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COM00058H Qualitative Approaches to Investigating UX (QUAL) 2023–24


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UG Degree Examinations 2023–24


Qualitative Approaches to Investigating UX (QUAL)

H Level

Open Assessment

Open Individual Assessment


You should have full access to the papers referenced in this assessment through the University systems and library.

Part 1 (35 marks)

This part requires you to read and critically evaluate the goals, methods and approaches of the research study of the following paper:

Chen, A. Y. S., Odom, W., Neustaedter, C., Zhong, C., & Lin, H. (2023, April). Exploring Memory-Oriented Interactions with Digital Photos In and Across Time: A Field Study of Chronoscope. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-20).

Read and provide answers to the following questions:

1)    Identify three ethical or data governance considerations pertinent to the study aims/procedure/findings. Describe a possible mitigation for one of the identified considerations.                      (8 marks)

2)    Discuss the suitability of the methods to address the research goals and give a justification for your answer. Discuss both strengths and limitations regarding the reporting of the following points :

a)    goals/aims of the study,                                              (6 marks)

b)    procedure,                                                                      (6 marks)

c)    and analysis method.                                                   (7 marks)

3)   To what extent do you think the authors have addressed reflexivity in their work? Discuss in relation to study goals, methods and results, and or discussion.

Guidance: If you feel that the authors have not addressed reflexivity sufficiently, please describe how you think they could do so.    (8 marks)

[Answer length guidance: maximum 1000 words. Approx. 200 for Q1, 600 for Q2, 200 for Q3]

Part 2 (50 marks)

This part requires you to collect appropriate data and conduct a cursory thematic analysis, report and discuss the results of the analysis.

The overarching aim of the study is to explore the user perceptions and experiences of a mid-range bluetooth speaker (“the product”).

-      You should decide on a more focussed aim/goal for your investigation that is suited to a

thematic analysis study. You should decide on what type of thematic analysis is best suited to your aims.

-      Your research task is to collect up to 40 product reviews (minimum of 20 reviews) from your choice of popular online retail store.

-      Copy and paste the selected reviews into a word/Google document for processing.

-      Process the data appropriately - this may include removing empty or irrelevant reviews and removing any identifying information.

-      Conduct an initial analysis of the reviews

-      Produce preliminary themes

-      Discuss the findings in relation to your aim/goals, this will include consideration of the limitations of the methodological approach.

Your answer should include the following sections:

1.    Your collected data should be submitted in English language, in a separate file and uploaded with your assessment    (5 marks)

2.    A “ methods” section that states the goal of your investigation and presents an overview of how you analysed the data. It should also include the following information: the date the data was collected, the website link, the product name and details, your reason for choosing this data source, what type of thematic analysis you will use and why, and how you have processed/cleaned the dataset.                    (10 marks)

3.    A “ results” section that describes each theme that you have created from your analysis and    includes one or two illustrative quotes to support each of the theme descriptions. (20 marks)

4.    A “discussion and conclusions” section that critically discusses the findings with respect to

the specific study aims. You should consult academic literature to aid with your discussion. At least two academic references should be consulted and added to a short reference list at the  end of this answer.                            (15 marks)

(Length guidance for the answer - all 4 sections: 2000 words maximum)

Part 3 (15 marks)

1.    Write a short essay about the following topic : Is objectivity possible or even desirable in qualitative research?

Marks will be awarded for well-reasoned and relevant discussion of the epistemological underpinning of qualitative research, in answer to the question. The essay should use specific examples as a focus for the discussion, OR can be a discussion of your own epistemological position, referring to the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. It is expected that the essay includes at least two academic references that should be included in a reference list at the end of the question.

(Length guidance for the answer: 600 words maximum)