关键词 > LM37281

LM37281 Marketing Communications


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Assignment/Coursework Remit

Programme Title

MSC Marketing

Module Title

Marketing Communications

Module Code


Assignment Title

Marketing Communications Content





Hand Out Date


Deadline Date & Time


12pm noon

Feedback Post Date

20 working days after submission

Assignment Format


Assignment Length

5 minutes video content and 500 word supporting document

Submission Format




Having decided what needs to be communicated in the first assignment you can now create sample material as a response. So you have an audience and a communication aim, and then you show how you might meet that aim with mocked-up creative content. The  creative content can be video or text, but should be no more that 5 minutes, or 1000 words (or a combination where 1 minute equals 200 words). In most cases the creative work may be less than 5 minutes and there is no minimum. Some of the best communications content is very short; very little is as long as 5 minutes. So you will:

1. Decide on what you want to create. This might be a viral video, blogs, video content, twitter posts, Tik Tok video, a Facebook post, etc, etc. Or some combination

2. Write and produce your video, including signposting of what it is (‘ a blog post’, ‘Youtube video content’, etc)

3. Post as one video file and/or one text file (i.e., edit into no more than one video and one text file)

You should also an explaination of how this work meets the communication aim from assignment one and statement of what your content is (i.e., 2 videos for TikTok; a YouTube video; a Facebook page; a series of posts to twitter). This should be no more than 500 words

So you will submit both creative content, and a supporting explanatory document


1. Can I use more than one approach?

Yes, but think of the time and word limit. The mark is for the quality of what you do, not the volume. So if you have more content than fits, just go with your best ideas

2. What if my idea is more that 5 minutes/1000 words?

You are presenting a sample, so just make that clear. But note that much marketing communications content online is shorter than the allowance given

3. Can I post content to the internet?

Don’t even think it. Under no circumstances should any material go live. By taking part in the assignment you are undertaking to protect the client. So you should never post mocked-up content with the client’s name, or other details. There may also be IP issues and you’ll want to avoid then. If in any doubt on this, you should ask your tutor.

4. Can I use other people, music, video clips in my content?

You sure can (and this is one reason why they should never go live). Obviously you won’t get many marks if you just show an ad someone else made, so don’t do that, but if you want to use ‘actors’ (not real ones), or sound, or show an image, or even short clip as part of you content, you can. You can also just state what music, or image you would use if you can’t edit it

5. Do I need to include references?

No, there isn’t any need to include separate references. You might include in the explanation though and if you do the references are not included in the word count .

6. How professional do these need to be?

They are a mock up, so they don’t need to have any polish. There are no marks for ‘craft skills’, only for creativity meeting the communication aim.

7. What editing software do I need to use?

Any. You can shoot video on your phone if you like and use built in software. Or you can download free editing software. Part of the task is figuring this all out so that you are more comfortable working with content, and uploading it

8. What format should I use when uploading?

Use MP4 for video and Word is fine for text. Remember to compress video so that the files are a manageable size. Remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that markers can view what you upload.

Other help and support

You can contact your module tutor to get additional support on your assignments, including during office hours. There will also be specific time set aside in the module to discuss your work and get formative feedback. You can also use the module discussion board to share ideas and ask questions.

But you can also help each other. Note that your work is criterion references and not norm referenced. This means your work is assessed according to the criteria and not in reference to other students work. So you are not in competition. And that means you can discuss your ideas and approaches with each other. You can also ‘star’ in each others’ content and share tips on using software. And you can practice presenting to each other. As long as you don’t actually copy someone else’s ideas informal collaboration is a good thing. Where students discus work with each other the outcome is usually a higher overall set of marks for the cohort.  

Module Learning Outcomes:

This is how these activities will meet the module learning outcomes:

LO1 Demonstrate a critical and comprehensive understanding of varied marketing communications tools, including those made available by emerging technologies

LO4 Critically discuss the ethical issues surrounding marketing communications and their role in culture and society.

LO5 Demonstrate creative presentation skills.

Grading Criteria:

See below

Feedback to Students:

Both Summative and Formative feedback is given to encourage students to reflect on their learning that feed forward into following assessment tasks. The preparation for all assessment tasks will be supported by formative feedback within the tutorials/seminars. Written feedback is provided as appropriate.  Please be aware to use the browser and not the Canvas App as you may not be able to view all comments.


It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing practices. You are expected to use appropriate references and keep carefully detailed notes of all your information sources, including any material downloaded from the Internet. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are not vulnerable to any alleged breaches of the assessment regulations. More information is available at https://intranet.birmingham.ac.uk/as/registry/policy/conduct/plagiarism/index.aspx.

Use of Generative AI:  

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, students should assume that the use of generative AI within an assessment or assignment is not permitted.  Any assessment submitted that is not a student’s own work, including that written by generative AI tools, are in breach of the University’s Code of Practice on Academic Integrity (https://intranet.birmingham.ac.uk/as/registry/policy/conduct/plagiarism/index.aspx

Wellbeing Extenuating Circumstances:

The process for Extenuating Circumstances is to support students who have experienced unforeseen issues that have impacted their ability to engage with their studies and/or complete assessments. Students should notify Wellbeing of any extenuating circumstances as soon as possible via the online form, following the guidance provided.


Assessment Critera Rubric


Unsatisfactory <39

Poor 40-49

Satisfactory 50-59

Good 60-69

Very good 70-79

Excellent 80>


How content addresses communications need(s)

Very poor/no link to communication needs

A poor link to communication needs

Meets communication needs is a satisfactory way

Meets communication needs in a good way

Meets communication needs in a very good way

Meets communication needs in an excellent way


Appropriate use of platform(s)

Inappropriate platofrm and/or use of platform(s)

A poor choice and/or use of platform(s)

A satisfactory  choice and use of platform(s)

A good choice and use of platform(s)

A very good choice and use of platform(s)

An excellent choice and use of platform(s)


Creativity and originality in content message(s)

Uncreative and unoriginal content

Content lacks either creativity or originality

Content shows some  creativity or originality

Content is both creativite and original

Content is both very creativite and original

Creativity  and  originality of content is excellent


Quality of execution (i.e., how message is communicated)

Execution is flawed and ineffective

there are some significant flaws in execution, and/or it may not be very effective

Execution is effective

Execution is good

Execution is very good

execution is excellent