关键词 > EB3409

EB3409 Language & Culture of Marketing and Advertising around the World 2023-24


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Module Title: Language & Culture of Marketing and Advertising around the World

Module Code: EB3409

Assignment 2: Individual Report

Academic Year 2023-24

Level 6

This assessment is worth 60% of the overall module mark


▪ The word limit on this assessment is 1000 words (+/- 10%).

▪ Investigate and then critically analyse a Marketing Campaign using the following theme:

“Cultural differences in marketing”

▪ Choose a marketing campaign to examine as a case study for analysis, either from the UK or a country of your choice. Compare and contrast the chosen campaign with the marketing environment in another country. For instance, if you are examining a French product marketing campaign, assess its viability in countries like China or the USA. Provide reasoned justifications for your arguments.

▪ Make sure to write in full sentences and use appropriate business language. Include relevant theories when applicable.

▪ You are expected to show evidence of learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3 listed in the Module Information Pack.

▪ This assessment is worth 60% weighting of the module.

▪ The marking criteria is available on Blackboard. Please familiarise yourself with this before you begin your research.

Although you may structure your report as you see fit, it should consist of the following:

1. Introduction

2. A brief description of your chosen marketing campaign

3. A comparison with the marketing environment in another country of your choice. You should give reasons for any similarities or differences by referring to academic sources covered in lectures/seminars and by your own research of online resources as well as books, journals, etc. You should not just rely on websites for information but use the e-library from the university to find appropriate articles, either from academic journals or from marketing publications. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA AS A SOURCE!

4. A conclusion

5. Please include a bibliography that adheres to academic standards. Additionally, provide a link to your chosen case study marketing campaign.

It is not necessary to include an executive summary or recommendations as these are not appropriate for this report. However, you should number the sections of your report in the accepted format.

Assessment Criteria:

• Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of theory related to marketing communications.

• Good attempts at connecting theory with real-life practice.

• Evidence of subject reading.

• Include references to theories and authors within the report without explaining the theories. Provide a comprehensive list of references at the end of the report.

• Appropriate report format.


• You are required to use academic sources to support your arguments and recommendations. Use theory where appropriate, do not simply state the theory.

• You are advised to attend sessions on how to prepare for tests, language skills, how to use Blackboard, etc. run by the University. For details, contact your course leader or year tutor.

• Link to reading list can be found here: http://readinglists.central-lancashire.ac.uk/modules/eb3309.html

• Students must familiarise themselves with the material in the Course Handbook and Module Information Pack (available on blackboard) on plagiarism, penalties for late submission and extenuating circumstances. Students should include the following declaration in their work:

“We confirm that this assignment which we have submitted is all our own work and the source of any information and material we have used (including the Internet) has been fully identified and properly acknowledged as required in the School guidelines we have received.”

• Any electronic submission of work will in any event be deemed to have agreed to this declaration.

• Material covered in the sessions related to the topics for the assignment should be used as a starting point. Do not simply restate what was covered in the lecture or what you have read in the literature. Develop an analysis of the key issues using secondary material to support points or to forward the case that you are presenting.

• Simple statements of opinion or prescriptive assertions are not adequate to the task: you need to back up your arguments with evidence and examples, e.g., from other case or survey studies.

• If you need any further guidance, including locating or identifying secondary material, please arrange to see your tutor.

• How much to read?

- Students are often concerned about the number of sources they should read and reference. There is no exact answer to this. The wider the reading the greater the likelihood the student will understand the issues they are being asked to discuss. It is recommended that students read a number of textbooks and a number of more specialist academic sources (journals, practitioner publications). Please remember using, reading and referencing material quoted in lectures is acceptable, but citing lecture slides is not! Even with a report style of assignment, your work must be fully referenced.

- Material drawn from Internet sources should be used with caution and care and should NOT be used as an alternative for a properly researched and argued report using academic sources.


Assessment Release date: W/b 16th October 2023

Assessment Deadline Date and time: 10th January 2024 11:59pm

Your feedback/feed forward and mark for this assessment will be provided 15 working days after submission.


• You are required to upload your completed report on Turnitin via Blackboard. If you are unsure about how to do this, contact your module leader. No email copies are permitted. If you submit after the deadline without an approved extension, your assessment will be penalised according to the University regulations on late submission.