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Media Production for Interactive Environments TFT00018I-A


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Assessment Brief

MODULE: Media Production for Interactive Environments TFT00018I-A

ASSESSMENT TITLE: Summative Assessment


SET: Semester 1, Week 4

HAND-IN: Semester 1 Week 14: 12 noon, Thursday, 25th January 2024


For this assessment, you must create a scene from an experience that is set in a 3D interactive environment.

The kind of experience that you create a scene from is up to you. For example, you may choose to create, but are not limited to:

•    A scene from an adventure game where the player must solve a puzzle

•    A scene from a walking simulator that tells a short chapter of a longer story

You must also write a 2,500-word report describing your environment and the experience that is set within it.

This assessment is worth 100% of the total marks for this module.


The scene that you create should take around five minutes for a ‘typical’ user to complete the first time it is experienced. The scene from the mountain adventure game used in the practicals in weeks 5 and 6 is an example of an experience that should take a typical user around five minutes to complete for the first time.

You are allowed a leeway of one minute either way (i.e. anything between 4 minutes and 6 minutes is acceptable). A submission that is shorter or longer than that leeway may incur mark deductions.

Your scene MUST be implemented using the Unity game engine. You MUST use Unity version LTS 2022.3.9f1which is the Unity version installed in the TFTI labs. Using a different Unity version will mean there is a high likelihood that we will not be able to open and run your files. If we are unable to do that, we cannot mark  the project and we will have to give it a zero mark.

You must write and include at least one script when implementing your scene (and you may choose to include many more). All scripts must be written in the C# language.

While the scene must be implemented in Unity, you are allowed to include assets that you have created in other software packages (e.g. 3D models that you have  created in Maya).


Your report must include the following sections:

Background: Give the background to situate the rationale in creating your environment and experience. For example, your report might describe:

•    Why did you choose to create this particular environment and user experience?

•    What other environments provided inspiration for your project?

•    What is the purpose of this experience?

•    Who might it be used by?

•    In what situation is it meant to be experienced? (e.g. an art exhibition)

Description of Experience: Provide a description of a typical user’s experience of interacting with your environment (e.g. a walkthrough).

Description of Technical Implementation: This should be the largest section of the report. You must give a detailed and precise description of your technical approach for implementing your environment (e.g. lighting, sound, physics, AI).

Reflection: Discuss the success of your experience from both a user-experience and technical perspective. For example, you might reflect upon:

•    What were the challenges of creating your experience?

•    Which parts do you feel work well and which didn’t? Why did they work or not?

•    How could you develop your environment further?

You are allowed a 10% leeway either way (i.e. 250 words over or under is acceptable). This length limit excludes all appendices. Write the total word count clearly at the end of the report. Note that over- or under-writing beyond the limits of the leeway may incur mark deductions.

Use either Times New Roman in font size 12 or Arial in font size 11.

You must include a cover sheet with your report.


Your submission must include the following components:


Submission Procedure

2,500 word report in PDF format.

Submit to the storage drive.

Instructions available on the VLE.

Your ZIP file should have a filename in the format EXAMNUMBER_MPIE.zip (e.g. Y123456_MPIE.zip)

The complete Unity project for your interactive environment

A standalone build for Windows

A standalone build for macOS

Note that you MUST submit a standalone build of your environment in addition to the complete Unity project. A standalone build is a file that allows your scene to be run outside of Unity. This will enable the marker to experience your environment exactly as you intended it to be. When creating your standalone build, please configure it using the “PC, Mac & Linux Standalone” option with the “Target

Platform” set to “macOS” and then “Windows” For more information on how to create a standalone build of your project, please see this pagein the Unity manual.

Please read the Very Important Points to Note for the Submission of AllAssessments (which includes important information on the appropriate time to start submission; how to check your files; what to do if there are problems with submission etc.). Please access the file with your University of York login.


All work submitted for assessment must be the student's own and all sources must be acknowledged and referenced, as set out in your Course Handbook and/or assessment brief, to avoid academic misconduct. Students may not submit the same work or part of the same work for assessment twice.

All sources in your report should be cited using the Harvard referencing system format. You may refer to this referencing guidefrom the University of York. For finding out the correct format for citing non-standard sources (e.g. computer games)this Harvard referencing guidefrom Anglia Ruskin University Library may also be helpful.

The scene must be your own work. If elements of the design or implementation of your scene (e.g., the concept, the layout, the gameplay mechanic, a solution to a challenging technical problem) are based upon the work of others, you should indicate this in an appropriate section of your report with references.

If you include code written by other people in the scripts submitted as part of your Unity project, you must reference this in the source by including a block comment at the top of the file describing where the code came from , e.g.:


* This script is based upon a code example from the Unity Script Reference *

* Author: Unity Technologies (author name unknown)

* Accessed: 20/10/2021

* Location: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/AudioSource.html */

Additionally, if a script includes some code that is written by you and some code that is written by others, you should include inline comments that clearly indicate which parts are your own work and which aren’t.

// I added the following three lines to set the volume based on a slider

AudioSource a = GetComponent();

Slider s = GetComponent();

a.volume = s.GetValue();

// My modification ends


You may include assets (e.g. text, images, media) from existing sources in your environment as long as they are properly acknowledged in a Copyright Appendix to your report. Appendices do not count towards the word limit of the report.

In this assessment, you may use assets under the copyright ‘Illustration for

Instruction’ principle. This means that you can use any asset within this assessment as long as it is fully credited because it is only going to be viewed by a limited audience (i.e. only you and the examiners will view the application).

However, if you wish to host these applications online or use them in any

other way after the assessment (e.g. in your portfolio), then you will have to ensure you have the appropriate copyright permissions for all assets and content.

Your Copyright Appendix must adopt the format shown below:


Image (if applicable)



Tree model and

textures, used

throughout terrain.

Unity standard assets environment package.

Used under Illustration for Instruction principle.

Barrel model and

textures, used next to small shack on


Downloaded from


(model created by


Used under terms of Turbo Squid Royalty Free license.



Implementation (70%)



Experience Design (20%)

How well the experience is designed (for

example, how well the design meets the

purpose specified in the report; how well the design of the interface and environment

guides the user through the experience; how usable and enjoyable the main interactions



Technical Implementation (35%)

How well the experience is implemented from a technical perspective (for example, how

well the Unity scene and project are

structured; how ambitious is the range of Unity features employed; how sensible,

efficient and appropriate is the approach to implementing these features; how well the code is written in C# scripts, taking into

account style, structure, conventions and comments).


Production Quality (15%)

How good the environment looks and sounds from an aesthetic perspective.


Report (30%)


Background (5%)

How well the report situates and describes the rationale for the experience.


Description and Justification (20%)

How well the report describes the typical user’s experience with the environment.

How well the report describes the

implementation of the experience, taking into account completeness, clarity and technical precision.


Reflection (5%)

How well the report reflects on the success of the project’s experience design and technical implementation.



1)  The complexity of the implementation is taken into account during the

marking. This means that a more ambitious piece of work that is not

perfectly executed in terms of code efficiency and elegance may achieve a higher mark under the “Technical Implementation” criteria than one that perfectly makes use of trivial techniques. To achieve an Exceptional or

Outstanding mark for that criteria, the implementation must go beyond

expectations from a technical complexity perspective and the code must be both elegant and efficient.

2)  This assessment will be marked using “stepped” or “fixed point” marking. For an explanation of this, please see your General Undergraduate Handbook.