

Single Attempt



Students who start but are unable to complete the assessment for

which a partial unintended submission is made will need to follow the Extenuating Circumstancesprocess.

Built in Upload/ Buffer Time

Synchronous Assessment Buffer Time

For synchronous assessments without uploads, 30 minutes will be added to tests to allow for slow movement between questions and low-level connectivity issues.