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MET AD654 A1 Marketing Analytics Spring 2019


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MET AD654 A1

Marketing Analytics

Spring 2019 ONLINE

Course Objectives

The course aims to introduce students to the foundations of modern marketing analytics by developing the ability to select, apply and interpret readily available data on customer purchase behavior, new customer acquisition, current customer retention, and marketing mix optimization. The course focuses on providing knowledge of approaches and techniques to support the managerial decision-making process and skills in using state of the art statistical and analytics tools.

Students will have an opportunity to gain basic understanding of how transactional and descriptive data are used to construct customer segmentation schemas, build and calibrate predictive models, and quantify the incremental impact of specific marketing actions. This course is for individuals who have little to no marketing background who want to learn more about marketing analytics - and for marketing professionals who want to increase their analytical skill set. The main objectives are to:

1.    Structure market and competitive analysis using common business and strategic frameworks

2.    Develop understand and apply marketing analytic tools and frameworks

3.    Increase current capability for doing  marketing analytics to address business challenges in order to help guide organizational decision-making

4.    Learn the current state-of-the-art and ideas about marketing analytics through current books, articles, and cases 5.    Apply marketing-analytics models and methods to real data

Prerequisite course: AD571 Business analytics foundations, AD100 Pre-analytics laboratory

Course design greatly leverages the work of Dr. Jennifer Lee, BU Met Associate Professor, and Dr. Vladimir Zlatev

Course Materials

1.    Required text - Stephan Sorger, Marketing Analytics: Strategic Models and Metrics, 1e CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2013, ISBN-10: 1481900307; ISBN-13: 978-1481900300

2.    Software: Microsoft Excel. In some classes, we will use an MS Excel Add-in called Frontline Analytic Solver

Platform. This add-in is preinstalled on all virtual computers within our virtual laboratories. For directions to get free remote access to our BU MET Virtual Labs, please visit http://www.bu.edu/metit/pc-labs/virtual-labs/

3.    HBS Coursepack – Link to be posted

Course Instructor

Ted Chan - Executive Practitioner and Instructor

A skilled innovator, strategist and social entrepreneur, Ted Chan has more than 15 years of experience in management  consulting and information technology solution architecture. He has dedicated his career to utilizing user-friendly digital solutions, data science, and analytics to transform everyday challenges facing consumers.

Ted is currently CEO of CareDash, the web’s fastest growing doctor review website, with over 1M healthcare searchers per month.   Ted created CareDash after noticing two troubling trends on healthcare review sites: healthcare providers serving certain segments of the U.S. population were underrepresented and many existing sites accepted financial compensation in exchange for removal of negative provider feedback. These practices have made access to information about the quality of provider care more difficult for large segments of Americans. CareDash's vision is to create transparency for healthcare consumers, and transforming the patient experience of finding and scheduling a provider.

Prior to CareDash, Ted founded Upward Mobility, a leader in mobile education delivery with more than 150 apps across six platforms, including PracticeQuiz.com (one of the world's most popular free test prep sites) and DynamicPath.com. Upward Mobility provides cost-effective educational materials to over 3 million users a year. Ted has also served as a management consultant with Cartesian, advising C-level executives on strategy in the telecom, media and technology space.

Tedis regarded as a leading global expert in consumer internet and digital media marketing strategy. As a consultant, Ted led the buildout of an enterprise product line in Australia, recommended the deployment of Android in Japan, and helped design a most popular mobile music streaming services.

Ted graduated with High Honors from Swarthmore College, and holdsa MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management. Ted also has a certificate from the Boston University Metropolitan College in Enterprise Risk Management.

Teaching Style: My teaching style is highly interactive and discussion driven.  As an experienced business executive, my goal is to bring illustrative industry examples and make frameworks feel actionable.  Many business frameworks are useful for your own thinking or as an initial heuristic, but are rarely used for modern business deliverables or frameworks. At the end of the day, post-graduate marketing is being able to argue in a professional setting with concepts and data. My goal is to develop that capability for you in a safe and energetic environment. If you do the readings and come prepared, I promise you we will have a great time.

.    Note class on , April 15 is moved to April 17

** Note class on Feb is moved to Feb 19th unless it is outright cancelled or rescheduled (Ted has an outstanding conflict)

Grading Structure and Distribution

Your final grade be based on the following:

Assignment s

Exercise Write-up #1 (Conjoint)




Exercise Write-up #2  (Rosewood)


Exercise Write-up #3 (Regression)


Exercise Write-up #4 (Funnel)


2Tests (max.10 gr. points/test)


Online/In-class discussions:

Bb class discussion forums (5 forums X 3 gr. points) In-class discussions (max 10 gr. points)


Paper #1

Final Paper and Presentation





Grade Converter

%               Points           Grade

96-100         4.00                A

91-95.99      3.67                A-

86-90.99      3.33               B+

81-85.99      3.00                B

76-80.99      2.67                B-

71-75.99      2.33               C+

66-70.99      2.00               C

61-65.99      1.67               C-

56-60.99       1.33              D+

51-55.99       1.00              D

0-50.99           0                F

We will follow the Boston University, Metropolitan College, recommendations concerning grading standards. As such, A and A- grades are awarded for superior class work.

Timely Presentation of Materials Due

All work requests from the instructor (quizzes, assignments, contributions in the teamwork, etc.) have due dates. These are the LAST DATES that stated material is due. This means that it is a good idea to set personal targets before then as your personal completion date to avoid difficulties. Please consider this a fact and not a subject for discussion. Dates are often viewed by students as the date to turn in an assignment. We view assignment due dates as the LAST DATE on which to turn in an assignment. With this warning please note that we are not inclined to accept late work; if late work should be accepted it will be done only after considerable weighing of rationale, and with penalty.

Submission Format and Academic Standards

All written contributions should follow the APA writing style, in particular, the requirements how to layout a paper, as well ashow to cite and reference correctly. Several guides (e.g. how to apply analytics methods or how to prepare for   the assignments) are provided in the Tutorials section of our course website.

The university's policy and consequences regarding plagiarism are clearly described in the official Boston University documents, and will beenforced without any compromises.

You are expected to abide by Boston University academic conduct code. Any work you submit has to be your own or

your fair share of a group project. It is your responsibility, as a student, to be aware of the code’scontents. (See

Appendix 4) For the full text of the academic conduct code, please gotohttp://www.bu.edu/met/for- students/met- policies-procedures-resources/academic-conduct-code/

Online/In-Class Discussions

Class discussions will take place both online (via Blackboard Discussion Forum) and in-class. Instructor will upload the discussion topics and notify students via email announcements. Students are expected to post their opinions on Blackboard AND read and/or react to their classmates’ posts. Active participation is strongly suggested. Discussion grading criteria can be found at the end of the syllabus (see Appendix 1).

Please note that I open all classes with cases with a cold call by randomly selecting a name, and asking a question related to case. You should come to class prepared to lead discussion.

Class Discussion Forums

Discussion Topics

Module 1: Group Discussions


Introduce Yourself: Create a message to introduce yourself to your fellow students, facilitator, and instructor. Write a paragraph or two about yourself, your interests, and your expectations for this course. This discussion will not be graded.


Select a company you are interested in studying in great depth this semester. Use it to conduct your 5 Forces market analysis in the Facilitated Session. Post highlights of your analysis in the discussion forum.


Address all questions below:

1.    What marketing channels have you worked with?  Online, print, TV, indirect, telesales etc. Talk about how you measured them through the funnel.

2.    How does the company you selected for the semester market?  What do you think their funnels look like, and what are the key metrics?

3.    Discuss what you have learned through the hands-on individual exercises (e.g., methodological procedures, results, any difficulties you faced, and takeaways).


Address all questions below:

1.    What are some examples of products you think would benefit from conjoint analysis?

2.    What are product feature considerations for your selected company for this semester?  How do you think they decide what to include and how do you think they approach pricing?


Address all questions below:

1.    What segments does your selected company for this semester use? How do you think they identified and selected it?

2.   Are there segments your company doesn’taddress?

D5;  Group Discussions

Address one of the questions below:

1. What marketing analytics technique do you find most powerful and/or appealing to you? Why? Compare it and contrast it to another technique.

2. Post about a new data-driven technique or company that has emerged in the last 5 years. Why is it interesting to you?

3. What is your personal opinion on privacy as it related to consumer internet targeting data?

4. Discuss what you have learned through the hands-on individual exercises (e.g., methodological procedures, results, any difficulties you faced, and takeaways).

Group Project

The group assignments will evaluate students’ ability to apply the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the course material. Each assignment will include a managerial report (submitted as a Word file), and well-organized appendices. You are expected to apply the quantitative and qualitative methods discussed in class to a real marketing problem.

The Group Project will take the form of a real world business deliverable. The client can be hypothetical or applied. If you wish to do an applied project, I will source an industry partner for you.  Example formats include:

.    Start-up Business / Marketing Plan

.    Advertising Strategy for a Company

.    Advise a Management Company

.    Corporate Business Plan

.     New Product Design and Launch

.     IDC/Gartner Style Market Research Report

My goal is to work with you to create an analysis and presentation you would present in a corporate setting. If you do actually use the report in the real world, I’ll be even more excited!

Paper 1- Market Sizing and Proposed Deep Dive Marketing Analysis

Imagine you are in charge of marketing strategy for a key decision maker.  This could be a CEO, head of a business line,   venture capitalist, or yourself as a startup CEO.  Or you’d like to create a market research report to sell. The possibilities are endless.  Form a group of 5 to work with, and talk through a proposed topic during Week 2.

In deliverable 1, you analyze the size of the market, and propose an plan to dive deeper into the market, with an overview of potential business opportunities.

(1) Problemselection and background market research

.    Select a type of industry and an existing firm.

.     Discuss in detail about the current market environment by using analytic techniques such as: Market sizing, perceptual map, forecasting, pricing, promotions, PESTLE Market analysis, Porters five forces analysis, etc.

.     Utilize secondary data sources, and other market sizing techniques to provide a high level estimate of the overall market

.     Purpose: To build background understanding of the chosen industry and firm

(2) Research question setting and data collection plan

.     Based on the background research, analyze marketing issues that you intend to solve and discuss why it is critical to solve the problem.

.    State your research question(s).

.     Discuss the type of quantitative/qualitative data necessary to address your research question(s).

.     Discuss your data collection plan.

.     Purpose: To propose a set of practical research questions for paper 2

.     Paper 1 format: Max 10 pages, double-spaced (excluding appendix and reference list). Follow APA citation rules. Include abstract, intro, body, conclusion, and reference list.

Interim presentation #1:

.     Present a PowerPoint slide with an initial market sizing and structural analysis

.    Will not be graded but there will be discussions and constructive feedback

.     Interim presentation format: 5-min PowerPoint presentation

Interim presentation #2:

.     Present Paper 1 findings and plans for Paper 2.

.    Will not be graded but there will be discussions and constructive feedback

.     Interim presentation format: 5-min PowerPoint presentation

Paper 2

(1) Analysis of data

.    State a set of testable hypotheses based on your research question(s).

.    Collect existing organizational data and/or conduct a survey. Describe the data collection procedure in detail.

.     Data source: Primary and secondary data

.     Based on the data you collected, build a model of your choice, analyze the data, test the hypotheses, and interpret the result.

.     Purpose: To model data

(2) Interpretation of data and strategy recommendation

.     In your own words, analyze how your model results may help improve the selected firm and the industry.

.    Analyze the limitations of your research and how it can be improved in the future.

.    Suggest future research.

.     Purpose: To yield practical implications that can provide actionable insight to the firm

.     Format: Max 10 pages, double-spaced (excluding appendix and reference list). Follow APA citation rules. Include abstract, intro, body, conclusion, and reference list.

Final presentation

.     Based on Paper 1 and 2, each student will make a presentation summarizing all findings and implications. Presentations will be evaluated for content and presentation skills.

.    All students should submit their presentation slides (Microsoft Powerpoint recommended) on Blackboard by 11:59 p.m. on the day before the presentation.

.    Format: 15-min powerpoint presentation - please imagine you arepresenting to a senior executive. 3 Tests (10%*3 = 30%)

Three tests will be based on all the materials discussed prior to the quiz date (lectures and assignments). Specific formats will be announced.