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MISY 160 Business Computing Tools and Concepts


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MISY 160 Business Computing Tools and Concepts

Credits 3, Section 194, 195

Semester: 24W, Year: 202

2. Course Description


MISY160, Business Computing, is an introduction to business information systems concepts, tools, and technology. Throughout the semester, you will be exposed to a wealth of knowledge about MIS concepts and computerized business tools. You will build computer competency through an exposure to MIS concepts, hands-on computer work and exercises, which include the use of microcomputer applications Microsoft Excel and Access.  By the end of the semester, you are expected to understand the basics of MIS concepts and competently use Microsoft Excel and Access.

Required Items

The materials required for this course are being automatically delivered to you in a digital format via Canvas. On the last day of drop/add, you will receive a charge in the approximate amount of $105 on your University account to cover the cost of these materials (Excel textbook, Access textbook, assigned projects, etc.). Print copies of the Excel and Access textbooks (if you choose to use them, they are not required) are available for purchase from Barnes and Noble UD Bookstore or the from the publisher for an additional cost of about $42. A laptop computer (Windows or Mac OS Laptop) with MS Office 365/2021 and Internet Connection. See the Canvas Getting Started Module regarding the technology requirements for this class, including the Virtual Lab. You do not need to buy any software for this course. You can use the Lerner Virtual Lab or you can download Office 365 from UDeploy for no cost.

NOTE: If you plan to take tests in the Testing Center, you must have a hard copy of the Excel and Access textbooks.  The Testing Center does not allow the use of the online textbooks. They do have some textbooks on hand that can be loaned out.

Course Delivery

The course will be delivered asynchronously via Canvas. I will hold optional student hours on Zoom throughout each week to answer any questions. The course is organized in Modules which last 1 week. All work from each Module must be completed by the Module End Date. There are 3 test dates during winter session. Please see Section 4, Testing, for due dates and procedures for scheduling a test time. Also see the course schedule.

Expectations for this Online Course

Students must be motivated to learn course content, complete assignments and study independently to be successful in an asynchronous online setting. The course moves quickly. Students should plan to spend a minimum of 25 hours per week practicing skills in the various Assignments, doing the projects, preparing for and completing quizzes.

Keeping up with course expectations is crucial to student success. Do not wait until a Module End Date to begin learning Module material. See the Course Calendar & Suggested Schedules on Canvas for more information. Join the live student hours early in the week to get help before the deadline.

Throughout the semester, I will be available by email and in Student Hours to answer questions as they develop. I will NOT respond to questions during Quiz or Test Dates, as students may take the corresponding Exams at various times during the day. Please get questions asked and answered by Module End Dates.


A benefit and potential challenge of online courses is self-pacing. Students will be expected to work through the course at their own pace, with the only requirement being that all assignments for each Module are completed by the Module End Date of the corresponding quiz or test.

There will be absolutely no extensions to Module End or quiz or test dates, except as detailed in the section on excused absences.

The suggested schedule posted at the beginning of each module is very strongly suggested for students in order to learn the course material and complete all graded assignments on time. However, students are not required to follow the suggested schedule, only to have all Module Assignments completed by each Module End Date

I recommend practicing all assignments several times as you complete each module; this will help you remember the material and guarantee success in the quizzes and tests.

You are responsible for knowing the key dates in this course – please keep a calendar and reminders.  Check Canvas often!

3. Learning Resources


Canvas: In this class, Canvas, UD's online learning management system, will be used for all course activities and communication channels. All assignments will be posted through the Canvas course site unless otherwise directed. Information on how to use Canvas is available through the Canvas Student Guide

Canvas can also be accessed via MyUD 

Zoom: In this class, Zoom will be used for Student Hours.  A Zoom meeting link and password will be posted in Canvas. 

Zoom is a web-based application that can be used from a computer, tablet, or phone.  From a computer, click the web link for Student Hours and be sure to install the small program that will download to your computer.  You only need to install the program once.  From a mobile device, download the free Zoom app and type in the meeting ID number and password for Student Hours. 

A microphone and camera are recommended for Student Hours. Information on how to test your computer's audio and video can be found on Zoom’s website.  Learn more info about Zoom at UD.

4. Testing

ProctorU, Testing Center, Zoom

Students will take tests in Newark at the Testing Center or through ProctorU or the Zoom option.  You have received an email from UDOnline and one from me with your testing information. You must abide by the information in this email. You should schedule both tests as soon as possible.

During the tests, you are allowed to use the textbook only.  

Before leaving ProctorU or Zoom, the student must delete the MS Excel or MS Access test files from their computers. They must empty the trash can as well. The students should check downloads, google drive, one drive, desktop, etc. for any test files and delete them and empty the trash can (before leaving ProctorU or Zoom). Students should not email their files to me. Any student violating this rule will receive a 0 for the test. It will also be considered academic dishonesty and treated as such.

Note: Students who register with the Testing Center should have a hard copy of the textbook with NO NOTES in it. The Testing Center does have a couple of copies of the textbooks to loan to students but there may not be enough if several students are testing at once.

Testing Windows

The tests are 55 minutes in length. The Testing Center will tell you which location you are assigned to (Testing Center or ProctorU). The testing windows for the Testing Center and ProctorU are:

· Test 1: Wed January 10 to Fri January 12 (Excel 1)

· Test 2: Wed January 24 to Fri January 26 (Comprehensive Excel)

· Test 3: Fri February 2 to Sat February 3 (Comprehensive Access)

For the Zoom option:

· Test 1: 8:30 am on Friday January 12

· Test 2: 8:30 am on Friday January 26

· Test 3: 8:30 am on Saturday February 3

If you are choosing the Zoom option instead of your assigned location of ProctorU or the Testing Center, please email me by 5 pm on January 5th with Zoom Option in the subject line. Note: If you choose the Zoom Option – you must do so for both tests and you can’t change back to the Testing Center or ProctorU. Also remember, there is only one Zoom time for each test. If you need more flexibility, stay with your assigned location of ProctorU or the Testing Center. Please read carefully any emails from UD Online regarding your testing location before you decide on the Zoom option. Please see the UD Online website as well.


You must work alone on each test and take the Academic Honesty Quiz.  Any suspected violations of the Honor Code will be reported to Community Standards and Conflict Resolution. There is a 55-minute time limit on each test.

Final Grade Breakdown

Course Component - The final course grade will be calculated using the following components:*

Percentage of Total



SIMnet Projects


Class Assignments, Skills Review and Practices, Other


MIS Concept Quizzes


Excel Test 1


Excel Test 2 Comprehensive


Access Test 1 Comprehensive


Excel Capstone


Access Capstone




Final Grade Notes*

o All grades are final except for obvious grading errors

o Your final grade includes bonus or extra points that may offered throughout the semester. You CANNOT ask for more bonus or extra points, with or without extra assignments or projects. Your instructor CANNOT keep on adding bonus or extra points to your final grade until you get the grade that you want

o Your instructor CANNOT round the final grade up. For example, if your final grade is 89.90, you will get B+ and NOT A-

o Your instructor CANNOT give extra or make up assignments or projects to individual students to help improve their grade. This would be unfair to the other students.

o You CANNOT ask for extra or make up assignments or projects to help improve your grade

o Your instructor reserves the right to adjust the point requirements for a given grade depending on the performance of the class as a whole

o Your instructor’s evaluation process concerning your work is not open to debate, but suggestions are welcomed

o If an assignment or quiz or test that is listed above is not assigned (e.g., because of time concerns or a change in schedule), grades will be assigned on a prorated basis using the remaining categories.

o Late assignments are not accepted. You must have an official university excused absence for any deviations from the schedule.

Course Assignments

All work for this class is to be done individually not collaboratively with other students.

The Assignments: Excel and Access assignments are due via Canvas or SimNet by the due date. All of these assignments must be done individually, not collaboratively with any other student.  See below for grade penalties for late work.

These assignments cannot be emailed directly to your instructor. For the SIMnet assignments, you must download the starter file from your SIMnet account, complete the assignment by using that file, and submit that file in your SIMnet account. If you try to submit someone else’s file or part of someone else’s file, SIMnet will detect it. This is prohibited.

Computer problems, virtual lab or other technical problems, etc. are not an excuse for submitting late work. Plan ahead. Late work will not be accepted.

If you complete the course evaluations at the end of the semester, I will drop the lowest SIMPATH, lowest SimNet project and lowest Class Assignment. Capstone projects are never eligible to be dropped. Some assignments may count more than others and will be ineligible for the drop. The evaluation deadline is set by the University and can’t be extended by me, so don’t miss this important deadline.  I will not receive any of your scores or comments until after all grades are submitted. All I receive is a list of names of those who submitted evaluations. Your feedback is very important to me. Capstone Projects, Tests, Quizzes, and MIS Concept assignments are not eligible to be dropped.

Only students with University Excused Absences, including absences for religious holidays, sports or other events where the student is representing the university are eligible to make-up missed assignments. All others will need to use one of their dropped assignments for missed assignments. Lerner College Student should email [email protected] to obtain an excused absence. Students from other colleges should check https://www1.udel.edu/registrar/students/subjects.html#aadeans for the appropriate contact person.

A penalty of 30% per day late will be assessed on any assignment submitted after the due time. This includes any assignment submitted late on the due date. A day is defined as 24 hours. Thus, any assignment submitted within 24 hours after the due date can, at best, earn 70% of the points for that assignment. Zero credit will be given for any assignment submitted more than 48 hours (2 days) after the due date.

For the SIMnet Project assignments, you must download the starter file from your SIMnet account, complete the assignment by using that file, and submit that file in your SIMnet account. If you try to submit someone else’s file or part of someone else’s file, SIMnet will detect it. SIMnet starter files are coded with your information. Using someone else’s starter file is prohibited. Some assignments will count more than others and will not be eligible for the drop. Capstone projects are never eligible to be dropped and there is only 1 submission on the Capstone projects.

No make-up is allowed for Assignments for any reason. However, see the policy regarding dropped assignments at the end of the semester. Only students with University Excused Absences, including absences for religious holidays, sports or other events where the student is representing the university are eligible to make-up assignments. All others will need to use one of their dropped assignments for missed assignments.

Capstone Projects

There are 2 capstone projects in this class: The Excel Capstone will cover all Excel materials and the Access Capstone will cover all Access materials. Each Capstone Project may have several parts. These Capstone projects must be done individually and you have only 1 submission.

You must complete these projects without assistance from other students, from the instructor (Diane Wright), or from the TA or any other person. You cannot ask anyone about how to complete the tasks in these projects. These projects are not eligible to be dropped.


As noted above our Student Hours will be delivered via Zoom.  Your cameras should be turned on when are speaking/asking a question. If you have any reason that you cannot turn on the camera, please let me know.  If you are using a Zoom background, it must be professional and suited for a business interview. You must use your first and last name as it appears on the roster. If you are using a Zoom profile picture, it must be your picture and business professional. When you join office hours or student hours, your camera should be on when you are speaking/asking a question. If your behavior is disruptive in any way, as determined by the instructor, you will be asked to leave Student Hours immediately or you may be removed from the Zoom hours or muted.  You may also be reported to Judicial Affairs – Office of Student Conduct.  Do not share the Zoom Student Hour links with anyone. You must login using your UDEL account and UDEL email. If I do not see your name on my roster, I will not admit you from the waiting room. Any disruptions will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct and UD IT security.

Grading Scale

Students will be assigned the following letter grade based on the calculation coming from the course assessment section.




93 - 100


90 - <93


87 - <90


83 - <87


80 - <83


77 - <80


73 - <77


70 - <73


67 - <70


63 - <67


60 - <63



Course Calendar

NOTE:  This syllabus may change regarding due dates and assignments.  A current version of the schedule can be found on the course Canvas site. Your instructor will notify the class when the syllabus changes. ADDITIONAL/OTHER HOMEWORK, ASSIGNMENTS AND QUIZZES (Excel, Access, MIS, Other) WILL BE ADDED AT THE INSTRUCTOR’S DISCRETION.

For your reference: the official UD academic calendar 


Topics and Assignments

Module 1



All Module 1 assignments are due by Noon on Wednesday January 10th

Excel Chapter 1 Creating and Editing Workbooks

· SIMPath Chapter 1

· SIMNET projects as assigned

Excel Chapter 2 Working with Formulas and Functions

· SIMPath Chapter 2 NOTE:

· SIMNET projects as assigned

Excel Classes as assigned

Module 1 Reviews and Skills Practices as Assigned

Excel Practice Test 1

Discussion Post Introduction


Excel Test 1: Wednesday 1/10 to Friday 1/12

Module 2

Week 2


All Module 2 assignments are due by Noon on Wednesday January 17th



 Excel Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Charts

· SIMPath Chapter 3

· SimNet Projects as assigned

Excel Chapter 4 Formatting Organizing and Getting Data

· SIMPath Chapter 4

· SimNet Projects as assigned

Excel Classes as assigned

Module 2 Reviews and Skills Practices

MIS Concept Quizzes




Module 3

Week 3


All Module 3 Assignments are due by noon on Wednesday 1/24

Excel Advanced Formulas

· SimBook Chapter 6 Lesson Addition

· Excel Classes as assigned

· Skills and Practice 1

· Skills and Practice 2

· Skills and Practice 3

· Capstone Project

· Excel Practice Test 2

· MIS Concept Quizzes


Excel Test 2 Comprehensive: Wednesday 1/24 to Friday 1/26

Module 4

Week 4

All Module 4 assignments are due by Noon on Wednesday 1/31

 Access Chapter 1 Creating a Database and Tables

SIMPATH Access Chapter 1

SimNet Projects for Access Chapter 1    

Access Chapter 2 Using Design View, Data Validation, Relationships

SIMPATH Access Chapter 2

SimNet Projects for Access Chapter 2

Access Chapter 3 Creating and Using Queries

SIMPATH Access Chapter 3

SimNet Projects for Access Chapter 3

Access Advanced Queries

Access Classes as assigned

Access Advanced Query Skills and Practices

Other practices as assigned

Access Practice Comprehensive Test


Module 4 Reviews and Skills Practices as Assigned


Access Capstone Project

Work alone. No outside help of any kind. Treat as a take home quiz. Only 1 submission.


MIS Concept Quizzes


Access Test 1 Comprehensive: Friday 2/2 to Saturday 2/3